Theses, dissertations, and other culminating projects produced by the students of Loma Linda University are placed in the institutional repository to document an enduring and continuing record of the scholarship of the Loma Linda University community.
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Theses/Dissertations from 2021
Predictors of Aggression among Adolescent Girls, Sarah Joy Park
The Influence of Strength and Mobility on Lumbar Biomechanics During Lifting, Christopher S. Patterson
WISDOM Program as a Treatment for Geriatric Psychopathology, Darrell Gene Rice
The Effects and Mechanisms of Phytochemicals on Alzheimer’s Disease Neuropathology, David Ross
The Effect of Omega-3 Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids on Periodontal Inflammation in Rats, Hardev M. Singh
Therapists’ Willingness to Access Client Social Media Accounts in the Context of Suicide Risk, Jacob A. Vermeersch
Theses/Dissertations from 2020
Lower Jurassic Fluvio-Lacustrine Deposits of the Glen Canyon Group, SW Utah, Samuel A. Abdala
Religious Doubt as a Mediator of the Relationship between Religious Identity and Well-Being, Jedd P. Alejandro
Meal and Food Selection Patterns of Binge Episodes in Ethnically Diverse Adults, Abigail Grace Alido
Non-Accidental Trauma: Nature of Subsequent Encounters and Related Outcomes, Marina Bassili
Foraging Ecology of Hawksbill Turtles within a Roatán Marine Reserve, Dustin Baumbach
Relationships for Social Change: A Longitudinal Examination of a Promotora-Led Program for Socioeconomic Mobility, Dayanne Assunção Vieira Carter
Youth-At Risk Behaviors within the School System in Trinidad and Tobago, Se-Anne Chance
A Comparison of Heat Generated Between Carbide and Diamond Bur during Implantoplasty, Bryce Chun
Adverse Childhood Experiences and Cigarette Smoking: Demographic Moderators, Taylor Cosanella
A comparison of the area of the internal nasal valve in CBCT and MRI, Chantelle Ghiam
An Examination of the Neural Basis of Self-Reflectivity in Schizophrenia, Britan M. Heavrin
Distress among Parents of Overweight Children with Developmental Disabilities, Lilit Hovsepyan
The Relationship between Cannabis Experience, Schizotypy, and Psychosis, Kimberly Alexandra Igirio
The Relationship between Subsyndromal Symptomatic Depression and Cognitive Dysfunction, Bryce Jacobson
Storm-Dominated Diatomite: Transport and Deposition From Micro-Texture, Taylor Kelln
Psychosocial Needs of Released Long-Term Incarcerated Older Adults, Lisa A. Lares
Development and Maturation of the Brain Following Pediatric mTBI, Jeong Bin Lee
Comparison of Heat Generated During Twist Drilling Protocol by Guided and Non-Guided Implant Surgery, Joshua Lee
Medical and Parental Predictors of Self-Efficacy in Pediatric Chronic Illness, Naina Mahtani
The Development of a Therapeutic Alliance Focused Intervention, Amanda L. Mendez
Attitudes and understanding of orthodontic treatment using comic vs. text format, Darron Miya
Parental Involvement as a Mediator of ACE Scores and Intelligence Among Children, Shirin Mostofi
Stage 2 Outpatient Adolescent Recovery (SOAR) Program Family Therapy Manual, Sarah Yelim Nam An
SOAR (Stage 2 Outpatient Adolescent Recovery) Clinical Interview Manual, Aniel Ponce
Validity of the Perceptual Ability Test, Brandon Schmid
Religion and Risky Sex in a Sample of Predominately Black Young Adult Men, Jade Seto
Cosyntropin as a Therapeutic Intervention following Traumatic Brain Injury, Lorraine C. Siebold
Functional Compartmentalization of MLCK in Fetal Arteries, Dane William Sorensen
Adverse Childhood Experiences and Depressive Symptoms: Protective Effects of Dietary Flavonoids, Alison Tan
Mediators of the Relationship between Mindfulness and E-cigarette Use, Denise Dao Tran
The Effects of a Polyphenol-rich Diet in a Fruit-fly Model of Traumatic Brain Injury, Alexandra D. Trofimova
Synthesis and Characterization of Hemocompatible Antibiotic Nanoparticles, Elvin Muhindo Walemba
Chronic Disease and its Relationship with Elder Mistreatment, Ryan Wong
The Sandy Bay West End Marine Reserve: Hawksbill Inhabitance and Reserve Suitability, Marsha Wright
Nonsexual Boundary Crossings in Psychotherapy: Factors in Ethical Decision-Making, Katherine S. H. Wu
Program Evaluation on the Kids First Program, Katherine E. Yamauchi
Theses/Dissertations from 2019
Association of Nurses’ Sanctification of Work with Work-related Outcomes and Patient Satisfaction, Hazel M. Ada
Ratio of RME Appliance Expansion to Increase in Arch Perimeter Using CBCT Imaging, Evan Agnetta
Spine Kinematics and Muscle Activities in Non-specific Chronic Low Back Pain Subgroups in Sitting, Mansoor Ahmed Alameri
Effects of a Modified Version of Otago Exercise Program on Middle-Aged Adult’s Balance and Sleep, Rana Almarzouki
In-vitro Comparison of Retention Among Contemporary and Conventional Post-and- Cores, Hatem Alqarni
Relationship between Balance and Physical Activity in Subjects with Non-Specific Chronic Low Back Pain, Muhsen B. Alsufiany
Three Dimensional Analysis of Intraoral Scanners Accuracy: An In-Vitro Study, Rami Ammoun
Sociocultural Pressures, Thin Ideal Internalization, Body Appreciation, & Eating Pathology in Women, Gabriela Joanna Bolivar
Exploring the Effects of Age in a Drosophila melanogaster Model of Traumatic Brain Injury, Andrea Maria Briseño
Variation in Morphology, Diet, and Venom Composition in Crotalus pyrrhus (Cope 1867), Chip Cochran
Chitosan as an Immune Modulator: Therapeutic Potential in Cerebral Amyloidopathies, Tanya Larissa Cupino
Comparison of antimicrobial agents Ozonated Olive Oil and Chlorhexidine Gluconate - an in vitro study, Amelia David
Task Analysis of SERT: Exploring the Efficacy of Feminist Therapy, Gregory B. Donihoo
Determining Heavy Metal Concentrations in the Blueband Hermit Crab (Pagurus samuelis), Tyler dos Santos
Connected Families: Programs for Families of Infants/Toddlers At Risk for Autism, Toni Carol Durnal Dunning
The Complexity of the Bilingual Experience: Linguistic Variables Predict Cognition in Older Adults, K'dee D. Elsen
Effects of Gestational Corticosteroids and Caloric Restriction on the Neonatal Cerebrovasculature, Naomi Franco
Inflammation, Depression and Non-adherence Correlates in Persons on Hemodialysis, Kathleen Fulmer
Does self-evaluation and education in students change attitudes and beliefs towards Weight Stigma?, Henry A. Garcia
Measurements of the Pharyngeal Airway Using Whole Head 3T MRI and CBCT, Victoria Geren
The Formulation of a RBANS Effort Supplement, Joshua Seth Goldberg
Cancer, Sexual Quality of Life, and the Dyad: A Qualitative Study, Gabriela E. Gutierrez
Effects of Head Motion on Balance in Middle-Aged and Young Adults with Chronic Motion Sensitivity, Ammar E. Hafiz
Comparison of Maxillary Sinus Dimensions and Volumes on CBCT and 3T MR Images, Cara Hodgson
Accuracy of Surface Area and Volume Measurements of Teeth Determined from CBCT, Joseph Hourany
Education and Social Support as Mediators of Function and Cognition in Patients with Schizophrenia, Spring Flores Johnson
How Korean couples construct marital relationships: A qualitative study, Young Joo Kang
Complications associated with mandibular fixed complete arch prostheses based on implant distribution, Shivani Karre
Social Empathy and Associated Factors Among Nurses: A Mixed Method Study, Gudrun Klim
Efficacy of the Dorsal Application of Kinesio Tape for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, Donnamarie Carter Krause
Signaling Pathways in Skeletal Development and Metabolism, Richard Charles Lindsey
Clinical Effects of Oral Hygiene Instruction via Texting in Orthodontic Patients, Jessica Liu
The relationship between cognitive function and Activities of Daily Living, Pamela V. Lorenzo
Characterization of Cross-Bed Depositional Processes in the Coconino Sandstone, Sarah A. Maithel
Body Dissatisfaction, Perceived Smoking Consequences, and Weight Control Smoking, Samantha N. Martinez
Adverse Childhood Experiences, Cognitive Ability, and Psychosocial Functioning, Maleia Mathis
Fatalism and Pain Experience in Hispanic and Non-Hispanic White Patients with Chronic Pain, Esmeralda Ibette Nuñez
Examining the Need for Psychosocial Services in Pediatric Non-Accidental Trauma, Samantha Nicole O'Bannon
Accuracy of Intraoral Scanners with Different Total Occlusal Convergence Angles: An In-Vitro Study, Brittany M. Pang
Development and Validation of a Readmission Risk Model after Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting, Cherie Lou Jerota Pefanco
Effect of Pediatric Ear Infections on Postural Stability, Ohud A. Sabir
Biomechanics and Postural Control Characteristics in Low Back Pain Subgroups During Dynamic Task, Amjad Shallan
Size, Shape, and Sexual Dimorphism of Island and Mainland Melanerpes Woodpeckers of the Centurus Clade, Lee Michelle Silva Núñez
Mending Body & Soul: A Systemic Intervention for Women with Childhood Sexual Abuse, Ginger G. Simonton
Behavioral Causes of Paleopathologies in Cretaceous Edmontosaurus annectens, Lance Formation, Wyoming, Bethania C. T. Siviero
Reintegration Experiences of Post-Incarcerated Fathers in Southern California, Sheldon Smith
Comparison of Neurofeedback Treatment on PTSD Symptoms within Military and Non-Military Populations, Lelah S. Villalpando
Examining Resilience in the Lives of Black Women, Laurellé C. Warner
Theses/Dissertations from 2018
Using The Theory of Planned Behavior to Understand Student Compliance to Tobacco-Free Policies in California Universities, Harit Agroia
Accreditation Perceptions and Involvement in Saudi Arabian Schools of Nursing, Amal Abdul Aziz Alaskar
Effect of Adding Stretching Techniques to Standardized Intervention on Nonspecific Mechanical Neck Pain, Saad S. Alfawaz
The Wear of Acrylic Resin and Composite Resin Teeth against Polished and Glazed Zirconia, Abdulkareem Alshehri
A Cross-sectional Study on Korean American Mental Health Challenges and Help-seeking Behavior, Kelly Eunjung Baek
Microgravity Exerts an Age-Dependent Effect on Cardiovascular Progenitor Cell Development, Jonathan Baio
Estimating Root Volumes by Limited Segmentation: A Volumetric Analysis of CBCT and Micro-CT Data, Theresa C. Baldwin
Resilience and Complicated Grief, Les Bishop
The Role of Therapeutic Processes within MBSR for Parents of Children with Developmental Delays, Grant Griffin Boostrom