"Some Aspects of Cranial Bone Growth in the Puberal Macaca Mulatta Monk" by Lee Eugene Olsen


The purpose of this study was to investigate cranial and facial bone growth in the puberal Macaca mulatta monkey over a six month period utilizing the methods of metallic implantation combined with serial cephalometric roentgenography and a bichromatic vital staining method.

The employment of the vital stains, alizarin Red S and anthracene blue, over the six month period of the study, failed to stain the actively growing bone as evidenced by gross and microscopic analysis of the undecalcified bone preparations.

Interimplant measurements were made across certain bone sutures and the following results were obtained: The zygomaticotemporal sutures showed marked growth separation; the coronal, sagittal and zygomaticomaxillary sutures showed less separation; and the lambdoid sutures showed little separation. Associated resorption of the bone around the implants was more marked in the facial region than in the cranial vault bones, although it occurred in the latter region as well.

Lateral cephalometric roentgenograph superimposition demonstrated a forward and downward movement of the facial bone implants with the exception of the zygomatic process of the temporal bone which moved inferior and posterior. Cranial vault bone growth was evidenced by the superior and posterior movement of metallic implants located across the coronal, sagittal and lambdoid sutures.

The undecalcified skulls were embedded in plastic and hemisected. The right half was semi-serially sectioned by the application of a geo logical lapidary technique (cold process) which proved to be a reliable method of producing permanent, slide mounted thin sections of undecalcified bone.

LLU Discipline





Graduate School

First Advisor

Howard W. Conley

Second Advisor

Roland D. Walters

Third Advisor

Alden B. Chase

Fourth Advisor

Elmer E. Kelln

Fifth Advisor

Charles T. Smith

Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)

Degree Level


Year Degree Awarded


Date (Title Page)




Library of Congress/MESH Subject Headings

Skull -- growth & development



Page Count

ix; 75

Digital Format


Digital Publisher

Loma Linda University Libraries

Usage Rights

This title appears here courtesy of the author, who has granted Loma Linda University a limited, non-exclusive right to make this publication available to the public. The author retains all other copyrights.


Loma Linda University Electronic Theses and Dissertations

Collection Website



Loma Linda University. Del E. Webb Memorial Library. University Archives
