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Donor reception held on 60th anniversary, full participation reported by six areas in UCS crusade, camera clubs plan Grand Canyon film, plant physiology expert plans to lecture, students faculty to participate in community fair, San Bernardino stationers contribute dictating equipment
Inside this issue:
- Initial Donor Reception Held on 60th Anniversary
- Full Participation Reported By Six Areas in DCS Crusade
- Camera Clubs Plan Grand Canyon Film
- Students, Faculty To Participate In Community Fair
- Plant Physiology Expert to Lecture
- San Bernardino Stationers Contribute Dictating Equipment
- Record Librarians Will Participate In National Meet
- Campus Fellowship Plans Ranch Retreat
- Guest Editorial, Too Sheltered from Need?
- A Broad Base for Guidance
- Letters To the Editor
- Pettis Scheduled For Address Here On October 27
- This Month In Loma Linda University History
- [ Book Talk ] Proposed: Controlled Controversy To Advantage Medicine
- Utah Dental Clinic Nears Completion (pictorial)
- University Picnic (pictorial)
- Scholarships Given Dietetics Students
- [ Calendar of Future Events ]
- Research Fish Gone, 'Memory' Remains
- [ University Placement ]
- Marshall Attends Therapy Confab
- Lecturer Tells Music Techniques
- Jr. - Sr. SM Outing (pictorial)
- Guild Raises $500 For Palsy Clinic
- Free Tabs Offered For Winter Concert
- Representatives Due From Atlantic Union
- Halloween Party Slated October 29
- Certificates, Pins Awarded Eleven Dietetic Interns
- Attends Workshop On Diet Computers
- Students Offered Discount Tickets
- Meet University Personnel...
-- Russell L. Potter Hardware Store Manager
Publication Date
Loma Linda University
Loma Linda
Physical rights are retained by the institution. Copyright is retained in accordance with U. S. Copyright laws.
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Recommended Citation
Loma Linda University, "Scope - Volume 03, Number 29" (1966). Scope.