Event Title

Friday Devotional: "The Testimony of Jesus"


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Document Type

Audio Recording


Sligo Church, Takoma Park, Maryland

Start Date

6-7-1946 12:00 AM


The text of the devotional was published in the Review and Herald, June 9, 1946, page 61.

Duration: 52:18

(00:07 – 54:57) F. M. Wilcox gives morning devotional, “The Testimony of Jesus”

(48:26) J. L. McElhany calls for a statement of belief in the writings of the Spirit of Prophecy.

(52:12) Unknown person (possibly J. L. McElhany) announces that the next meeting of the session will convene at 10 o’clock.

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Jun 7th, 12:00 AM

Friday Devotional: "The Testimony of Jesus"

Sligo Church, Takoma Park, Maryland

The text of the devotional was published in the Review and Herald, June 9, 1946, page 61.

Duration: 52:18

(00:07 – 54:57) F. M. Wilcox gives morning devotional, “The Testimony of Jesus”

(48:26) J. L. McElhany calls for a statement of belief in the writings of the Spirit of Prophecy.

(52:12) Unknown person (possibly J. L. McElhany) announces that the next meeting of the session will convene at 10 o’clock.