"Utilization of Men Nurses as a Factor in Attracting Men into the Profe" by Arne Melvin Dahlsten


Statement of Problem:

Would more men enter and remain in nursing, if the Seventh-day Adventist denomination would recognize the professional skills of qualified men nurses and utilize them on the same basis on which they utilize the professional skills of a qualitied women nurses?


The normative-survey method was employed in this study, to collect the necessary data. Two groups of men were used in the survey; men nurses who graduated from Seventh-day Adventist schools of nursing between the periods 1950 to 1955, and college men representing the two lower division classes.

Summary of Findings:

From eighty-six men graduates, forty-five responded to the questionnaire, giving a 52.3 percent response.

The data revealed that the participants resided in twenty-one states and one foregin country.

Ninety-three percent were married, supporting families numbering from one to six dependents.

Nearly 56 percent were veterans of World War II, while only 38 percent were non-veterans.

Sixteen, or 35.6 percent of the graduates were in active nursing, while twenty-none, or 64.4 percent had left the field. Twenty-two from those not in nursing, were anesthetists, and the remaining seven were in various lines of work. Of all the graduates who went into nursing intending to make it a career, only 50 percent remained in the field, and 80 percent of these men expressed themselves as being satisfied with nursing. They represented all levels, such as, (1) administration, (2) supervision, and (3) staff.

The graduates who were not in nursing, over 52 percent stated that they were not satisfied with nursing, and 48 percent said they were.

Eighty-one percent of the graduates who remained in nursing said that it offered them a challenge, whereas 58 percent in the non-nursing group thought nursing was a challenge.

Their professional skills were utilized in 56 percent of those who remained in nursing, and only 27.6 percent in the non-nursing group though their skills were utilized.

Eighty percent of all of the graduates surveyed thought that there were opportunities for men nurses in the denomination. However, the lack of status and inadequate salaries have discouraged many men nurses to remain in nursing.

Information from college men revealed, almost without exception, that they thought there was a place for men in the same capacity as women nurses, with emphasis on aspects regarding physical strength.

Thirty-two percent of the college men thought that men who took nursing were of mediocre intellectual ability, and were poorly adjusted individuals.

The study revealed that only 18 percent of the 116 college men had ever heard of a program to recruit men into the field of nursing.

LLU Discipline





Graduate Studies

First Advisor

Anne P. Martin

Second Advisor

Catherine N. Graf

Third Advisor

Kathryn J. Nelson

Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)

Degree Level


Year Degree Awarded


Date (Title Page)




Library of Congress/MESH Subject Headings

Nurses, Male



Page Count

viii; 83

Digital Format


Digital Publisher

Loma Linda University Libraries

Usage Rights

This title appears here courtesy of the author, who has granted Loma Linda University a limited, non-exclusive right to make this publication available to the public. The author retains all other copyrights.


Loma Linda University Electronic Theses and Dissertations

Collection Website



Loma Linda University. Del E. Webb Memorial Library. University Archives
