"Electroencephalography in a Teaching Hospital" by Guy M. Hunt Jr.


Electroencephalography may be defined as a study of the electrical activity of the brain. This activity was first recorded and reported by Caton in 1875. However, it was the work of Hans Berger, confirmed by Adrian and Matthews in 1935, which opened the way for the rapid advancement of knowledge in this field. The arrival of the age of electronics made possible development of the sensitive, accurate, and dependable amplifiers available in modern electroencephalography, which has in turn made possible the rapid advancements in this field. Techniques have been perfected and standardized, personnel have been trained, and laboratories have been set up as increasing knowledge has made apparent the importance of this diagnostic procedure.

The Encephalographic Service of the White Memorial Hospital, a teaching facility of the School of Medicine of the College of Medical Evangelists had its beginning about 20 years ago. Its first instrument was built by Lester Dale, the Hospital Electrical Engineer. This instrument, first having only a single channel, grew to a four channel machine by 1944 and proved to have more desirable characteristics than any available commercially at that time. The Service’s present eight channel electroencephalograph was also built under the direction of Dale. Over eighteen thousand tracings have been run since the first official tracing in 1941. In addition to providing service for the clinicians, the department has carried on the teaching of residents, interns, medical and nursing students and the training of technical personnel. Research projects have resulted in numerous scientific papers and exhibits.

In the experience of the Electroencephalographic Service of the White Memorial Hospital over a two year period, encephalography was requested most frequently on patients in whom a convulsive disorder was suspected, and it was probably in this field that the most assistance was given to the clinician. Tracings on head injuries were second in frequency, but seemed to be of less clinical value, though perhaps of greater medicolegal value. Brain tumor suspects made up the fourth most frequent group referred, but probably at least second in clinical importance. High correlation was noted between referring diagnosis and E.E.G. abnormality in the vascular disorders, mental retardation, behavior disorders, and cerebral palsy, while low correlation was noted in headaches, psychiatric disorders and narcolepsy.




Graduate Studies

First Advisor

Cyril B. Courville

Second Advisor

Leslie B. Mann

Third Advisor

Harold Walton

Degree Name

Master of Science in Medical Sciences (MSMS)

Degree Level


Year Degree Awarded


Date (Title Page)




Library of Congress/MESH Subject Headings




Page Count

vii; 43; iii

Digital Format


Digital Publisher

Loma Linda University Libraries

Usage Rights

This title appears here courtesy of the author, who has granted Loma Linda University a limited, non-exclusive right to make this publication available to the public. The author retains all other copyrights.


Loma Linda University Electronic Theses and Dissertations

Collection Website



Loma Linda University. Del E. Webb Memorial Library. University Archives
