A pilot study was conducted in which twelve children with galactosemia were selected to determine if a correlation existed between the dietary intake of calories, protein, calcium and vitamin D, and the skeletal age of each child. The selected nutrients were compared with the Recommended Daily allowances as revised in 1963. The skeletal ages were determined by the standards as established by Greulich and Pyle (36).
The medical records of these twelve galactosemic children were studied for previous data pertinent to their growth and development. The data which were especially emphasized were: nutritional information and skeletal radiological reports. To receive more information on the nutritional intake of calories, protein, calcium and vitamin D, a 3-day nutritional history form was mailed to the parent of each child once a month for a period of six months.
Because of the large lapse in time between the collection of nutritional data and the skeletal age reports, a correlation between these two factors was not possible in all cases. Of the twelve children selected for the study, only four could be used to determine a graphic correlation. Consequently, in this study, there was no definite correlation seen between the nutritional status of galactosemic children and their skeletal age.
It was concluded that based on results obtained, investigation should be continued before significant statements could be made.
Graduate Studies
First Advisor
Phyllis Acosta
Second Advisor
Richard Koch
Third Advisor
Nord Nation
Fourth Advisor
Elizabeth Wenz
Fifth Advisor
Julia Swarner
Degree Name
Master of Science (MS)
Degree Level
Year Degree Awarded
Date (Title Page)
Library of Congress/MESH Subject Headings
Age Determination by Skeleton; Nutrition -- in infancy & childhood.
Page Count
vii; 62
Digital Format
Digital Publisher
Loma Linda University Libraries
Usage Rights
This title appears here courtesy of the author, who has granted Loma Linda University a limited, non-exclusive right to make this publication available to the public. The author retains all other copyrights.
Recommended Citation
Harper, Jessie Merle, "A Pilot Study of the Relation of Selected Nutritional Factors to Skeletal Age of Galactosemic Children" (1964). Loma Linda University Electronic Theses, Dissertations & Projects. 565.
Loma Linda University Electronic Theses and Dissertations
Collection Website
Loma Linda University. Del E. Webb Memorial Library. University Archives