Volume 30, Number 06
September 15, 1943
1 | Dr. Tatsuguchi Meets Death on Attu | The Science of Healing - True and False | Dr. Slate Connects with the Alexandria Hospital | Major Andren's Appreciation | Doctors in the Military Service
3 | Obituaries and Death Notices: Mabel Wirt-Butka, David Clithero, Kemper Campbell, Jr. | From Here and There
4 | Born | Amateur Hour
Volume 09, Number 05
March - April, 1923
2 | What Is Health Reform?—No. 2
4 | Ideals
5 | The Meat Question Again
7 | Coueism
8 | Reaching Hearts In India
11 | Warts
13 | Spiritual Endocrinology
20 | Oral Hygiene
23 | The Salt Habit
24 | Hygiene
25 | The Development of Our Health Work In Scandinavia
27 | The Need of Medical Missions In Colombia -
Volume 09, Number 04
January - February, 1923
2 | What Is Health Reform? No. 1
4 | Satisfaction
5 | The Purpose of Sacrifice
6 | If I Knew. Poem
7 | Pale Bread—Pale People
10 | Food Requirements Diagram
11 | What A Man is Made Of
13 | What To Do Without Meat
16 | Healing Cults
21 | Friends. Poem
22 | The Work of the Nurse Among Our Churches
24 | Keep the Standard High
25 | The Plate River Sanitarium
26 | Medical Missionary Work
26 | Good Cheer and Good Health
28 | The Fomentation -
Volume 09, Number 03
November - December, 1922
Inside Front Cover | Why Candidates for Translation Should Not Eat Flesh Even Though Christ Did
2 | Rests
3 | A Fleshless Diet
4 | Flesh, A Moral and Spiritual Question
8 | History of Flesh Eating
10 | Health Gospel
11 | Flesh Diet Condemned
13 | Shall We Slay to Eat?
16 | Ten Reasons for Fleshless Diet
21 | Diseases From Meat
23 | God's Original Bill of Fare
24 | Danger in Departing From the Expressed Will of God
27 | Healthgrams
28 | In the Philippines
29 | Passing Examinations in Argentine
30 | Doctor Luke -
Volume 09, Number 02
September - October, 1922
General Articles
Front Cover | The Need of a Revival and Reformation
Inside Cover | A High Standard for Leaders and People
2 | I Shall Be Glad
3 | Sanitarium or Miraculous Healing, Which?
5 | The Setting of the Health Work in the Third Angel's Message
10 | Finding the Confines of the Sabbath in the Arctic RegionsMedical Missionary Evangelism
11 | The Sapulpa Medical Missionary CampaignHome Medical Missionary Work
12 | Medical Missionary Work in the Southern Union ConferenceRational Therapeutics
13 | Drug Therapy Divine Revelation and Scientific Confirmation
17 | Drugless Experiences
18 | Surgery Does God Approve?The Gospel Nurse
20 | Our Nurses and Denominational Health Work
23 | The Conference Nurse at Our Schools
23 | Alumni AssociationDietetics
24 | Diet and Tooth Decay
25 | PerplexitiesOur Workers at Home and Abroad
26 | Dispensary Work on the Tibetan Border
27 | Medical Missionary Work in SalvadorEditorial and Items
29 | Are You a Good Seventh-day Adventist? -
Volume 09, Number 01
July - August, 1922
Front Cover | Why Our People Need The Medical Evangelist
General Articles
Inside Front Cover | The Victorious Life Impossible Without Health Reform
2 | The Difference
3 | Our Work And The World Situation
6 | The Setting of the Health Work in the Third Angel's Message
9 | Cancer, The Modern Plague of Civilized LandsMedical Missionary Evangelism
12 | Medical Missionary Evangelism Never FailsRational Therapeutics
13 | Hydrotherapy in AccidentsDietetics
15 | The Staff of Life
16 | An Appeal For Unity in ReformThe Gospel Nurse
19 | The Conference Nurse An Educator
21 | Plans Laid At General Conference For Our Nurses
22 | The National Convention of NursesMedical Education
23 | A New Departure in Medical Missionary Education
24 | Training School For Dietitians25 | Editorial
Our Workers at Home and Abroad
27 | The Skodsborg, Denmark, Sanitarium
28 | A Word From Ta-tsient-lu, China
29 | The Development of Body, Mind and Soul -
Volume 08, Number 06
May - June, 1922
General Articles:
Front Cover | The Call of God and The World for Reform
Inside Cover | Miraculous Healing Not a Substitute for Obedience
2 | God's Music Lesson
3 | Repenting of Our Backsliding
5 | Shall We Save Lives, or SoulsMedical Missionary Evangelism
6 | The Heavenly Vision
9 | Good Words from The General Conference
12 | The Need for Medical Work in The OrientRational Therapeutics
13 | Reform in Medical Practice
16 | Inspired TherapeuticsThe Gospel Nurse
19 | The Work of The Nurse Teaching Health Habits to Our Own PeopleDietetics
21 | The Newer Dietetics
25 | True Health Reform Needed NowOur Workers at Home and Abroad
27 | A Day On A Mission Station
28 | Letter From Dr. Olive SmithMedical Education
29 | The GraduationMiscellanous [sic]
30 | Editorial
32 | A Word From China
33 | The Bread Returns
33 | Optimist and Pessimist (Poem) -
Volume 08, Number 05
March, 1922
Inside Front Cover | Head or Tail
2 | Spoiling Our Pictures
3 | The Double Cure
4 | Call for Reform in Medical Practice
4 | Drugs
6 | The "Gospel" of Health
8 | Medical Evangelism
8 | The Redlands Campaign
9 | High Blood Pressure
10 | The Call of the Dying
11 | Stuck With Thy Testimonies
12 | Home Medical Missionary Work
12 | Medical Missionary Soul Winning
14 | The Gospel Nurse
14 | The Work of the Nurse
15 | The Call of the Message to the Nurse (Chart)
16 | A Dream of a Divided Gift, A Poem
16 | Obstetrical Out-Nursing
17 | Disease and Its Causes (Drugs)
20 | Dietetics
20 | Conflicts Between Foods
23 | Fruit and Vegetable Combination Chart
24 | Our Workers at Home and Abroad
26 | Editorial
28 | Annual Report College of Medical Evangelists
29 | News Items -
Volume 08, Number 04
January - February, 1922
Cover | Soonan, Chosen, Dispensary
2 | The Ministry of Suffering
3 | The Medical Evangelist for 1922
5 | Home Medical Missionary Work
5 | The Circulation of Our Health Journals
8 | Medical Missionary Evangelism
8 | The Redlands Campaign
10 | Redlands Campaign, Sunday Night Lecture
11 | Never Suppose This
12 | Redlands Campaign Health Lecture
12 | Rational Therapeutics
12 | Sins Against Our Kidneys
14 | Breast Feeding of Infants
16 | A Moral Within
17 | Dietetics
17 | Regarding The Importance of Cooking
17 | My First Lesson on The Diet Question
18 | Temperance and Morality
19 | The Doctor's Prescription
20 | General Articles
20 | General Principles of Christian Temperance
22 | Our Workers At Home and Abroad
24 | Editorial
24 | Words of Encouragement From Friends in the Field
28 | Rules for Health -
Volume 08, Number 03
November, 1921
2 | Others May, You Cannot
3 | Fulfilling Prophecy in Loma Linda and Redlands
5 | Health Reform in the Closing Work
7 | The Rational Relations of Religion to Medicine
9 | Now
10 | How Much Oxygen Are You Using?
12 | Why Should Our Children Be Vaccinated?
14 | Isolation Prevents "Catching"
15 | Drugs and Grace Do Not Go Together
16 | Education or Indulgence
17 | Our Workers At Home and Abroad
19 | Health
22 | Editorial
23 | College News
23 | Card of Thanks -
Volume 08, Number 02
September, 1921
2 | When and When Not to be a Doctor
3 | The Rational Relation of Religion and Medicine
6 | Physical Healing, True and False, as Related to Character Building
8 | Shanghai Sanitarium Nurses Training School Graduation
9 | Our Work at Home and Abroad
9 | Lake Titicaca Mission
9 | Posta de Tecours, France
9 | Medical Work in Africa
10 | Manacas, Cuba
11 | A Day in the Kalyan, India, Dispensary
13 | Divine Healing
15 | Louis Pasteur
18 | A Warning to Us
19 | What Shall We Do About Cancer?
20 | Frederick H. Bulpitt, M, D., In Memorium
21 | Editorial
21 | Drugs Are Going
23 | News Notes -
Volume 08, Number 01
July, 1921
Cover | Whereas I was Blind, Now I See
2 | Baccalaureate Sermon, "Medical Evangelistic Service"
6 | The Lord Himself
7 | Commencement Address
12 | Physical Healing, True and False, as Related to Character Building
14-15 | Graduating Classes
18 | Deficiency in Diet
20 | Our Work at Home and Abroad
21 | Yengcheng Hospital-Dispensary
25 | Editorial
26 | College News
27 | The Doctor's Story, a Poem -
Volume 07, Number 06
May, 1921
Cover | Dallas, Texas, Medical Missionary Workers
2 | Character, A Poem
3 | Him
4 | Sanitarium Work in Germany
5 | Medical Missionary Work in New York City
7 | The Decalogue of Eating
9 | The Saving of Life From Food Restriction
11 | Eating Between Meals
12 | The Purpose of the Medical Work in the Advent Movement, No. 3
15 | The Relation of Moral and Physical Laws
17 | The Call for Health Work in Europe
18 | Gland Sanitarium Views
19 | Stanborough Park Sanitarium View
19 | Reflection
20 | College News
21 | Satan's Success
21 | I Would
22 | Medical Education Department
23 | If -
Volume 07, Number 05
March, 1921
3 | Help For the Asthmatic
4 | Our Workers at Home and Abroad
6 | The Decalogue of Eating
8 | Medical Missionary Evangelism - Reasons Why Each Conference Should Conduct Medical Missionary Training Schools for Church Members
9 | The Alumni
9 | Suggestive Daily Program for Medical Missionary Training School for Church Members
10 | The Purpose of the Medical Work in the Advent Movement
12 | Measuring the Pattern
15 | Medical Education - The Annual Meeting
16 | College News
17 | A Hope for the Future
17 | What Are Your Plans?
19 | Report for the Clinical Division
21 | Principles Involved in the Maintenance and Restoration of Health
23 | The Nurse -
Volume 07, Number 04
January, 1921
2 | In Touch With Nature
3 | The Medical Evangelist
4 | The Purpose of the Medical Work in the Advent Movement
6 | Using the Double Commission in India
8 | Dietetics - Vitamines [sic] as Food
10 | Hands Across the Sea
12 | The World Sick Call -- Who Will Answer It?
14 | Our Medical College - Why Needed
19 | College News
21 | The Yencheng Dispensary Hospital
22 | Rational Therapeutics - Constipation -
Volume 07, Number 03
November, 1920
3 | Note and Comment
4 | How Sweet Is Your Blood?
5 | Fundamentals m Medical Work
6 | The Legend of the Garment of White
7 | The Forum - Devoted to Student Interests - The Christian Physician
8 | The Freshman Class in Medicine
9 | Food for Thought
10 | Freshman Nurses
10 | Medical Missionary Class
11 | Principles Involved in the Maintenance and Restoration of Health
12 | India's Womanhood and [Child] Welfare
14 | Dietetics - Inorganic Salts as Food
15 | How About It?
18 | College News
19 | Letter From Doctor Kretschmar
23 | The Work of Our Sanitariums
24 | A Noble Work -
Volume 07, Number 02
September, 1920
2 | Note and Comment
3 | "Come Over Into Afghanistan, Ye Medical Missionary Workers, and Help Us."
4 | Our Sanitariums - Divine Healing and Our Sanitariums
6 | Intelligent, Living Co-operation
7 | Dietetics - Food Combinations
9 | Food Evangelism
10 | Rational Therapeutics - Principles Involved in the Maintenance and Restoration of Health -- No. 1
12 | Measuring the Pattern, or Th...Medical Missionary Blueprint -- No. 1
15 | Medical Missionary Evangelism - Field Medical Evangelism as Demonstrated in the Medical Evangelistic Campaign at Oklahoma City, Okla.
17 | My Seven Bible Reasons For a Non-Flesh Diet
18 | Medical Evangelistic Work in Camp Meetings on the South-Western Union
19 | College News -
Volume 07, Number 01
June, 1920
3 | Note and Comment
4 | What Is True Health Reform?
5 | Diet In Summer
6 | Our Graduates In Medicine - Where Are They?
8 | Class of 1920 Medicine - Surgery College of Medical Evangelists
10 | Training School For Nurses - Class Roll
11 | Medical Missionary Graduates- Class Roll, 1919-20
12 | The Anti-vivisectionists and the College of Medical Evangelists
13 | Annual Report for the Constituency
16 | Glory Conquest
18 | The Forum - Devoted to Student Interests - The Digestibility of Fried Foods
19 | Recognized
22 | Report of the Medical Convention Held at Loma Linda March 19-22
23 | Statistics of the Boyle Avenue Dispensary, Clinical Division of the College of Medical Evangelists
24 | ...News Notes...
26 | The Purpose of the College of Medical Evangelists, and the History of Its Development, No. 5
28 | The Three Essentials
31 | A Step of Progress
31 | A Vicious Measure on the November Ballot -
Volume 06, Number 04
March, 1920
3 | Christ, A Drugless Physician
4 | The Physical Uplift of Optimism
5 | Drugging and Degenerative Diseases
6 | A Spurious Basis for Happiness
7 | Statistics of the Drug Trade
8 | Patent Medicines and Prohibition
10 | Medical Missionary Evangelism - A New Evangelism
12 | Suggested Topics for Institutes of Health
13 | The New Rheumatism
15 | Shall We Use God's Remedies?
16 | A Short Cut to Health
19 | Medical Education - The Arrogance of Ignorance
21 | The Forum - Devoted to Student Interests - Tobacco Next!
23 | Our Sanitariums - Are We Living Up to Our Light?
24 | Is It Worth While?
25 | The Purpose of the College of Medical Evangelists and the History of Its Development, No. 4
27 | ...News Notes...
29 | Suggestions -
Volume 06, Number 03
December, 1919
3 | Note and Comment
4 | "That Little Cup That Cheereth Up Deceiveth Thee"
7 | The New Rheumatism
9 | The Reward of Intemperance
11 | The Medical Evangelist in China
13 | The Whole Man for Righteousness and for Life
15 | Medical Education - The Principals Which Should Control in Medical Education
18 | The Purpose of the College of Medical Evangelists and the History of Its Development - No. 3
20 | Goading the Nervous System
21 | The Forum - Devoted to Student Interests - The Dawning Light
23 | Cover Your Sneeze
24 | Dietary Intemperance
26 | Rational Therapeutics - Emancipation -- How Secured
30 | ...News Notes...
31 | Letters From the Front -
Volume 06, Number 02
September, 1919
3 | A Letter to the Editor
4 | The Purpose of the College of Medical Evangelists and History of Its Development -- No. 2
8 | The New Rheumatism
9 | Medical Missionary Evangelism - A Trumpet Call to Young Men and Women to Prepare for Work as Nurses and Medical Evangelists
11 | Our Sanitariums - Need For Dietitians in Seventh-day Adventist Sanitariums
12 | Medical Education - Did you Help?
16 | Dietetics - Diet for Students
20 | Keeping Fit
23 | Rational Therapeutics - The Pace That Wins
26 | The Forum - Devoted to Student Interests - Sugar
27 | Editorial
28 | Items of Interest
30 | For the Common Ailments, What? -
Volume 06, Number 01 New
June, 1919
3 | Foreword
4 | Our Opportunities and Our Responsibilities
6 | Resisting the Next Epidemic
7 | Caffeine Beverages
8 | Dietetics
9 | Medical Education
13 | The Purpose of the College of Medical Evangelists and the History of its Development No. I
14 | The Forum - Devoted to Student Interests - Relative Digestibility of Toast, Fresh and Stale Bread
15 | Commencement Address
16 | Class of 1919, College of Medical Evangelists
19 | Rational Therapeutics
20 | Medical Missionary Evangelism
22 | Service
23 | Our Sanitariums -
Volume 06, Number 01
First Quarter, 1914
1 | Making Spiritual Matters of Supreme Importance in our Medical Department
3 | The Use of Water in the Treatment of Disease
5 | Mouth Hygiene
7 | Report of Committee on Uniformity in our Training Schools for Nurses
8 | Recommendations Passed by the Medical Council of the General Conference, 1913
9 | Medical and Nurses' Training in Outside Institutions
10 | Editorials
10 | Teaching and Healing
11 | Harvest Ingathering Campaign at Loma Linda
11 | Sanitarium Notes
12 | Donations to Missions
12 | Research in Medical Missions -
Volume 05, Number 07
September, 1913
1 | The Missionary Nurse
4 | Opening of Nurses' Training School at Lorn a Linda
5 | Back to First Principles
6 | Sanitarium Ethics
10 | Working Together
11 | The Gospel of Health to All the World
12 | Cheering Conference Reports
14 | Medical Missionary Work in China
18 | Cooking
19 | A Recent Message from the Servant of God
20 | The Ministry of the Word -
Volume 05, Number 06
June, 1913
1 | The Value of Loving-Kindness
3 | The Faith Needed
6 | Blood Pressure and Diet
8 | Practical Side of the True Medical Missionary
10 | The Harvest
12 | The Source of Medical Missionary Work
13 | A Life of Service
14 | The True Voice
16 | The Best Food, Beasts' Food, The Beasts
17 | A Stronger Organized Medical Work
19 | The Story of the Bamboo
The Medical Evangelist was the journal published by the College of Evangelists, then the College of Medical Evangelists and finally Loma Linda University. Publication began in June 1908 and continued through June 1962. Currently, we have volumes 1 through 9 (1908-1923) digitized and will continue to work on getting additional volumes added. Hard copies of the entire run of this publication are available in the Heritage Research Center, Department of Archives and Special Collections, University Libraries, Loma Linda University.
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