"Mineralized Bone Allograft in Maxillary Sinuses Histology and Histomor" by Sammy Stefan Noumbissi


Background: Demineralized freeze-dried bone allografts (DFDBA) and deproteinized bovine bone xenografts (DMBBX) have been used for sinus augmentation for many years with varying results, but very little has been reported on the clinical efficacy or the histological analysis of mineralized solvent dehydrated bone allografts (MSDBA) as sinus graft materials. This study histologically and histomorphometrically evaluated an MSDBA material called PUROS to augment atrophic human maxillary sinuses.

Materials & Methods: Seven partially and completely edentulous patients requiring unilateral (n=4) or bilateral (n=3) sinus grafts prior to implant placement were selected for this study. Test grafts consisted of MSDBA, and control grafts consisted of a 1:1 combination of DFDBA and DMBBX (Bio-Oss) in volume. Bilateral cases (n=3) received test and control grafts contralaterally, while unilateral grafts received either a test (n=3) or control (n=l) graft only.

Therefore there were a total of six tests and four control maxillary sinuses in this study. At 10 months, core biopsies were taken from each graft site, and dental implants were placed into the grafted bone.

Results: All bone grafts resulted in new bone formation and all implants osseointegrated and were clinically stable. The percentage of graft material resorbed and replaced by newly formed bone was significantly greater in MSDBA compared to DFDBA: BIOSS grafts. Residual graft material was found to be in significantly greater quantity in the control sites, and finally the amount of new bone in contact with residual graft material was significantly higher in the tested sites. No complications with grafts or implants were noted.

Discussion: Within the context of this study, MSDBA produced results far superior to the control graft material. In terms of the percentages for newly formed bone formation when compared to the overall percentages obtained in DFDBA:BIOSS studies in the literature, MSDBA results were perceptibly better.

Conclusions: MSDBA particles were either replaced by new bone or displayed new bone-to-particle surface contact in higher percentages than DFDBA/BIOSS particles although more particles of BIOSS remained after ten months.

LLU Discipline

Implant Dentistry


Implant Dentistry


Graduate School

First Advisor

Jaime L. Lozada

Second Advisor

Philip J. Boyne

Third Advisor

Donald A. Clem

Fourth Advisor

Jay S. Kim

Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)

Degree Level


Year Degree Awarded


Date (Title Page)




Library of Congress/MESH Subject Headings

Maxillary Sinus -- surgery; Bone Transplantation -- methods; Dental Implantation, Endosseous -- methods; Maxillary Sinus -- anatomy and histology



Page Count

xi; 42

Digital Format


Digital Publisher

Loma Linda University Libraries

Usage Rights

This title appears here courtesy of the author, who has granted Loma Linda University a limited, non-exclusive right to make this publication available to the public. The author retains all other copyrights.


Loma Linda University Electronic Theses and Dissertations

Collection Website



Loma Linda University. Del E. Webb Memorial Library. University Archives
