Theses, dissertations, and other culminating projects produced by the students of Loma Linda University are placed in the institutional repository to document an enduring and continuing record of the scholarship of the Loma Linda University community.
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Theses/Dissertations from 2013
Online Psychosocial Support for Oncology Patients: A Group Facilitation Manual, Kristen Mallory Richards
Sexual Trauma, Attachment, and Dissociation in Eating Disorder Populations, Kelly Cauley Rivinius
Mindfulness and Parental Stress Among Parents of Children with Development Delays: The Role of the Marital Relationship, Merideth Robinson
Effect of Passive Vibration on Skin Blood Flow in Good Glycemic Control and Poor Glycemic Control Type 2 Diabetics, Kanikkai Steni Balan Sackiriyas
Motivational Interviewing Group to Address Cardiovascular Disease Risk Factors, Salma A. Salem
Stress, Depression, Quality of Life, and Language Recovery in Constraint Induced Aphasia Therapy (CIAT), Brian Sharp
Interaction of Parent Pain and Child Empathy on Child Depression: A Pilot Study, Ketlyne Sol
Physician Couples: A Qualitative Inquiry Focused on Gendered Power and Marital Equality, Sarah C. Stuchell
Family Resilience Model of Behavioral Health for Low-Income Ethnic Minority Families, Sherria Donae Taylor
Meta-Analysis of Rodent Behavior in Various Brain Injury and Disease Models, Earl C. Thorndyke III
Fetal Programming and Later Obesity in a Predominantly Latino WIC Population, Eric George Walsh
Adverse Childhood Experiences and Acute Coronary Syndrome in Adulthood, Kanchana D. Wijesekera
Sympathetic Nerve Modulation of Joint Pathology in Adjuvant-Induced Arthritis, Carlo Anthony Wood
Correlating Vomer with Ceph Vectors in High and Low Mandibular Plane Angle Cases, Christopher James Wood
Small Molecule Inhibitors of HPV16 E6, Chung-Hsiang Yuan
Evaluation of Accuracy of Impression Materials with Different Mixing Techniques, James Ywom
Microglia and Complement in Alzheimer's Disease with Cerebral Amyloid Angiopathy, Matthew K. Zabel
The Association of Diet and Physical Activity with Stroke Mortality Results from the Adventist Health Study-1, Tahereh Zamansani
Expression and Function of Ca2+-Activated K+ Channels in Uterine Arteries, Ronghui Zhu
Theses/Dissertations from 2012
Differences in IQ and Memory of Monolingual/Bilingual Children who Suffered a TBI, Julie Alberty
Development and Validation of A Process Focused Measure of Childhood Depression, Ida Babakhanyan
Effectiveness of Resin Infiltration and Mi Paste Cpp-Acp in Masking White Spot Lesions, Melissa Wu Bailey
Couple's Relationship with Diabetes: Transformation, Partnership, and Management, Ruth Houston Barrett
Evaluating the Effectiveness of the YASP Intervention: Adolescent Substance Use Outcomes, Whitney Nicole Brown
Role of the Pituitary-Adrenal Axis in G-CSF Therapy after Neonatal Hypoxia-Ischemia, Melissa Stephanie Charles
The Role of the Pituitary-Adrenal Axis in G-CSF Therapy after Neonatal Hypoxia-Ischemia, Mélissa Stéphanie Charles
Identification of the Mandibular Nerve with CBCT Using a Nerve Marking Tool or Not, Myung Soo Choi
Brief Heterogeneous Inpatient Groups: A Process-Oriented Psychoeducational Model, Wesley Cook
Qualitative Study of Psychosocial Needs for Individuals with Lung Cancer, Kevin R. Criswell
Relationship between Nut Consumption and Memory Domains of Cognitive Function Among Elderly Seventh-day Adventists, Angeline B. David
Gestalt Group Psychotherapy With Incarcerated Schizophrenia: A Qualitative Study, Leslie Ann V. Dobson
Reserve Capacity Model and Metabolic Syndrome in Black and White Seventh-day Adventists, Taylor L. Draper
Breastfeeding Attitudes and Intentions Among Middle Eastern Women Living in Southern California, Christina Irsilious Fam
Mechanism of Lmx1b-regulated Limb Dorsalization, Jennifer Feenstra
Accuracy of Ortho Insight 3D Digital Scanner in Mesial-Distal Tooth Measurements, Andrew A. Ferris
The Association of Diet with Affect, Patricia Ann Ford
Batterers' Perception of Treatment Non-Completion, Zoila Gordon
Effects of Photovoice on Youth Perceptions of Healthy Food Access in the Built Environment, Sharlene A. Gozalians
Effects of Consuming Beans Before or With a Meal on Satiety and Gastrointestinal Hormones Concentration in Obese Men and Women, Lisa Delia Griffith
The Effect of Non-exercise Activity Thermogenesis on subjects with Metabolic Syndrome, Samer Hammoudeh
Social Marketing Approach to Recruit Cancer Survivors for Research and Treatment, Narineh Hartoonian
Second Generation Korean-American Parents: Social Context Influence on Parenting, Lana H. Kim
Second Generation Korean-American Parents: Social Context Influence on Parenting, Lana H. Kim
In‐Vitro Comparison of Tensile Bond Strength of Denture Adhesives on Denture Bases, Doris Rachel Kore
Impact of a Medically Supervised Weight Management Program on Obese and Morbidly Obese Persons, Gemechu Abraham Kurfessa
The Morbidity & Mortality of Prevalent Heart Failure, Jennifer Kwon
Long Term Weight Variability in Adults of Adventist Health Study 1 and 2, Namgyal Lhawang Kyulo
The Ratio of Positive to Negative Affect, Flourishing, and Health Behavior, Michael Stuart Leibow
Modernization of Care: Self-Determination and Homeless Policy in San Diego, Patricia Mary Leslie
Successful Again through a Family Resilience Lens, A'verria Sirkin Martin
Analysis of Minocycline as a Radioprotectant, Shalini Mehrotra
Dental and Buccal Bone Stability After Rapid Maxillary Expansion and Fixed Orthodontic Treatment, Allison Milliner
Attributions for Interpersonal Healthcare Mistreatment and Continuity of Care, Daniel Joel Northington
Synthesizing and Integrating Mental Health Practice: An Interdisciplinary Approach, Daniel A. Paden
Exploring Healthcare Simulation as a Platform for Interprofessional Education, Janice Christine Palaganas
Cultural study of Attributions of Sports Fans, John C. Park
Modified Administration of the WAIS-IV for Visually Impaired Examiners: A Validity Study, Amy Pitchforth
Performance of Number of Factors Procedures in Higher Order Analysis: A Comparative Study, Marc Thomas Porritt
Factors Affecting Parents Misperception of Overweight or Obesity in their Children, Carol Barnes Reid
The Efficacy of an Audio Program and Discussion Guide in Promoting Exclusive Breastfeeding in Cameroon, Africa, Kathryn R. Reinsma
Relational Interdependent Self construal, and Spiritual Maturity as Predictors of Marital Satisfaction, Conroy Everton Reynolds
Influence of Outdoor Air Quality on Maxillofacial Growth and Development, Ryan Rudd
Kinetically Controlled Synthesis of Triblock Copolymer Stabilized Gold Nanoparticles, Theodore Saleem Sabir
The Efficacy of Melodic Based Communication Therapy for Eliciting Speech in Nonverbal Children with Autism, Givona A. Sandiford
The Efficacy of Melodic Based Communication Therapy for Eliciting Speech in Nonverbal Children with Autism, Givona A. Sandiford
Co-diagnosis Frequency of Peripheral Vestibular Disorders and Physical Therapy, Summer M. San Lucas
Evaluation of Apical, Coronal and Occlusal Form Diffrences with Conventional Orthodontic Treatment, Tamar Sardarian
Engaging Men: Optimum Transformation Conditions for Domestic Violence Offenders, Benjamin Pierre Scott
Paragenesis of Lacustrine Microbialites in the Upper Wilkins Peak Member, Green River Formation, Wyoming, Bethania Chagas Tosta Siviero
Reliability and Validity of the Outcome Questionnaire in a Heterogeneous Cancer Population, Laura Testerman
Effect of Maternal Hypoxia on the Cerebral and Cardiac Tissue Remodeling, Wenni Tong
Postural Sway, EEG and EMG Analysis of Hip and Ankle Muscles during Eight Balance Training Tasks, Yuen Yi Florence Tse
Training Manual for Providers of Psychoeducational Services to FMS Patients, George E. Vasquez Jr.
The Impact of Nucleoside Sugar Modification on Biochemical DNA Transactions, Adides Williams
Development of a Contextual Model for the Treatment of Infidelity, Kirstee Williams
Effect of Time on Gypsum-Impression Material Compatibility, John Boram Won
Mechanical Evaluation of Mandibular Defects Restored with rhBMP-2: A Finite Element Model, Jelson Yalung
Effect of a Single High-Fat Meal and Vitamins on the Circulatory Response to Local Heat in Koreans and Caucasians, JongEun Yim
Dual Physician Couples: An Exploration of Family Stressors and Coping, A. Benjamin Zinke
Theses/Dissertations from 2011
Profile Attractiveness in Borderline Class III Surgical/Orthodontic Cases, Melina Adamian
Unwanted Sexual Experience: An Investigation of Emotion and Physiology, Julie Alberty
Secondary Traumatic Stress: Social Workers in a Veterans Affairs Healthcare Setting, Nikola R. Alenkin
Family Environment Externalizing and Internalizing Behaviors Among Adolescents in St. Lucia, St. Clair P. Alexander
Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness in People with Diabetes; Biomarkers and Nutritional Supplementation, Hani H. Al-Nakhli
Building an MFT Outpatient Practice through Contract Procurement: A Case Study, Anthony T. Alonzo
Effects of Neck Muscle Fatigue on the Vestibulo-Ocular Reflex, Amer Al Saif
MRS and Neuropsychological Outcome in Children with Non-accidental TBI, Aileen Arratoonian
Childhood Depressive Symptoms: Comparison of Diverse Medical Diagnoses, Ida Babakhanyan
The Association of Religious Coping on Reports of Low Back Pain and Inflammatory Markers, Jacqueline D. Bougie
Expanded Behavioral Model for Online Support Services, Laura Boxley
Yearnings: Stories of Insecure Attachment and the Journey to Connect to God, John Bracy
Spirituality's Role in the Interaction Between Child Welfare and Black Families, Laurel Brown
The Relation of Fitness Assessment Feedback to Intrinsic Motivation and Physical Activity Among College Students, Laura Chandler
Dynamic contrast-Enhanced MRI of Pancreatic Islet Transplants, Nathaniel K. Chan
Family Involvement, Clinician Beliefs and Child Psychiatric Rehospitalization, Sherma J. Charlemagne
Minority Female Physicians' Family and Career Experiences: A Qualitive Inquiry, Nishana Clarke
The Association Between Body Mass Index and Dental Caries in Hispanic Elementary School Children, Mary Creske
Memory for Emotional Images: Mechanisms of Episodic Processing and its Psychophysiological Correlates, Gregory E. Devore
Comparative Biology of Sympatric Red Diamond and Southern Pacific Rattlesnakes in Southern California, Eric Allen Dugan