Submissions from 1953
Intravenous pentobarbital (nembutal) sedation in eye surgery, Robert J. Schillinger
Submissions from 1952
Death due to agranulocytosis induced by methimazole therapy, Norman W. Specht and Earl J. Boehme
Office practice of anesthesia, Forrest E. Leffingwell
The effect of hydergine (CCK-179) on peripheral tone and arterial pulsation, Otto Arndal
Problems of Human Intersexuality. Genetic and Endocrine Interaction., JULIUS BAUER
Endometriosis of the vermiform appendix; review of literature, with addition of nine new instances, one of which caused severe melena, Donald C. Collins
Effects upon the lung of varying periods of temporary occlusion of the pulmonary artery, Harry A. Davis, William B. Gordon, Edward W. Hayes, and Malcolm T. Wasley
Homologous transplantation of the lung: Preliminary Report of Technical Studies, Harry A. Davis, Joseph P. O'Connor, George J. Coloviras, and Dale L. Strawn
Hereditary microcornea and cataract in five generations, M. Wallace Friedman and Edwin S. Wright
Results of Treatment of Ulcerative Colitis with Salicylazosulfapyridine, Lester M. Morrison
Pseudomonas hydrophila, the cause of red mouth disease in rainbow trout, Edward D. Wagner and Curtis L. Perkins
Submissions from 1951
Osteomata of the frontal sinus with special consideration of the surgical removal, Benton N. Colver
Virus‐like bodies in human cancer. An electron‐microscope study of the filterable component, of normal and neoplastic tissue, J. De Witt Fox
Teaching of diseases of the chest in medical schools, Edward W. Hayes
Reduction of mortality rate in coronary atherosclerosis by a low cholesterol-low fat diet, Lester M. Morrison
Submissions from 1950
Instrumental Improvements for Microdetermination of Protein-Bound Iodine in Blood, Albert L. Chaney
The so‐called Cushing's Syndrome, its History, Terminology and Differential Diagnosis, JULIUS BAUER
Sudden death due to allergy tests, M. Coleman Harris and Norman Shure
An improved procedure for the quantitative estimation of urinary pregnanediol, Robert E. Hoyt and Milton G. Levine
The relationship between human serum cholinesterase and serum albumin, Milton Gjelhaug Levine and Robert E. Hoyt
The Nature of Rabbit Serum Cholinesterase., Milton Gjelhaug Levine, Robert E. Hoyt, and Anita A. Suran
A technique for extensive thoracolumbar sympathectomy without rib resection, Theodore B. Massell, Jerome Ettinger, and Jack R. Voskamp
Results of treatment of coronary arteriosclerosis with choline, Lester M. Morrison and William F. Gonzalez
Cholesterol content of the coronary arteries and blood in acute coronary artery thrombosis, Lester M. Morrison and Kenneth D. Johnson
Death from Cachectic Chronic Gastritis?, Rudolf Schindler, Max Benjamin, and Stanley S. Schlosberg
Submissions from 1949
Abdominal Palpation As An Aid to Gastroscopic Examination, Olov A. Blomquist
Modern management of acute perforated gastroduodenal ulcers, Donald C. Collins
Effects of Hemorrhagic Shock upon the Electroencephalogram, H. A. Davis, W. R. Grant, W. P. Mcneill, R. F. Wilkinson, and C. Marsh
Obstructions of the superior vena cava. A review of the literature with two case reports, David B. Hinshaw
Serum Cholinesterase in Some Pathological Conditions, M. G. Levine and R. E. Hoyt
Procaine as an autonomic drug, Clarence W. Olsen
Construction and Use of a Safe Diagnostic Optical Esophagoscope, Rudolf Schindler
Submissions from 1948
A safe diagnostic optical esophagoscope, Rudolf Schindler
Protein supplementation in gastro-intestinal diets, Alfaretta Johnson
Artificial reproduction of the cyclic changes in cervical mucus in human castrates; With clinical correlations, A. R. Abarbanel
Correlation of basal body temperature curves with endometrial biopsy, A. R. Abarbanel
Procidentia. A new operation to cure the "remaining" prolapsed cervix or vaginal hernia, Rafe C. Chaffin
Objectives of curriculum construction in teaching nutrition to graduate medical students, Alfaretta C. Johnson
Absorption of Aortic Atherosclerosis by Choline Feeding, Lester M. Morrison and Amerigo Rossi
Submissions from 1947
New methods of therapy in cirrhosis of the liver, Lester M. Morrison
SCLEROMA: AN ETIOLOGICAL STUDY, M. G. Levine, R. E. Hoyt, and J. E. Peterson
Intestinovesical fistula, Roger W. Barnes and Malcolm R. Hill
Bilateral anophthalmos in a brother and sister, Laurence M. Ashley
The inheritance of streblomicrodactyly, Laurence M. Ashley
Appetite and overeating in their relation to obesity, Julius Bauer
Sickle Cell Disease: Circulatory Stasis in Small Blood Vessels, JULIUS BAUER
LXII Scleroma: A Clinico-Pathological Study of Seven Cases in One Family, H. James Hara, Orlyn B. Pratt, Milton G. Levine, and Robert E. Hoyt
A method for determining sensitivity to penicillin and streptomycin, Robert E. Hoyt and Milton Gjelhaug Levine
Scleroma:Complement Fixation Test, Milton Gjelhaug Levine and Robert E. Hoyt
Submissions from 1946
Deaths from surgical diseases of the biliary tract, C. A. Bachhuber
The combined use of lanatoside C and quinidine sulfate in the abolition of established auricular flutter, Ralph M. Tandowsky, Joseph M. Oyster, and Alexander Silverglade
Submissions from 1945
Symbols for designating multiple births, Lawrence M. Ashley
Submissions from 1944
The male climacteric—a misnomer, Julius Bauer
Peptic ulcer, gastritis and psychoneurosis: Among naval personnel suffering from dyspepsia, Hugh Montgomery, Waltman Walters, Rudolf Schindler, Laurentius O. Underdahl, and Hugh R. Butt
Hetrogenous skin grafts by the coagulum contact method, Harold I. Harris
Aseptic resection and anastomosis of the small intestine, H. P. Totten
Submissions from 1943
Role of the anal glands in the pathogenesis of anorectal disease, Malcolm R. Hill, E. Harold Shryock, and F. George Rebell
Multiple congenital anomalies in a stillborn infant, Laurence M. Ashley and George E. Richardson
Pedunculated fibromyoma of the inguino-abdominal region. Case report, C. A. Bachhuber
Complications of thyroid surgery. Anatomy of the recurrent laryngeal nerve, middle thyroid vein and inferior thyroid artery, Carl A. Bachhuber
Soviet medicine, Herman Gold
Giant cell tumor of the patella. Case report, Max A. Levine
The electrocardiogram in the hyperventilation syndrome, William Paul Thompson
Simplified aseptic gastrojejunal anastomosis using the Rankin clamp, H. P. Totten
Submissions from 1942
Caustic effect of sodium sulfathiazole solution on nasal mucous membranes: Results of animal studies, Charles E. Futch, Lloyd K. Rosenvold, and Charles E. Stewart
Positioning in surgery of the extremities, L. N. Cozen
The mortality of cholecystectomy in the male, Carl A. Bachhuber
Hypertension and cardiac rupture. A clinical and pathologic study of seventy-two cases, in thirteen of which rupture of the interventricular septum occurred, Hugh A. Edmondson and Harold J. Hoxie
Submissions from 1941
The use of sulfacetimide in bacillary infections of the urinary tract, Ferdinand Welebir and Roger W. Barnes
Papillary cystadenocarcinoma of the ovary, F. Harriman Jones
Self-induced nitrous oxide analgesia in office care of painful anorectal conditions, David Miller
Submissions from 1940
Latent choriocarcinoma, Albert F. Brown, Wilfred Snodgrass, and Orlyn B. Pratt
The surgical treatment of acute cholecystitis, H. K. Bonn and C. A. Bachhuber
Postoperative wound disruption and evisceration. An analysis of thirty-four cases with a review of the literature, Arthur Bowen
Seasonal incidence of coronary occlusion in a mild climate. A study based upon autopsy material, Harold J. Hoxie
Submissions from 1939
Etiological factors in acute appendicitis. Based upon a study of 3,400 cases, Donald C. Collins
Peroneal nerve lesions in orthopedic conditions, Ernst Freund
Right ventricular hypertrophy and congestive failure in chronic pulmonary disease, Donald E. Griggs, Charles B. Coggin, and Newton Evans
Submissions from 1938
Sex hormone therapy for prostatism, Robert V. Day, Harry W. Martin, A. A. Kutzmann, and E. E. Kessler
Submissions from 1937
Vesical dysfunction following abdominoperineal resection: For carcinoma of the rectum, Malcolm R. Hill, Roger W. Barnes, and Cyril B. Courville
Teaching urology to medical students, Roger W. Barnes
Tumors of the testicle, Elmer Belt
Complications following prostatic resection, H. C. Bumpus
Submissions from 1936
Thrombosis of internal cerebral veins in infancy and childhood. Review of literature and report of five cases, Hertha Ehlers and Cyril B. Courville
Submissions from 1935
Spontaneous intraperitoneal rupture of the normal urinary bladder, Roger W. Barnes and A. A. Steele
Hypophyseal cachexia (simmonds’ disease) with atrophy of the anterior lobe of the pituitary gland: Report of a case, Lewis Gunther and Cyril B. Courville
Submissions from 1934
Adenocarcinoma of the uterus in a rabbit, Oran I. Cutler
Submissions from 1932
Dermatitis venenata due to shoe leather, Nelson Paul Anderson and Samuel Ayres
The relation of the hypophysis to the growth of malignant tumors:I the effect of hypophysectomy on transplanted mammary carcinoma in the white rat, Howard A. Ball and Leo T. Samuels
A comparison of the british and the american methods of medical examinations, Warren G. Harding
Role of the medical school in the development of character in the medical student, Percy T. Magan
Submissions from 1929
The cooperative plan in medical education; four years experience, Newton Evans
Submissions from 1928
Hot baths in late syphilis, Merrill W. Hollingsworth
Submissions from 1923
Impossibility of moving vertebrae, L. C. Kellogg
Submissions from 1922
Radium in the treatment of subungual verrucae, Samuel Ayres