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two-campus 'Peace Corps' launched, Mark Hatfield urges word service at APC, Alumni and students tribute Cr. Prince, University extension programs approved, nursing alumni will look at youth problems
Inside this issue:
- Two-campus 'Peace Corps' launched, Selections result of personality, character
- Mark Hatfield urges world service at APC
- University Extension programs approved
- Alumni and students join in tribute to Dr. Prince
- Summer session seminars set for 1970 term
- Nursing alumni will look at youth problems
- Guest Editorial, A student responds to 'K-70'
- The threat of mediocrity
- La Sierra Alumni Association comes of age
- Special training prepares student missionaries
- Physical therapists meet to study developments in rehabilitation
- [Book Talk ]
- School of Dentistry expansion plans get nod from trustees
- Groundbreaking for agriculture building set for next week
- Alumni honor graduates, student
- Council seeks new religious program
- A salute to M. Webster Prince
- La Sierra alumni give $12,000 to Schrillo Fund
- SM professor finds new way to fight cancer
- Students move to meet local human needs
- Interviews are conducted with future missionaries
- La Sierra directory for alumni available
- University dentist pioneers in the management of pain
- Kaleidoscope 70 ... as viewed by ... photographer Steve Brown (pictorial)
- Broadcasting Service launched
- Jewish physician reports impact of mission hospital
- University lecturer heads Adventist service teams
- Students begin spiritual ministry clinical training program
- New program in community dental service
- Help needed to locate lost nurses
- Placement council calls for increase in student loans
- Honors program spurs research
- New disposable thermometer is developed her
- Wifely arts to be studied in 'Fascinating Womanhood' class
- [ University Placement ]
- School of Nursing alumni directory
- New standard reached by SM class gift
- Silver Anniversary events stimulating to students
- 'The Christian and his Environment' is topic (or ecology conference
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Loma Linda University
Loma Linda
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Loma Linda University, "Scope - Volume 07, Number 06" (1970). Scope.