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Contributing Authors

Tor Lidar; Carrol J. Mills; Alice E. Gregg; Lucille D. Hopp; Oliver L. Jacques; John Parrish; Jerry Wiley; Catherine Graf; Maynard V. Campbell; Bessie B. Wat; Keld J. Reynolds


323 graduate, commencement, Medical Center building starts, Scope to appear bi-monthly, crews rebuild Risley hall, biochemistry building planned


Inside this issue:

- Immense Opportunity Foreseen as 323 Graduate; Bldg. Program Starts
- Scope to Appear Bi-Monthly Till New School Year
- Dr. Hunt Attends Specialty Course
- Cafeteria to Open All Day June 7
- Crews Rebuild E. Risley Hall; Biochemistry Bldg. Planned
- Much More Than a Hospital
- SM Class of '66 Elects Officers
- A School's Relationships
- Dentists' Honor Society Initiates Members,- Students Receive Awards
- [ Book Talk ]
- Alumni Teach Vegetarian Cooking in Stockholm, Sweden
- PR Office Will Guide Tours of University Campus
- Development Office Sets Pace for University Growth, Hires New Men
- Alumni Return from Hong Kong; Deliver First Airborn Twins
- County Names Gray A Finance Advisor
- Governor Hears Report About University Hospital Surgery
- University, Area People Give Donations to Buy Youth Bus
- James Wise Named Class President
- [ editor's mail bag ]
- Memorials for University Medical Center To Include Every Area of Patients' Care
- Patient Writes to University Hospital
- Two '64 Graduates To Serve Mission During Vacation
- League of Alumni Earns Respect of Mexicans for Extensive Assistance
- Trustees Affirm Changes In Faculty for New Year
- University President Speaks Of Happy Surprises in Life
- GS Nurses Study for World Service
- Featured Speaker, Dr. Wilbur Stands Tall Among Educators
- Women's Auxiliary Honors Special Guests at Meeting
- Coeds Honor Past President, Elect Kalindha Officers
- Women's Auxiliary Installs Officers At Luncheon Meet
- PT Alumni Elect J. Toews President
- God;s Cathedral For Youth
- Donors Urge Generosity
- Jerry Pettis Wins in Primary
- [ Events Calendar ]
- [ University Placement Service ]
- Commencement, Marriage 'Go Together' at LLU
- Dial 248 for Files, Records!





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Loma Linda University


Loma Linda

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34,750 KB

Scope - Volume 01, Number 39
