Theses, dissertations, and other culminating projects produced by the students of Loma Linda University are placed in the institutional repository to document an enduring and continuing record of the scholarship of the Loma Linda University community.
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Theses/Dissertations from 2017
Insights in Depression Screening at a Latino-Serving, Integrated FQHC Clinic, Jacquelyn Stephenson
The Influence of Health Framing on Weight Stigma and Health Knowledge, Serena D. Stevens
Geospatial Determinants of Increased Screening Mammography in U.S. Black Women, Laura Stiel
Role of Cultural and Psychological Factors Influencing Diabetes Treatment Adherence, Sonika Kravann Ung
Relationships, Health, and Spirituality among College Students: Factors of College Success, Solomon S. Wang
Veterans, PTSD Severity, and Health Conditions Over Time, Macey Mendez-Vigo Wolfe
A Retrospective Lateral Cephalometric Growth Study of Sagittal Airway Changes, Grace H. Woo
Parental Stress, Emotion Regulation, Meta-Emotion, and Changes Following an MBSR Intervention, Yangmu Xu
Organizational, Nurse, and Patient Empowerment at a Magnet and Non-Magnet Hospital, Mai Yaseen
Theses/Dissertations from 2016
Comparison of Retention between Milled and Conventional Denture Bases: A Clinical Study, Abdulaziz Abdullah AlHelal
Effects of Adjustments to Wheelchair Seat to Back Support Angle on Head, Neck, and Shoulder Postures, Afnan M. Alkhateeb
Effect of Jet Lag on Postural Stability, Faisal M. Al Mubarak
Compositional Diversity in Arcs: A Record of Magmatic Processes in the Peru Coastal Batholith, Ica, Ana Maria Martinez Ardila
The Effects of Mild Concussions and Pomegranates on Behavior, Nikita M. Bajwa
Oral Health Education Intervention to Assess Oral Health Knowledge and Behavioral Change, Ryan Bakhshi Baker
Accuracy of Implants Placed with Surgical Guides: Thermoplastic vs. 3-D Printed, Caitlyn K. Bell
Neuropsychological Effects of Pomegranate Supplementation Following Ischemic Stroke, John A. Bellone
Taphonomy of Sediments: Bioturbation in the Triassic Moenkopi Formation in Southwestern Utah, James Vernon Bird Jr.
Effect of Heavy Lifting with a Head Strap on the Pelvic Floor across the Menstrual Cycle, Yvonne Biswokarma
The Adolescent Smoking Prevention Project: A Web-Based Smoking Prevention for Adolescents, Whitney N. Brown
The Role of Collagen Interacting Proteins in the Pathogenesis of Filifactor alocis, Ozioma Salomey Chioma
The Growth and Ecology of Upper Cambrian Microbialite Biostromes from the Notch Peak Formation in Utah, Ken P. Coulson
Lung Cancer Stigma: Associated Variables and Coping Strategies, Kevin R. Criswell
Chitosan Decontamination with Non-Thermal Nitrogen Plasma to Enable Internal Use, Andrew R. Crofton
The Influence of Parental Mental Health on Child Outcomes: The Role of the Parenting Process, Meredith L. Dennis
Neuroprotective Molecules and Strategies in a Rat Model of Neonatal Hypoxic Ischemic Encephalopathy, Brandon Joseph Dixon
Hypertension in Older African Americans: Testing Psychosocial Mediators, Taylor L. Draper
Multi-level Model of Parent-Child Attachment, Depression & Self-Concept in Pediatric Chronic Illness, Natacha Donoghue Emerson
Anti-tumor Mechanisms of HPV16 E6*, Whitney S. Evans
Effect of Progressive Gaze Stability Exercises on Holistic Aspects of Chronic Motion Sensitivity, Shilpa B. Gaikwad
Effects of Neonatal Dexamethasone on the Maturation and Endowment of Cardiomyocytes, Maresha Gay
The Effect of Orthodontic Treatment on Sagittal Root Position of the Maxillary Central Incisor, Jeremy Haines
Phenotyping Double Transgenic Mouse Models of Alzheimer’s that Express Human APP and ApoE3 or ApoE4, Shina Halavi
The Effects of Appearance Schemas and Commentary on Body Image and Eating Disorder Psychopathology, Alyson C. Hermé
Developmental Pedagogy in Marriage and Family Therapy Education, Christopher Russell Hoff
Use of Outcome-Present State Test Model of Clinical Reasoning with Filipino Nursing Students, Susy Agustino Jael
Ricketts Analysis Using Conventional and DolphinTM Generated CBCT Lateral Cephs, Yeganeh Parhizkar Jewell
Literature Review of Drug Education Programs, Brianna E. Johnson
Relationship between Crime, Psychological Diagnosis and Cognitive Functioning, Kayla M. Kinworthy
Mechanisms of Post-hemorrhagic Hydrocephalus after Germinal Matrix Hemorrhage, Damon William Klebe
Experiences of Nurses and Midwives during the Ebola Outbreak in Liberia, West Africa, Erhuvwukorotu S. Kollie
Interleukin-6, Depression, and Religious Coping in Older Seventh-day Adventists, Palak Dipak Kothari
Synthesis of HuaCat® Analogues as Novel Organocatalysts for the Formation of Asymmetric C-C Bonds, Kenneth Laboy
Clinical Assessment of Pragmatics (CAPs): A Validation Study, Adriana Lavi
Heart-focused Anxiety and Cardiac Treatment Adherence, Angelyna M. Lowe
Exploring Factors in the Relationship Balance Assessment, Thomas B. Luttrell
The Frontal-Temporal Signature of TBI-Induced Acute Cerebral Metabolic Crisis, Christina Mannino
Emotional Memory: Examining Differences in Retrieval Methods, Audrey Martinez
Mechanism of Chimeric Vaccine Mediated Immune Suppression of Human Dendritic Cells, Jacques Christian Mbongue
Taphonomy of a Lance Formation(Maastrichtian, WY) Dinosaur Bonebed with a Focus on Tooth Traces, Matthew A. McLain
Comparative Studies of TSLP and IL-7 in Normal Early Human Neonatal and Adult B Cell Development, Terry-Ann Milford
Appearance-Related Commentary and Body Image in Women, Christina P. Moldovan
Accuracy of Volumetric Analysis Software Packages in Assessment of Tooth Volume Using CBCT, Saylee Nimbalkar
Histomorphometric Analysis of Maxillary Sinus Grafts: A Randomized Controlled Study, Mina Nishimoto
General Fatalism and Diabetes Fatalism as Predictors of Diabetes Treatment Adherence, Esmeralda Ibette Nuñez
Sedimentology of Kingston Peak Formation KP1 Beds in Beck Canyon Region, Kingston Range, California, Dominic Joel Ombati
Effects of Microwave Irradiation on the Dimensional Stability of Complete Denture Bases, Miguel Pappaterra
NICU Parental Mental Health and Infant Outcomes: Effects of Psychological Well-Being and Psychopathology, Kathleen H. Parker
A CBCT Study of Pharyngeal Airway Changes Due to Fixed Functional Appliances, Scott T. Peterson
Interpreting Southern California Arc Geochemistry by Multivariate and Spatial Methods, Lance R. Pompe
Influence of Low Temperature Degradation on Microstructural Integrity of Zirconia Dental Implants, Mona Monzavi Rahimi
Effects of Stress, Sex Differences, and Cognitive Reserve on Cognitive Decline in Healthy Elderly Subjects, Courtney Ray
Reconnecting the Mind and Body: Using Bodywork to Help Improve Mental Health, Floribeth Rivera
Intimate Partner Violence in a Conservative Christian Denomination: Prevalence and Risk Factors, Carolyn Sallion-Love
Relational Engagement and Empowerment: Establishing a Foundation to Address Gender and Power, Sarah K. Samman
Role of Slit2 in Reducing Complications after Surgical Brain Injury, Prativa Sherchan
Interacting Beliefs and Processes in Mothers of Children Diagnosed with Autism, Lara L. South
An Examination of Social Media and the Tripartite Influence Model of Body Image Disturbance, Amanda F. Suplee
Correlation of Tooth Length Measurements made on CBCT and 3T MR Images, Andrew Scott Taylor
Survive or Thrive: Focusing on the Forest (Global) or the Trees (Local) Impacts Meaning Making, Seda Terzyan
Role of Protein Kinase G in Regulating Vascular Tone in Hypoxic Ovine Cerebral Arteries, Richard Burdette Thorpe
Predictors of Adolescent E-cigarette Use, Denise Dao Tran
Proteomic Profiling of Serum Derived Exosomes from Prostate Cancer Patients, David Turay
An Evaluation of Root Length Change Measurements using Intraoral Scan and Panoramic Radiographs, Elijah C. Wang
Cyclically-Forced Hyperpycnites of the Ancient Colorado River Proximal Prodelta, Sandra R. Waresak
Depositional Model of a Late Cretaceous Dinosaur Fossil Concentration, Lance Formation, Summer Rose Weeks
Factors Promoting Human Papillomavirus Mediated Cervical Carcinogenesis, Yan Chen Wongworawat
A Tele-Coaching Intervention to Support Families in the NPP+: An Experimental Mixed Method Design, Wendella Wray
Factors Influencing Blood Pressure among Rural Adults with Hypertension in China, Lili Yang
The Influence of Acculturation on Meanings of Marriage for Iranian-American Women, Golnoush Yektafar-Hooshvar
Comparison of Two methods of Transpalatal Arch and Lingual Arch Activation, Taoran Zhang
Theses/Dissertations from 2015
Physical Therapy after Triangular Fibrocartilage Injuries and Ulnar Wrist Pain, Mohamed A. Abdelmegeed
The Effect of Cervical Muscle Fatigue on Postural Stability during Immersion Virtual Reality, Mazen M. Alqahtani
The Effects of a Novel Therapeutic Intervention in Diabetic Peripheral Neuropathy Patients, Adel M. Alshahrani
Effect of Tactile Feedback on Reducing Body Sway in Elderly, Faris Shuleih Alshammari
Cross-cultural Adaption and Psychometric Properties Testing of The Arabic Anterior Knee Pain Scale, Abdullah S. Alshehri
Effect of Tai Chi Exercise Combined with Mental Imagery in Improving Balance, Abdulrahman Alsubiheen
Effect of Vestibular Adaptation Exercises on Chronic Motion Sensitivity, Danah Alyahya
Cultural Beliefs and Professional Empathy Influence Continuity of Healthcare, Jael A. Amador
Developing Dyadic Measurements in Marriage and Family Therapy: The Dyadic Supervision Evaluation, Adrian Avila
Tooth Size Ratio in Orthodontic Patients with Varied Sagittal Skeletal Patterns; A CBCT Study, James Barra
Executive Dysfunction is Predictive of Clinical Symptomatology in 22q11.2 Deletion Syndrome, Chinonyere Kemdirim Bello
The Effect of Scan Settings on the Identification of Tooth Socket Lamina Dura Surface: A CBCT Study, Erick Carlucci
The Assessment of Malingering Within Forensic Populations, Caroline Mary Katherine Carr
Lipid Regulation as a Critical Factor in the Development of Alzheimer's Disease, Michael A. Castello
Communities in Action: Participatory Assessments as an Initial Stage in Critical Consciousness Raising and Community Capacity Building, Carizma Amila Chapman
To a Better Understanding of Professional Practice: Provider Decision-Making When Delivering HIV Services, Carizma Amila Chapman
Disaster Relief and Psychological First Aid, Jenny HaeYeon Cho
Prostate Cancer Screening Intention among Black Men: A Multivariate Analysis, Crystal Renee Clarke
The Dynamics of Human and Rattlesnake Conflict in Southern California, Aaron Grant Corbit