Theses, dissertations, and other culminating projects produced by the students of Loma Linda University are placed in the institutional repository to document an enduring and continuing record of the scholarship of the Loma Linda University community.
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Theses/Dissertations from 2015
Chlorinated Tyrosine Species as Markers of Inflammation: A Kinetic Study, Matthew Peter Curtis
Parental Stress and Child Behavior Problems in Families of Children with Autism, Allyson Davis
Becoming an Ally: Multi-family Group Therapy Pilot with Low-income Families, Julie Virginia Estrella
Psychological Services for Pediatric Victims of Non Accidental Trauma, Robyn Finckbone
Soft-sediment Deformation and Dune Collapse in the Navajo Sandstone, Colby Ford
TSLP-induced Mechanisms and Potential Therapies for CRLF2 B-cell Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia, Olivia L. Francis
Paternal Depression in the Peripartum Period: An International Delphi Study, Cassidy J. Freitas
Molecular Mechanisms That Govern Human Cardiac Stem Cell Age Disparity, Tania Fuentes
A Needs Assessment of Caregiving Parents to Children with Substantial Disabilities, Liza Maria Garcia
Prostate Cancer Screening of Heterosexual Caribbean American and African American Men and their Partners, Horatius C. Gittens
Acceptability and Preferences for Empirically-Supported Psychological Treatments, Amanda Gorlick
Geographic and Ontogenetic Variation of Venom in the Rattlesnakes Crotalus oreganus oreganus and Crotalus o. helleri, Eric Conrad Kyle Gren
Effect of a Simulation Course on Medication Administration Safety of Malaysian Nursing Student, Noraidah L. Guntalib
Morphological Changes in Alveolar Bone Following Orthodontic Space Closure, Ninette Hacopian
Recreational Diving and Hawksbill Sea Turtles (Eretmochelys imbricata) in a Marine Protected Area, Christian Hayes
Muscle Dynamics as the Result of Whole Body Vibration and Plyometrics, Richard Jeremy Hubbard
Breast Cancer Patients' Perspectives on the Helpfulness of Supportive Offerings, Renee Lauren Jarvis
Effect of Diamond Bur and Root Canal Irrigants on Retention of Fiber Posts, Rami Jekki
Dietary Intake and Bio-activation of Nitrite and Nitrate in Newborn Infants, Jesica Ann Jones
Human Olfactory Perception: A Literature Review, Catherine Jameson Lee Kelly
Crotalus Snake Venom Preconditioning to Prevent Surgical Brain Injury, Cherine Hee-Sun Kim
Program Evaluation and Guideline Development for Psychological Treatment of the Adolescent and Young Adult Population with Cancer, Kayla R. Kraich
Getting to the Doctor: BPSS Factors of Health Care Utilization in Fragile Families, Veronica P. Kuhn
Treatment Outcomes of Patients with Unilateral Class II Malocclusions: A CBCT Study, Brent Leggett
Parent Stress and Social Skills Development in Children with Developmental Delays, Andrea Lewallen
Treatment Manual for Improving Self-Esteem, Body Image, and Interpersonal Effectiveness of Female Juvenile Offenders, Victoria Liao
Relationship among Psychotherapy Measurements: Predictors of ORS and OQ-45 Scores, Evan Lima
Dialectical Behavior Therapy and Adolescent Patient Treatment Dropout, Danessa Mayo
Comparison of Text Analysis Programs for Identification of Emotional Expression, Michelle McDonnell
Predictors of Placement Satisfaction for Foster Youth, Shereen McFarlane
Use of Multi-Informants in Predicting Adolescent Treatment Dropout, David A. Mitchell
Clinical Essentials for Obesity, Ryan Garry Montanari
Tooth Length Measurements on 3T MR Images: A Retrospective Study, Kevin G. Murray
Online Psychoeducational Therapy for Chronic Pain, Cynthia Marie Nakoski
Long-Term Hypoxia Alters Ovine Fetal Adrenal eNOS and Cortisol Biosynthesis, Elizabeth Anne Newby
Palmitic Acid Activation of Dendritic Cells: Implications for Type 2 Diabetes, Dequina Angelina Nicholas
Nondysphoric Depressive Symptoms and Cognitive Abilities in Healthy Older Adults, Clint H. Norseth
An Attribution-Emotion Approach to Political Conflict, Daniel Joel Northington
High-Resolution Correlation of a Time-Bounded Unit of the Pisco Formation, Peru, Daniel J. O'Hare
Indicators of Ambiguous Loss in Families with Traumatic Brain Injured Members, Mynda Ohs
Curcumin: A Multi-dimensional Approach to Pancreatic Cancer Targeting Cell Death and Exosomes, Carlos J. Diaz Osterman
Perinatal Hypoxia Exposure on the Developing Heart: The Role of Endothelin-1, Alexandra Paradis
Comparison of Maxillary Anterior Teeth Width to Facial Dimensions among Three Races, Ewa Parciak
Do Clergy in Hidalgo County, Texas Serve as a Bridge or Barrier to Mental Health Services?, John C. Park
Performance of Number of Factors Procedures in Small Sample Sizes, Marc Thomas Porritt
Are Bone Turnover Markers and Vitamin D levels associated with Frequency of Complete Denture Relines?, Shweta Puri
The Lived Experience of Aging: Listening to the Oldest-Old, Julia A. Pusztai
Elections Have Consequences: Moral Value Foundations Ensure Gridlock through the Ballot Box, Gregory John Regts
Music Listening as Therapy, David M. Rosenblatt
Reproductive Ecology and Hatchling Behavior of Olive Ridley Sea Turtles in Honduras, Noemi Duran Royo
Behavioral Assessment and Referral for Patients with Cardiovascular Disease, Sarah June Sadeghi
Youth Adjustment to the Impact of the Sierra Leone Civil War, Daniel S. Sandy
Legal Marriage, Civil Unions, Registered Domestic Partnership and Well-being among Same-Sex Couples, Naomi J. Schwenke
A 3D Radiographic Evaluation of Crestal Bone Changes Around Immediately Loaded Endosseous Implants, Keerthi Senthil
Executive Functioning Outcomes among Self-Harming Adolescents Receiving DBT-A, Alphonso A. Smith
Use of an Enhanced Engagement Approach to Increase Engagement in an Online Support Group, Ketlyne Sol
Hospice Care in Malaysia: Knowledge, Attitude and Time of Discussion, Shanthi Ellen Solomon
Weight Stigma as a Mediator among BMI, Childhood Overweight, Body Image and Depression, Serena D. Stevens
Molecular Characterization and Inhibition of Antibodies Elicited Against Galactosyltransferase Knockout Pig Xenografts, John M. Stewart
Acclimatization to High-Altitude, Long-Term Hypoxia Alters BK Channel Structure and Function, Xiaoxiao Tao
Assessment of Geriatric Depression: Construction of a New Screening Inventory, Earl C. Thorndyke III
Prevalence and Rationale of Orthodontic Extractions at Loma Linda University, Teresa T. Tran
Cultural Beliefs and Self-Efficacy in Diet Adherence among Type 2 Diabetics, Sonika Kravann Ung
Existence of Inhibitor of Apoptosis in Tumor Exosomes, Malyn May Asuncion Valenzuela
Effects of Nurse Caring Behaviors on Mothers' Anxiety and Attachment in Pregnancy Following Perinatal Loss, Joyce G. Oliverio Volsch
Gender, Power, and Trust Issues in Couple Therapy with Adult-Survivor Couples, Melissa A. Wells
Theses/Dissertations from 2014
Cognitive Function in the Alcohol Addiction Treatment Population, Suranee Abeyesinhe
Effect of Monophasic Pulsed Current on the Treatment of Plantar Fasciitis, Abdullah Alotaibi
The Effect of Root Canal Cleansing on the Retention of Glass Fiber-reinforced Posts, Faisal Dhaifallah Al-Qarni
The Role of Claudins in Bone Metabolism, Fatima Zakariya Alshbool
Perceived Empathy and Continuity of Cancer Screening Care Among Latino and Anglo Women, Jael Aniuska Amador
Cortical Mechanisms of Human Pelvic Floor Muscle Synergies, Skulpan Asavasopon
Exosomal Survivin-T34A: A Novel, Potential Cancer Therapeutic, Jonathan Richard Aspe
Retinoic Acid Regulation of Thyroid Hormone Action in Bone Cells, Anjali Babbar
Predicting Cognitive Decline in Older Adults, Kimberly M. Baerresen
Humor's Effect on Short-Term Memory in Older Adults: An Innovative Wellness Paradigm, Gurinder Singh Bains
Acculturation and Cardiovascular Behaviors Among Adult Asian-Americans, Monideepa Bhattacharya Becerra
Effects of Proton Radiation on Behavior in a Mouse Model of Alzheimer’s Disease, John A. Bellone
CD21 and CD24 Co-expression: A Translational Model between Mouse and Human, Abigail Benitez
Quantitative Characterization of Conserved Noncoding Regions by Flow Cytometry, Amber Brown
Marital Selflessness Scale (MSS): An Exploratory Factor Analysis, Marj Buchholz-Castronova
The Lived Experience of Chinese American Christians in Family Life, Jessica Lynn ChenFeng
Venom Yield, Regeneration, and Composition in the Centipede Scolopendra Polymorpha, Allen Michael Cooper
Nesting Ecology of Hawksbill Sea Turtles (Eretmochelys imbricata) on Utila, Honduras, Lindsey Renee Eggers Damazo
Intergenerational Congruence in Chinese American Young Adults, Kimberly Doe
Co-Constructing Cultural Attunement with Latino Clients in Couple Therapy, Marco Antonio Elias-Juarez
A Guide for the Psychosocial Treatment of Infertility, Linnea Esselstrom
Nutrition Students’ Perception of OSCE & its effect on Perceived Readiness to Clinical Placement, Elaf Farahat
Emotional Intelligence: How it Impacts Depression Levels and Perception of Role Fulfillment Among Caregiver Foster Parents, Elysse Farnell
Sedimentology of Marine Vertebrate Burial in the Miocene Pisco Fm., Peru, Monte A. Fleming
The Association of Health Literacy with Self-care Agency in Older Adults in Jamaica, Heather F. Fletcher
Role of Astrocyte Network in Edema after Juvenile Traumatic Brain Injury, Andrew Minoru Fukuda
Survivin: Regulation by YY1 and Role in Pancreatic Cancer Combination Therapy, Nicholas R. Galloway
Effect of Maternal Hypoxia on Fetal Development: Programming of HIE Phenotype in Neonatal Rat Brain, Pablo J. Gonzalez-Rodriguez
Postpartum Working Mothers: The Maternal Employee-Employer Relationship and U.S. Leave Policy, Veronica E. Hay
The Effects of Childhood and Combat-Related Trauma on Psychological Outcomes in Veterans, Alyson C. Hermé
The Impact of Trauma and Attachment on Eating Disorder Symptomology, Julie A. Hewett
Heart-focused Anxiety as a Predictor of Cardiac Rehabilitation Attendance, Angelyna M. Hinkle
Skeletal Changes after Rapid Maxillary Expansion and Fixed Orthodontic Treatment: A CBCT Study, Chandler Ho
CBCT Evaluation of Morphological Changes to Alveolar Bone Due to Orthodontic Tooth Movement, Jeremy M. Hoff