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Contributing Authors

Richard W. Weismeyer; Marjorie L. Nelson; Peggy M. Hanson; Alice E. Gregg; John E. Crowder; Edith H. Williams; Guy M. Hunt, MD; Maurice D. Hodgen, EdD


2000 physicians expected annual conclave, alumni-student convention March 6-7, survey SDA's more health


Inside this issue:

- 2000 physicians expected to attend annual conclave
- Alumni-Student Convention scheduled for March 6 and 7
- Joint research study, Survey reveals SDA's are more healthy
- Valentine's banquet set for February 13
- Your health
- Adventist 'Peace Corps'
- Scientist to speak at Graduate School banquet on March 2
- Native Californian artist contest opens
- Monteith lecture set for May during SN alumni homecoming
- School of Medicine auxiliary will sponsor benefit program
- [ Book Talk ] Jesus -God and Man
- Kalindha Club raises money to sponsor three orphanages
- Intramural ski meet at Snow Valley will be held February 16
- Homecoming day slated for former La Sierra students
- [ University Placement ]
- Four LLU alumnae named outstanding
- Benefit program, radio columnist top women's auxiliary activities
- Noted authors will appear at book fair
- [ Calendar of Future Events ]
- Benefit program, 'Citrus Belters' concert set for La Sierra campus
- Pink ladies attend area council meet
- Births
- Former missionary, employee authors book on plastics
- New officers elected by public health student association
- Medicine, dentistry, Early acceptances announced
- Nursing, Alumni News
- Custom-made Casavant pipe organ set for installation at La Sierra
- Director appointed for University relations office
- Men's singles tennis tournament set for February 9, 16, 23
- School of Dentistry -refresher courses offered March 6-8
- Community chorus to present Handel's Israel in Egypt'
- Special projects fund established in physician's memory
- Mitzelfelt Chorale concert scheduled for LA Music Center
- Vietnamese hospital receives supplies by unusual method
- School of medicine class officers named
- Service action corps initiated by UCF
- Kettering Medical Center, Residency program approved
- [ Book Talk ] Man and Aggression
- Riverside symphony conceit scheduled
- Dates set for MBA annual homecoming
- Physicians invited to attend open house, surgical seminar
- Canada club annual reunion announced
- School of Medicine receives $40,000 in research grant
- Audiovisual Service hosts seminar, Two-week TV course is first in planned series
- Studio equipped by SM class of 1942 gift
- Closed-circuit TV facilities available at La Sierra
- Channel 3 - Closed-circuit TV Schedule
- Continuing Medical Education program series shown by AV
- Medical Television Network supplies weekly program
- TV cables extend over campus
- AV offers extensive services to University
- Instruction, research are aims of audiovisual television service





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Loma Linda University


Loma Linda

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Scope - Volume 06, Number 02
