Theses/Dissertations from 1959
A Follow-Up Study of Paradise Valley School of Nursing Graduates from 1950-1957, Charlotte D. Ross
A Comparative Study of Graduates of the Four and the Three Year Programs of a Selected School of Nursing, Valrie I. Rudge
A Community Survey to Identify Rehabilitative Needs in the Home, Marion S. Ryerson
A Selected Bibliography Suitable for Use in Overseas Missionary Nursing Preparation, Anna May Vaughan
Activities of the Head Nurse in a Selected Medical Unit of the Loma Linda Sanitarium and Hospital, Bessie Wat
Incidents which Threaten Patient Safety Classified for Use in Teaching Operating Room Nursing, Elsie Dorothy Vivian Wendth
An Investigation of the Feasibility of Establishing a School of Nursing in Connection with Bella Vista Hospital, M. Eulalia White
Biochemical Changes in the Devascularized Femoral Head, Jeanne Wiesseman
Theses/Dissertations from 1958
An Investigation of the Feasibility of Raising the Level of Nursing Education in the Nyadiri Mission Hospital School, Elma J. Ashby
Positions Held During the First Year Following Graduation by Graduates from College Programs in Nursing, Geneva Bowman
A Study of the Religious Behavior of the Graduates of a Selected School of Nursing, Louise Maybelle Brown
Natural and Experimental Infections of THELAZIA CALIFORNIENSIS Price (1930, Nematoda: Thelaziidae) with Descriptions of the Adult and Larval Parasites, Howard S. Burnett
The Comparative Ultrastructure of the Choroid Plexus in Certain Animal Species, Norman M. Case
Artificial Respiration during the Apnea of Cerebral Trauma, Thorvald W. Christiansen
Utilization of Men Nurses as a Factor in Attracting Men into the Profession, Arne Melvin Dahlsten
Preparation of Health Education Materials in the Field of Maternal and Infant Care for Use in Taiwan, Muriel Howe
Electroencephalography in a Teaching Hospital, Guy M. Hunt Jr.
A Problem Situation Unit In In-Service Education for Graduate Nurses, Bessie E. Irvine
A Study of Attitudes Influencing Indonesian Seventh-day Adventist Youth to Enter Nursing, Wilma L. Leazer
A Pilot Study of the Nature of Learning Experiences in the Operating Room, Lucile Lewis
The Relationship between the Systemic Action of Various Carbohydrates and the Development of Subsequent Dental Caries, Pat O. O'Day
Natural History of THELAZIA CALIFORNIENSIS Price, 1930 (Nematoda: Thelaziidae), A Mammalian Eye Worm, Warren E. Parmelee
The Effect of Preweanling Administration of Carbohydrates used in Infant Formulas on Subsequent Dental Caries in White Rats, Erlinda Amor Romulo
An Investigation into Nursing Students' Awareness of Emotional Needs of Patients in a General Hospital, Sadie Sinclair
A Plan for Inservice Education in a Small Maternity Unit, Ruth Wipperman
An Analysis of a Pilot Test Used for Selecting Students in a School of Nursing in South India, Edna L. York
Theses/Dissertations from 1957
An Evaluation of Patient Health Teaching in a Selected Hospital, Grescilda Ruth Morris
The Surgical Treatment of Peptic Ulcer with Special Reference to Subtotal Gastrectomy, Harry Charles Nelson Jr.
Carcinoid Tumors : An Analysis of 24 New Cases and a Review of the Literature, William James Oneal
Some Supplementary Studies with Wheat Proteins, Gerald G. Porter
A Proposed Curriculum for a Small School of Nursing at Puerto Cabezas Based on a Survey of Nursing in Nicaragua, A. Marjorie Whitney
Theses/Dissertations from 1956
Tuberculosis of the Vertebral Bodies from the Thoracic Surgeon's View, George James Coloviras Jr.
The Rates of Glutathione Metabolism in Brain and Liver Studied with Glycine-2-C¹⁴, George Wilbur Douglas Jr.
Activities of Graduates of the New England Sanitarium and Hospital School of Nursing, Elvie Annette Fildes
The Nature and Incidence of Vascular Lesions of the Brain in 10,000 Consecutive Autopsies, David Hartson
Diagnostic Abdominal Aspiration in Acute Abdominal Conditions, George Quan Lee
Congenital Hypertrophic Pyloric Stenosis, Robert George Lukens
Cardiac Arrhythmias following total Pneumonectomy, Arthur C. Miller
Stapes Ankylosis and its Mobilization, Emery I. Pick
A Study of Eighty-Three Cases of Glaucoma Treated by Cyclodiathermy with Reference to the Facility of Outflow, Robert V. Shearer
Surgery for Benign Biliary Tract Disease : An Analysis of 310 Cases from Smaller Hospitals, Theodore E. Wade
Tendon Transplantation in the Treatment of Paralytic Equinus, George J. Wiessman
Theses/Dissertations from 1955
The Visceral to Skin Temperature Gradient in Restraint Hypothermia, Glenn L. Foster
Avian Erythrocyte Receptor Substance for the Natural Hemolysin in Rat Serum, Richard Vincent Johnson
Theses/Dissertations from 1952
A Statistical Review of 436 Submucous Resections with Post-Operative Results of 338 Cases, D. Wilson Hales
Theses/Dissertations from 1947
The Applicability of Values Clarification to Cardiac Patient Education, Bonnie Berger and Vilma Raetting