Volume 01, Number 05
Fourth Quarter, 1909
-- College of Medical Evangelists - Its History and Development
-- On the Training of Medical Students
-- Medical Evangelistic Education
-- The God of Israel or the God of Ekron?
-- College News
-- College of Medical Evangelists Announcement 1909-1910
-- Curriculum for the First Three Years
-- Admission Requiremts -
Volume 01, Number 04
March, 1909
-- Medical Evangelical Convention for Southern California.
-- Shall We Dispense with the Use of Butter
-- Ways for Improvement by the Name for New Year
-- News Items from St. Helena Sanitarium
-- What Should be the Qualification of Nurses Doing Independence Week
-- The Use of Quinine in the Treatment of MarariaThe Loma Linda Sanitatium
Volume 01, Number 03
January, 1909
-- Pacific Union Medical Missionary Convection.
-- More efficient Sanitarium training schools,
-- Another call answered
-- The Passover.
-- The use of butter.
-- The Visiting Nurse
-- Question box. -
Volume 01, Number 02
July, 1908
-- Found.
-- Notice the different courses.
-- Testimonies and experiences connected with the Loma Linda Sanitarium. -
Volume 01, Number 01
June, 1908
-- Foreword.
-- Training for more efficient service.
-- Announcement of special one-year's course.
-- Established prosperity.
-- The visiting nurse.
-- Science and religion.
-- What is a name?
The Medical Evangelist was the journal published by the College of Evangelists, then the College of Medical Evangelists and finally Loma Linda University. Publication began in June 1908 and continued through June 1962. Currently, we have volumes 1 through 9 (1908-1923) digitized and will continue to work on getting additional volumes added. Hard copies of the entire run of this publication are available in the Heritage Research Center, Department of Archives and Special Collections, University Libraries, Loma Linda University.
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