"The Applicability of Values Clarification to Cardiac Patient Education" by Bonnie Berger and Vilma Raetting


The purpose of this study was to determine the applicability of the value clarifying approach as an additional educational method to assist the chronic heart patient to examine his life style, establish some priorities, and implement changes in his life style in light of his disease condition and the limitations it imposes.

In an experimental study 20 male and female, medical and surgical cardiac patients participated in an educational program involving 8 value clarifying sessions. After these sessions the patients evaluated their own behavior in terms of their self-set goals, in the life style areas of smoking, diet, work, exercise and stress.

Sixty-five per cent of the patients studied acted on their self set goals and thirty-five per cent chose not to set goals for themselves. The age of the patient and his goal setting behavior were closely related. Values clarification was particularly applicable to the 51 to 60 age group, and less effective with those patients over 61 years of age.

Through use of the valuing process in a one to one relationship patients were able: to honestly look at their lives, to set specific goals for change in life style, to act on their goals, and to evaluate their own progress toward their goals. Additional benefits accrued from visiting patients in their homes and assisting them to clarify their values in their familiar environments.

Limitations on the patients' abilities to use values clarification as a stimulant for change included the severity of their illnesses, denial on their part that problems existed, and old age.

LLU Discipline





Graduate School

First Advisor

Ruth M. White

Second Advisor

Joyce W. Hopp

Third Advisor

Lucile L. Lewis

Fourth Advisor

Sherrill P. Baugher

Degree Name

Master of Science in Nursing (MSN)

Degree Level


Year Degree Awarded


Date (Title Page)




Library of Congress/MESH Subject Headings

Heart Diseases -- rehabilitation; Goals -- education; Patient Acceptance of Health Care



Page Count

ill: 96

Digital Format


Digital Publisher

Loma Linda University Libraries

Usage Rights

This title appears here courtesy of the author, who has granted Loma Linda University a limited, non-exclusive right to make this publication available to the public. The author retains all other copyrights.


Loma Linda University Electronic Theses and Dissertations

Collection Website



Loma Linda University. Del E. Webb Memorial Library. University Archives
