"The Role of Collagen Interacting Proteins in the Pathogenesis of Filif" by Ozioma Salomey Chioma


Filifactor alocis is a Gram-positive, asaccharolytic; obligate anaerobe that has emerged as a potential periodontal pathogen due to its presence in high numbers in patients who have periodontal disease and least detection in healthy individuals (Kumar et al., 2003, Kumar et al., 2006, Wade, 2011). There is compelling evidence in the literature that demonstrates that F. alocis has virulence properties that may play an important role in infection-induced periodontitis (Abusleme et al., 2013, Griffen et al., 2012, Hutter et al., 2003, Khader et al., 2006, Siqueira and Rocas, 2003, Siqueira et al., 2009). However, there is a gap in our knowledge about F. alocis mediated host-pathogen interaction and virulence. There is therefore a critical need to study the specific virulence attributes that manifest its abundance only during infectious state as a gateway to proffering potential therapeutic interventions to prevent F. alocis-induced periodontal disease in the host. This introduction is geared towards providing a concise picture into all that is currently known about F. alocis, particularly the role of collagen related proteins of F. alocis in the pathogenicity periodontal disease. The goal is to investigate the specific role of F. alocis proteases in the virulence and pathogenicity of periodontal disease. The overall objective of this study is to evaluate the specific role of F. alocis collagen-degrading proteases in virulence modulation.

LLU Discipline

Microbiology and Molecular Genetics


Basic Sciences


School of Medicine

First Advisor

Fletcher, Hansel M.

Second Advisor

Johnson, Mark S.

Third Advisor

Li, Yiming

Fourth Advisor

Perry, Christopher

Fifth Advisor

Soto, Ubaldo

Sixth Advisor

Wilson, Aruni

Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy (Medical Science)

Degree Level


Year Degree Awarded


Date (Title Page)




Library of Congress/MESH Subject Headings

Periodontal Diseases; Collagen; Medical Microbiology; Pathogenic Microorganisms

Subject - Local

Filifactor Alocis; Periodontal Pathogens; Infection-induced Periodontitis; Mediated host-pathogen interaction; Collagen-related proteins



Page Count


Digital Format


Digital Publisher

Loma Linda University Libraries

Usage Rights

This title appears here courtesy of the author, who has granted Loma Linda University a limited, non-exclusive right to make this publication available to the public. The author retains all other copyrights.


Loma Linda University Electronic Theses and Dissertations

Collection Website



Loma Linda University. Del E. Webb Memorial Library. University Archives
