"Student Record Data Useful in Secondary School Curriculum Improvement " by Feliza I. Mopera


The purpose of this study was to find recorded data on students' records in a selected Seventh-day Adventist church-sponsored secondary school which could be of acceptable value in curriculum improvement in health education.

A survey method of research was chosen with the study of two available records which were: (1) The Medical Examination Records and (2) the Mooney Problem Check List. The Medical Examination Records were filled out by students' private physicians on their first admission to the school; the Mooney Problem Check List were administered by the school on October 24, 1961. These students were from grades nine through twelve and included both sexes whose ages ranged from thirteen to eighteen. The data gathered from the records were tabulated, analyzed and interpreted.

The Medical Examination Records showed an apparently healthy adolescence student group with the execution of a small minority with possible remedial defects of the skin, vision, hearing, nose and throat. The three problem categories selected for study from the Mooney Problem Check List indicated varying degrees of deviation in mental and emotional behavior patterns. The outstanding problem that was most disturbing in this student group was found in the area of Social-Psychological Relations, which was, "wanting a more pleasing personality." The next highest problem of concern was indicated in the Personal-Psychological Problem category as evidenced by a high response in "Forgetting things." The problem of Health and Physical Development although mot as disturbing as the other two problem categories was relatively high which was indicated by a prominent concern over "Poor complexion or skin trouble."

The analysis of this data has brought into focus some of the physical, mental and emotional health needs of adolescents. Based upon these findings, recommendations wore suggested for improving the curriculum in health by: (1) the school administrator and staff using the data as a beginning assessment to discover physical and emotional needs which might serve as a baseline for a study in health) (2) studying the findings as a part of an in-service education program for teachers might lead to a fuller understanding of students' needs, problems and interests) (3) giving study to the medical record format to discourage sketchy reporting by private physicians; (4) acquainting parents with the findings on records that indicate needs for improving mental health) and (5) implementing a gradual improvement in health teaching in which the item of highest frequency might receive first attention.

Realizing that the school is in a strategic position to meet the health needs of the students, it is hoped that the findings of this survey will pave the way for further studies.

LLU Discipline





Graduate School

First Advisor

Ruth M. White

Second Advisor

Winifred M. Edwards

Third Advisor

Phyllis Naude

Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)

Degree Level


Year Degree Awarded


Date (Title Page)




Library of Congress/MESH Subject Headings

Health Education -- in adolescence; Mental Health -- in adolescence; Curriculum



Page Count

vii; 85

Digital Format


Digital Publisher

Loma Linda University Libraries

Usage Rights

This title appears here courtesy of the author, who has granted Loma Linda University a limited, non-exclusive right to make this publication available to the public. The author retains all other copyrights.


Loma Linda University Electronic Theses and Dissertations

Collection Website



Loma Linda University. Del E. Webb Memorial Library. University Archives
