Content Posted in 2024
[3 Cortical Blood Flow and Oxygenation Abstracts], Y. Taguchi, M. Kaminogo, and G. Austin
A Biopsychosocial Perspective of Gulf War Illness: A Structural Model, Katherine N. Nguyen
A Bond Strength Comparison of LED and Halogen Light Curing Units, John Richard Kavanagh
Abstract: Genetic Changes in Brain Aneurysm Wall Protein, G. Austin, W. Schievink, D. Dickson, S. Harris, B. Blackbourne, and S. Richardson
Abstract: Middle Cerebral Aneurysm: A Computer Analysis of Intraaneurysm Pressure and Flow, G. Austin and R. Gaskell
Accidents Involving Nursing Service Personnel Reported During a Two-Year Period in a Selected General Hospital, Evelyn Helen Domke
Accuracy of a Rationally-Derived Method for Predicting Failure in Residential Treatment, Jennifer Pester Grattan
Accuracy of the Indirect Method Evaluated by Mercury Micromeasurement, Estol C. Pruett
Accuracy of the Newtom 3G™ in Measuring the Angle of the Articular Eminence, Rehana Khan
A Century of Caring, Loma Linda University School of Nursing
A Cephalometric, Anatomic and Histologic Investigation of the Effects Resulting from a Heavy Interrupted Orthopedic Force to the Maxilla of the MACACA MULATTA Monkey, Roger Wayne Triftshauser
A Cephalometric Comparison of the Chamula, Mayo and Navajo Indians, Norman C. Bunker
A Cephalometric Evaluation of the Dentofacial Changes Effected with Non-extraction Treatment Utilizing Class II Intermaxillary Elastics, Sing Autrapiromsook
A Cephalometric Evaluation of the Navajo Indian, Robert L. Cole
A Cephalometric Study of Mandibulo-Facial Disostosis in Monozygotic Twins Using Computerized Methods, Lyn M. Lamberton
A Cephalometric Study of Post-Retention Relapse in Mandibular Expansion of Cuspids and Molars, Randall J. Schuler
A Cephalometric Study of the Class II Correction Effects of the Eureka Spring, Ernest L. Stromeyer
A Clinical and Microscopic Evaluation of Plaque Removal and by the Hydrodent Brush, Soertini E. Lambri
A Clinical Comparison of Six Orthodontic Techniques, Erik H. Madsen
A Clinical Evaluation of a Technique Utilizing Plastic Modules for Cuspid and Incisor Retraction, Dwane I. Johnston
A Clinical Evaluation of the Light Progressive Technique during Cuspid and Anterior Retraction, Gary R. Keszler
A Clinical Method for Predicting Orthodontic Band Sizes, Robert P. Mohr
A Clinical Study of Cuspid and Incisor Retraction Using a Simplified Long Acting Edgewise Technique, James M. Prichard
A Clinical Study of Cuspid and Incisor Retraction using the Mechanics of Charles H. Tweed, Eugene R. Humphries
A Community Health Nursing Care Plan, Gayle Clark
A Comparative Analysis of Intrusion of Incisor Teeth Achieved in Adults and Children According to Facial Type, Ronald L. Otto
A Comparative Study of Graduates of the Four and the Three Year Programs of a Selected School of Nursing, Valrie I. Rudge
A Comparative Study of Tensile Properties in Five Orthodontic Wires, Charles B. McDermott
A Comparative Study of the 5- and 3-Meal Plans in Six Convalescent Hospitals in San Bernardino County, Donna J. Meek
A Comparative Study of the Growth of Polyoma Virus in Two Secondary Cell Lines: Mouse Lymphoma and Normal Mouse Fibroblasts, Rheeta M. Stecker
A Comparative Study of the Permanent Deformation of Aesthetic Polymer Brackets, Samar Bou Assi
A Comparative Study of the Planned use of Touch to Enhance the Self Esteem of the Pregnant Adolescent, Una Marie Reeves
A Comparative Study of Two Contemporary Methods of Cephalometric Analysis, Alden B. Chase
A Comparison of Axillary and Rectal Temperatures in Children, Doris Payne
A Comparison of Blood Pressure Readings Taken on Preoperative Patients during Hospital Admission and One and One-Half to Three Hours Later, Susan Lee Woodward
A Comparison of Bond Strength Between Three Glass Ionomer Cements Used for the Retention of Orthodontic Bands, Bryan C. Johnson
A Comparison of Enamel Detachments after Debonding between Unitek's "Dynalok" Bracket and a Foil-Mesh Bracket: A Scanning Electron Microscope Study, Robert E. Meister
A Comparison of Four Curing Lights for Bonding of Orthodontic Brackets, David Sy Nguyen
A Comparison of Liquid and Gel Etchants Determining Shear and Tensile Bond Strengths of Four Orthodontic Adhesives, Gary M. Edgmon
A Comparison of Overbite Relapse to Age, Interincisal Angle and Lower Face Height in Class II Deepbite Cases, James E. MacAlpine
A Comparison of Retentive Strengths of Two Types of Inner Surface Treatments of Orthodontic Bands, Jean M. Rathbun
A Comparison of the Articular Eminence to Various Skeletal and Dental Malocclusions, James R. Wise
A Comparison of the Effectiveness of the Compression Breast Binder with the Supporting Brassiere or Supporting Breast Binder, Wanda M. Bristol
A Comparison of the Empathy of Registered Nurses Practicing Primary Nursing as Compared to that of Registered Nurses Practicing Team Nursing, Carol Milardo Floriani
A Comparison of the Semi-Adjustable Articulator and the Virtual Articulator by Centric Relation and Centric Occlusion Contacts, Donald Shane Witherow
A Comparison of Two Rapid Palatal Expansion Appliances and their Effect on Palatal Cross-Sectional Area, William D. Scott
A Computerized Model of the Circle of Willis with Clinical Application, G. Austin, L. Smith, I. Neilsen, J. Chrispens, and D. Hinshaw
A Computerized Roentgenographic Cephalometric Study of Hydrocephalus, Charles R. Henry Jr.
A Computerized Study of Midpalatal Suture Expansion, Clelan G. Ehrler
A Correlational Study of Mandibular Rotation and Morphology of the Mandible, Brian S. Noguchi
A Correlation Study of Facial Soft Tissue Proportions (Golden Sections) and Cephalometric Measurements of Golden Sections and the Eleven Factor Analysis, Russell Andrew Sutliff
Acquisition of Health Knowledge in Selected Hong Kong Secondary Schools, Anne D. Lindt
Active Treatment Time and Incisor Root Resorption of Malocclusions Treated with Corticotomy Facilitated Orthodontics vs. Non-Corticotomy Treatment, Douglas F. Tetz
A Descriptive Study of Women's Attitudes Towards Obtaining or Not Obtaining Papanicolaou Smears, Linda J. Shults
Adherence of Men with Myocardial Infarction to Prescribed Exercise, Marsha Schwartz
Aerotaxis in BACILLUS SUBTILIS, Laurence Samuel Wong
A Follow-Up Study of Paradise Valley School of Nursing Graduates from 1950-1957, Charlotte D. Ross
A Genetic Basis for Brain Aneurysms, G. Austin, W. Schievink, D. Dickson, and S. Richardson
A Genetic Defect in Brain Aneurysms, George Austin, Wouter Schievink, Delbert Dickson, Stephanie Richardson, and Emily Hanford
Age Related Changes in Contractile Sensitivity to Cyclic GMP and Intracellular Calcium Compartmentalization in Ovine Arteries, Surya Margono Nauli
Age-related changes in Meissner Corpuscles of Diabetic Mice as Observed by Electron Microscopy, Vicky R. Ras
Age-related Changes of Neurites in Meissner Corpuscles of Diabetic, Vicky R. Ras
A Historical Study of the Nursing Care of the Newborn Infant in the Hospital Nursery, Synnove Wasli
A Light and Electron Microscopic Study of Visual Neurons in the Medulla Externa of the Crab HEMIGRAPSUS NUDUS, Yu Cheng Liao
Alteration of Regional Blood Flow and Autoregulation Test in Patients with Vertebrobasilar Disease, Hiroaki Koga and George M. Austin
Altered Body Image Following Radical Mastectomy, Julia Lee Anne McConnell
Alumni Journal - Volume 95, Number 1, Loma Linda University School of Medicine
Alumni Journal - Volume 95, Number 2, Loma Linda University School of Medicine
Alumni Journal - Volume 95, Number 3, Loma Linda University School of Medicine
A Manual for Training Food Service Supervisors in Brazil, Rosalynn Case
A Method of Analyzing Mandibular Movement, Richard B. McCoy
A Methodology for the Determination of the Relationship between Quantitative Occlusal Forces and the Masticatory Muscles, William Melvin Taskey
A Method to Determine Curved Surface laminagraphic width and position in Panoral Radiography Utilizing the Panorex X-ray Unit, Gary G. Morikone
A Model for Preventing Anorexia in College Students, Laura Ann Negin
A Model of Cytomegalovirus Association with the Development of Heart Graft Atherosclerosis, Evan Skowronski
A Model Using Radiation and pWS4-hTNF-α Gene Therapy for Treatment of Glioblastomas, Angelo G. Baher
A Modified Nance Unilateral Molar Distalizer, Tracy J. Reiner
A Morphometrical Analysis of the Guinea Pig Placenta after Chronic Exposure to Carbon Monoxide, Marcella J. Woolsey
Amount of Root Shortening Related to Type of Fixed Appliance : A Comparison of the 0.018" and 0.022" Bracket Slot, Thomas L. Thompson
An 800-Year-Old Physician – Surgeon Researcher Who Fits the Neuro Mold, George M. Austin
Analgesic Effectiveness as Measured by a New Algesiometer, J. Raymond Wahlen
Analysis of Serotonin and Postural Instability in Parkinson’s Disease, Sandra Kuniyoshi
Analysis of the Potentials and Topographical Relations Between the Olfactory Bulb and Prepyriform Cortex, William S. Seibly
Analysis of the Time-Dependent Force Loss of Orthodontic Wires, David Jaekwan Jo
An Analysis of Blood Cortisol Levels in Oral Surgery Patients under Various Levels of Intravenous Medication, Fred L. Bunch
An Analysis of Orthodontic Treatment Results, William S. Asano
An Analysis of Orthodontic Treatment Results Employing Class II Armstrong Adjustable Intermaxillary Springs, Michael E. Shumate
An Analysis of Protein-Ligand Interactions for Enzyme II-Mannitol from ESCHERICHIA COLI, Brent Lee Wood
An Anatomic-Pathologic Investigation of the Causes of Growth and Rupture of Intracranial Aneurysms, George Austin and Gary Ponto
An Animal Model for Development of Pulpal Inflammation, John W. Masters
An Anthropometric Study of the Face and Dentition of the Pima Indian Population at the Stewart Indian School, Carson City, Nevada, Wilmonte Lee Penner
An Assessment of Three Different Forms of Sterlization and Clinical Usage on Various Orthodontic Pin and Ligature Cutters : A Pilot Study, Warren L. Creed
[Aneurysm Research at the Aneurysm Research Laboratory, Stroke Research Foundation, Inc.], George M. Austin
An Evaluation Form for Professional Staff Nurses, Barbara Jean Brauer
An Evaluation of 17-4 Precipitation-Hardenable Stainless Steel Alloy for use as an Orthodontic Wire, Martin G. Martz
An Evaluation of a Precipitation Hardened Stainless Steel Alloy as an Alternate to Chrome Cobalt Alloys for Orthodontic Purposes, Joseph M. Caruso
An Evaluation of Cuspid and Anterior Retraction using Burstone Mechanics in First Bicuspid Extraction Cases, George Rodney Heath
An Evaluation of Interventions Designed to Impact Nurses : A Pilot Project, Pamela G. Bing Perry
An Evaluation of Patient Health Teaching in a Selected Hospital, Grescilda Ruth Morris
An Evaluation of Root End Filling Materials Using Endotoxin, Hong-Ming Tang
An Evaluation of Surface Enamel Damage Following the Debonding of Ceramic Brackets : A Follow-Up Study, C. Steven Edney
An Evaluation of Surface Enamel Damage Following the Debonding of Ceramic Brackets : A Follow-Up Study, B. Scott Hood
An Evaluation of the Cytotoxicity of Root Canal Filling Materials on Tissue Culture Cells In Vitro: Grossman's Sealer, N2 Permanent, Rickert's Sealer, and Cavit, Donald D. Antrim
An Evaluation of the Physical Properties of Cohesive Gold (Mat and Foil), Earl W. Collard
An Evaluation of the Short and Long Term Effects of Quad Helix Expansion, Sonja F. Finnie
An Evaluation of Two Cleansing Techniques Used on Female Catheterization, Fern Iva Potter
An Evaluation of Two Preoperative Skin Preparation Procedures used in the Operating Room of a selected Hospital, Maxine Darling
A New Soft Tissue Analysis : To Establish Facial Esthetic Norms in Young Adult Females, Anne Béress
An Extension of Euclidean Distance Matrix Analysis Applied to Craniofacial Growth Prediction, Mark K. Batesole
An Instructional Method for Self-Administered Medications, Beryl Marx and Lorene Russell
An Investigation of Factors Relating to Turnover Among Nursing Personnel of a Selected Hospital, Thelma I. Ogren
An Investigation of Selected Caring Behaviors in a Hong Kong Chinese Village, Mary Jon Waldron
An Investigation of the Feasibility of Establishing a School of Nursing in Connection with Bella Vista Hospital, M. Eulalia White
An Investigation Regarding Faculty-Student Ratio in the Medical-Surgical Area in Accredited Collegiate Schools of Nursing, Frances Louise Fickess
An In-Vitro Investigation of the Physical Properties of Alginate Alternatives, Rishi Dinesh Patel
An in vitro Model of Ovarian Cancer: Studying the Effects of Talc and Pycnogenol®, Amber Renée Buz'Zard
An In Vitro Quantitative Evaluation and Comparison of a Custom and a Popular Stock Orthodontic Appliance, Richard Scott Anderw Schalo
An In Vitro Study Comparing the Conventional Step-Back Instrumentation Technique to a Combination Step-Back/Ultrasonic Technique, James A. Eberhardt
An In Vitro Study of Plaque Deposition and its Comparative Effect on Bond Strength, Debra L. Finch Cook
An Occupational-based Experimental Study of Collective vs. Personal Efficacy to Encourage Sun Protective Behaviors in Head Start Preschool Teachers, Elizabeth A. Holzhauser
An Odontometric Study of Five Contemporary Western United States Indian and Alaskan Eskimo Groups, John A. Matis
A Non-Human Primate Model for Evaluating a Fenestration Corticotomy Technique, Philip G. M. Khng
A Novel Strategy Utilizing Co-expression of Murine IL-12 and Antisense TGF-pl Against H238 Tumor Formation, Craig A. Seheult
Anterior Communicating Artery Aneurysm and Vasospasm - A Computer Model, G. Austin and R. Gaskell
Anterior Communicating Artery Aneurysm and Vasospasm – A Computer Model., G. Austin and R. Gaskell
Anterior Communicating Artery Aneurysm and Vasospasm – A Computer Model [Poster Boards], G. Austin and R. Gaskell
Anthropometric Parameters in Public School Students and Seventh-day Adventist Vegetarian and Meat-Eating students, Joan Sabaté-Casellas
Anti-Inflammatory Effects of PPAR-gamma in Surgical Brain Injury (SBI), Amy Hyong
Antitumor Effect of IL-2, P53, and Bax Naked Gene Transfer in C6 Glioma Cells, Peyman Haghighat
An Ultra-Violet Light Microscopic Study of the Hydroxylapatite Ceramic-Bone Interface Phenomena, Leonard W. Pierce
A Physical Map of the KLEBSIELLA PNEUMONIAE M5a1 Genome, Alexandrine Randriamahefa
Apical Closure Induction Using Bone Growth Factors and Mineral Trioxide Aggregate, Kenneth W. Tittle
A Pilot Study Comparing the Forces Applied : Using a Chin Cup and three Types of Protraction Headgear, Daniel Miles Beisiegel
A Pilot Study of the Nature of Learning Experiences in the Operating Room, Lucile Lewis
A Pilot Study on the Short Term Effects of the Herbst Appliance on the Glenoid Fossa, David A. Bennion
A Pilot Study Testing a Proprietary Sealant for Plaque Reduction, Jennifer Rowland
A Possible Genetic Defect in the Causes of Brain Aneurysms, George Austin, Wouter Schievink, Delbert Dickson, Stephanie Richardson, and Emily Hanford
A Post-Retention Study of the Stability of Lower Incisors Evaluated Cephalometrically, Robert W. Allen
Application of Knowledge of Medications by Senior Students in a Selected School of Nursing, Patricia H. Okimi
A Procedure for the Measurement of Glosso-Maxillary Forces, Howard L. Lilly Jr.
A Proposed Curriculum for a Small School of Nursing at Puerto Cabezas Based on a Survey of Nursing in Nicaragua, A. Marjorie Whitney
A Review of Drug Addiction and a Study of its Relation to Carbohydrate Metabolism, Eppie Chung Hartsuiker
A Serial Cephalometric Evaluation of the Mandibular Radius, W. Thomas Veal Jr.
Assessment of Alveolar Bone Density Using Implant Insertion Resistance Torque, Scott Sangmoo Lee
Assessment of Maternal Substance Abuse and Neonatal Exposure, Carol Jean Dauenhauer Giese
Assisting Mothers to Successfully Breast Feed Their Babies, Annabelle Moore
Association between Nutrient Intake and Risk of Coronary Heart Disease in California Seventh-day Adventists, Peter Pribiš
Association of Drinking-Related Locus of Control and Treatment Outcomes in Female Alcoholics, Patricia A. Townsend
A Statistical Review of 436 Submucous Resections with Post-Operative Results of 338 Cases, D. Wilson Hales
A Study of Alveolar Bone Loss and Two-Hour Postprandial Blood Sugar Levels, R. Leslie Arnett
A Study of Attitudes Influencing Indonesian Seventh-day Adventist Youth to Enter Nursing, Wilma L. Leazer
A Study of Fever Differences Following Cardiac Surgery, Cleta Phyllis Lane
A Study of Patients with Recently Diagnosed Diabetes to Ascertain Extent of Utilization of Instruction, Ruth Yvonne Stafford
A Study of Regeneration of Peripheral Nerve in the Rat, James C. Jay
A Study of the Bacteriological Effectiveness of Oral Thermometer Procedures in Three Selected Hospitals, Esther Mae Rose
A Study of the Calcium, Phosphorus and Magnesium Balance in Phenylketonuric Children, Rita Go Wong
A Study of the Evaluation of Various Techniques and Materials in the Obturation of Lateral and Accessory Canals, Allen E. Flans
A Study of the Pattern of Malocclusion of the Lower Anterior Teeth in Subjects with Malocclusion and No History of Orthodontic Treatment, Richard A. Simms
A Study of the Relationship between American Evangelicals and Human Rights, Amy Rachel Timmons Stumpf
A Study of the Relationship between Incisor Intrusion and Root Resorption, W. Michael McFadden
A Study of the Religious Behavior of the Graduates of a Selected School of Nursing, Louise Maybelle Brown
A Study of the Utilization of Nursing Personnel on a Selected Hospital Unit, Lucille McDow
A Study of Transferable Antibiotic Resistance in Enteric Bacteria, Charles H. Regeski
A Study of Treatment and Cephalometric Variables in Relation to Facial Axis Change during Treatment in a Dolichofacial Sample, Laurence A. Seifert
A Study to Ascertain why a Selected Group of Women do or do not have Cervical Smear Cytologic Examinations for Cancer Detection, Jeanette Rudy Earnhardt
A Survey of Hospital Facilities Potentially Available for Nursing Education in Orange County, California, Mabel M. Sanders
A Survey of the Hospital Experience of the Isolated and Non-Isolated Patient, Rose Marie Olson Kuhn
A Technique for Studying the Spacial Relationship of Oral Hard Tissues Utilizing Panoral Radiography, Howard W. Conley
A Technique for the Experimental Production of Dry Socket in the Cat and an Evaluation of Numerous Potential Etiologic Factors, Thomas F. Scott
A Theory of Positive Mental Health, Jason D. Rowden
Attachment Pathologies Among Incarcerated Sex Offenders, Kelly J. Hunsicker
Attentional Processing in Parkinson's Disease: Hyperkinetic and Akinetic Type, Christine Diane Kraus
Attitudes and Beliefs that Predict Taiwanese Older Adults' Intentions to Attend Strength and Balance Training Programs, Shih-Fan Lin
Autonomic Nervous System and Cholesterol Transport, Yuan-Line Hung
Axial Morphology and Angulation of the Condyle in Relation to Malocclusions in Different Age Groups, Gerald P. Tadej
Behavioral Compliance and Verbal Intelligence in Children, Jared Jackson
Behavior and Physiology of Hermit Crabs During Burial: Shell Abandonment and Lactate Accumulation, Janelle Allison Shives
Bibliography, George M. Austin (1992), George M. Austin
Bibliography, George M. Austin, 1993, George M. Austin
Bibliography, George M. Austin, M. D., c. 1989, George M. Austin
Binge Eating, Emotion Regulation, and Cognitive Resources, Jennifer A. Tucker
Biochemical Properties of SALMONELLA POTSDAM Bacteriophage P4/2, Clyde L. Roggenkamp
Biosystematics of the HEERMANNI Subgroup A of the Genus DIPODOMYS (Rodentia: Heteromyidae), Anthony G. Futcher
Bond Strengths of Three Orthodontic Adhesives for Direct and Indirect Bonding, Aaron Rondon
Bone Formation using Platelet-Rich Plasma + Allograft: An Experimental Study in Sheep, Edgar Grageda
Bone Morphogenetic Proteins and Periodontal Repair, Michael B. Lee
Bone Morphogenic Protein Induced Repair of the Premaxillary Cleft, Rick J. Rawson
Bone Regeneration Over Submerged Dental Roots in Dogs, Roger Lee Plata
Brain Aneurysms, Aneurysm Research Inst.
Brain Aneurysms and Aging, G. M. Austin, W. Schievink, and D. Dickson
Breast Cancer Screening Disparities in Japanese-American Women, Theodora Stratis
[Britton Chance in Operating Room]
Buccal Bone Changes Following Rapid Maxillary Expansion (RMF), Long-Term Results, Elena S. Iacob
Carcinoid Tumors : An Analysis of 24 New Cases and a Review of the Literature, William James Oneal
Case-control Study of Vitamin A Intake and Colorectal Cancer in Seventh-day Adventists, John William Morgan
Catecholamines and the Regulation of Uterine Contractions in the Pregnant Rhesus Macaque, Cahleen Mae McNutt
CBCT Panoramic Images vs. Traditional Panoramic Radiographs, Sunny Young Hutchinson
Cell Mediated Immunity by Cytotoxicity Assay and the effect of CORYNEBACTERIUM PARVUM and Radiation on Mice Bearing Herpes-Induced Tumors, Robert B. Stagg
Cephalometric Analysis Using Magnetic Resonance Imaging, Wade A. Williams
Cephalometric Norms for the Mexican Population Using the Ricketts, Steinar, and Tweed Analyses, Eduardo A. Velarde
Cephalometric Objectives for the Maxillary Central Incisor, John Mickey Damerell
Cephalometrics for the Oral Surgeon in the Diagnosis of Facial Deformities, Frederick J. Mantz
Cerebral CO2 Reactivity and Autoregulation in Patients Undergoing Microanastomosis, David Zinke, William Hayward, Neil Poll, and George Austin
Change in Bracket Bond Strength and Enamel Calcium : Due to Repeated Bonding with Conventional and Resinomer Glass Ionomer Cements, David L. Wilkinson
Change in Selected Sensitive Psychological Areas of the Only Child when a Sibling is Born, Eveline H. Loewe
Changes in the Cant of the Occlusal Plane Evaluated in Treatment and its Stability in Retention, Bruce S. Heinrich
Characteristics of Habitual Dysfunctional Behaviors, Carole Ryan Serena
Characterization of hsd::MudX128 Operon Fusion Mutant of Escherichia coli K-12, Marjorie Ann T. Reyno
Children with Autism: Sleep Problems and Predictors of Maternal Stress, Cindy Y. Nam
Child Sexual Trauma and Traumagenic Dynamics: The Mediating Role of Family Environment on Adulthood Functioning among Hispanic and Caucasian Females, Jose Mauricio Ramirez
Chronic Hypoxia, Exercise Training, and Skeletal Muscle Capillarity: Angiogenic Regulation and Morphological Consequences, Ivan Mark Olfert
Cineradiography of the Temporomandibular Joint : A Research Entity and Diagnostic Modality, L. Albert Lewis
Client-centered versus Traditional-directive Educational Approach: A Randomized Study of Exercises and Perceived Control Among Patients with Type 2 Diabetes, Melissa D. Olfert
Clinical Debonding Simulation Study of One Metal and Two Ceramic Brackets, Hyunsup Shim
Clinically Relevant Aspects of Chronic Pain: Normal Personality Predictors, Stephen Ray Nitch
Clinical Photographic Analysis of Dentofacial Midline Asymmetries, Larry A. Okmin
Cold for Relief of Postoperative Limitation of activity due to Incisional Pain, Haroldine Roberts
Collateral Flow Variation of Orbital Anastomoses Following STA-MCA Microneurosurgical Vascular Procedures, Joseph R. Thompson, Jacques Moret, George M. Austin, and Anton N. Hasso
Commencement Program 2024, Loma Linda University
Commencement Program 2024 (Digital Version), Loma Linda University
Community Health Nurse Influence on Retiree Health Planning, Patricia Hora
Community Health Nursing Assessment and Counseling of the Breast-Feeding Primipara, Donita Rotherham
Community Health Nursing Assessment and Counseling of the Breast-Feeding Primipara, Donita Rotherham
Comparative Methods of Measurement to Evaluate Onplant Assisted Anchorage, Marc Reid Larson
Comparative Perceived Breast Cancer Risk Before and After an Intervention, Constance F. Welebir
Comparing Chemical Dependency and Mental Health Programs for the Dually Diagnosed, Kelly L. Hacker
Comparing the Use of a Manual and a Power Toothbrush by 3-to-4 year-old Children, Lorena Delgado Salcedo
Comparison of Bracket Bond Strength by Total, Self-Etch and Laser Treatment, Kyo Sung Shawn Kim
Comparison of Different Methods of Assessing Ridge Width prior to Implant Placement, Lung-Cheng Chen
Comparison of Laser and Phosphoric Acid Etching on Sealant Shear Bond Strength, Seth David Latimer
Comparison of Mandibular Alveolar Bone with Facial Type Using CBCT, Jason M. Loop
Comparison of Mandibular Surgical Techniques for Accessing Cranial Base Vascular Lesions, Michael A. Devlin
Comparison of Microleakage in Three Sealant Placement Protocols vs. the Enamel Loc System, Audrey T. Sheu
Comparison of Non-surgical and Surgical Endodontic Retreatment: A Systematic Review, Robert Corr
Comparison of Rationally-Derived and Empirically-Derived Methods for Predicting Failure in Residential Treatment, Jennifer Pester Grattan
Comparison of Root Surfaces in Endodontic Lesions, Periodontic Lesions and Normal Human Teeth, Robert W. Hanson
Comparison of Thickness Between Thermoformed and Printed Orthodontic Aligners, Omar Souman
Complementarity Between The Deoxyribonucleic Acid of Bacteriophage P4/2 and that of its Naturally Lysogenic Host SALMONELLA POTSDAM Strain 4, Londa Liseli Schmidt
Computer-Assisted Layout Design Planning for an Entree Production Center, Saundra H. Pierpoint
Computer Model of Anterior Communicating Artery Aneurysm and Vasospasm, G. Austin
Concentration of Leukotrienes B4 and C4 in Human Periradicular Lesions, Elisabetta Cotti
Concerns of Postnatal Mothers about Sexuality, Sheela A. Gideon
Concerto Soloists of Philadelphia, Season 1979/1980, Marc Mostovoy and F. William Sunderman
Concomitant Infections with the Parasites TRYPANOSOMA MUSCULI Kendall, 1906 and TRICHINELLA SPIRALIS (Owen, 1835) Raillet, 1896 in the Laboratory Mouse, MUSMUSCULUS, Joan Chew Liang Tan
Condylar Angulations as Related to Submental-Vertex Radiographs, Jady L. Chiakowsky
Condylar Remodeling After Distraction Osteogenesis And Bilateral Sagittal Split Osteotomy, Robert Barker Hoffman
Cone Beam CT and Digital Radiography. A Comparative Study of P/A Cephalometrics., Michael John Erickson
Conformational Analysis of Nonsteroidal Estrogen Analogs, Robert N. Spady
Connexin-32 Contributes to Radiation Resistance in Thyroid Follicles, Da-Thao Dinh Tran
Contribution of the LEDGF/p75 Protein Interactome to Prostate Cancer Chemoresistance, Greisha Lee Ortiz Hernández
Coping Patterns among Perpetrators of Child Sexual Abuse, Henry Adolphus Beck
Correlates of Birth Weight and Gestation Age : Baseline Data for Health Education, Adanetch Kidanemariam
Correlating the Slope of the Vomer with Cephalometric Vectors of Facial Growth, Ryan Michael Pulfer
Correlation of the Actual Position of the Root Canal Filling in Human Teeth to its Apparent Location on the Radiograph, Dominic J. Niccoli
Correspondence file for "Outstanding Cultural Contributions by Physicians", George M. Austin, F. William Sunderman, Stephen J. Skahen, Adam G. M. Moore, and Arthur E. Fischer
Cortical Mitochondrial Respiration Following Microanastomosis, G. Austin, G. Haugen, D. Brown, E. Lichter, and W. Hayward
Corticotomy Facilitated Orthodontic Treatment in Adults : A Report of Two Cases, Randall E. Hoff
Cost-Benefit Analysis of Computer Systems in Community Hospital Food Service, Beverly Kittle
Cranial Base Changes in Patients Treated with Cervical Traction and Bite Plane, Arthur J. Morgan
Craniofacial Changes Resulting from Expansion of the Midpalatal Suture in the Macaca Mulatta Monkey as Revealed by Roentgenographic Analysis, Raymond M. Sugiyama
Cranio-Facial Skeletal Morphology of Digit Suckers, John Eric Peterson Jr.
Creating Prediction Models for Obstructive Sleep Apnea based on Gender, Jeffrey Hwang
Crisis and Growth in Religious Experience, Ken A. Curtis
Cultural Beliefs about Health Professionals, Attributions for Mistreatment, and Continuity of Cancer-Related Care, Jennifer Anne Tucker
Culture Mediator Model as a Predictor for Somatic Complaints among Japanese and Japanese Americans, Yoko Tanaka
Culture Shock and Adaptation Among Student Missionaries to Japan, Sheryl J. Craig
Curriculum Vitae, c. 1990, George M. Austin
Curriculum Vitae, George M. Austin, M. D., George M. Austin
De-bonding 4 Brands of Ceramic Brackets with the Waterlase Er,Cr;YSGG Laser, Carter A. Lane
Delegation of Task Functions by Dietitians to Dietetic Technicians, James Lumsden
Dentalgram - Vol. 06, No. 04, Loma Linda University School of Dentistry
Dentalgram - Vol. 06, No. 05, Loma Linda University School of Dentistry
Dentalgram - Vol. 06, No. 06, Loma Linda University School of Dentistry
Dentalgram - Vol. 06, No. 07, Loma Linda University School of Dentistry
Dentalgram - Vol. 06, No. 08, Loma Linda University School of Dentistry
Dentalgram - Vol. 06, No. 09, Loma Linda University School of Dentistry
Dentalgram - Vol. 06, No. 10, Loma Linda University School of Dentistry
Dentalgram - Vol. 06, No. 11, Loma Linda University School of Dentistry
Dentalgram - Vol. 06, No. 12, Loma Linda University School of Dentistry
Dentalgram - Vol. 07, No. 01, Loma Linda University School of Dentistry
Dentalgram - Vol. 07, No. 02, Loma Linda University School of Dentistry
Dentalgram - Vol. 07, No. 03, Loma Linda University School of Dentistry
Dentalgram - Vol. 07, No. 04, Loma Linda University School of Dentistry
Dentalgram - Vol. 07, No. 05, Loma Linda University School of Dentistry
Dentalgram - Vol. 07, No. 06, Loma Linda University School of Dentistry
Dentalgram - Vol. 07, No. 07, Loma Linda University School of Dentistry
Dentalgram - Vol. 07, No. 08, Loma Linda University School of Dentistry
Dentalgram - Vol. 07, No. 09, Loma Linda University School of Dentistry
Dentalgram - Vol. 07, No. 10, Loma Linda University School of Dentistry
Dentalgram - Vol. 07, No. 11, Loma Linda University School of Dentistry
Dentalgram - Vol. 07, No. 12, Loma Linda University School of Dentistry
Dentalgram - Vol. 08, No. 01, Loma Linda University School of Dentistry
Dentalgram - Vol. 08, No. 02, Loma Linda University School of Dentistry
Dentalgram - Vol. 08, No. 03, Loma Linda University School of Dentistry
Dentalgram - Vol. 08, No. 04, Loma Linda University School of Dentistry
Dentalgram - Vol. 08, No. 05, Loma Linda University School of Dentistry
Dentalgram - Vol. 08, No. 06, Loma Linda University School of Dentistry
Dentalgram - Vol. 08, No. 07, Loma Linda University School of Dentistry
Dentalgram - Vol. 08, No. 08, Loma Linda University School of Dentistry
Dentalgram - Vol. 08, No. 09, Loma Linda University School of Dentistry
Dentalgram - Vol. 08, No. 10, Loma Linda University School of Dentistry
Dentalgram - Vol. 08, No. 11, Loma Linda University School of Dentistry
Dentalgram - Vol. 08, No. 12, Loma Linda University School of Dentistry
Dentalgram - Vol. 09, No. 01, Loma Linda University School of Dentistry
Dentalgram - Vol. 09, No. 02, Loma Linda University School of Dentistry
Dentalgram - Vol. 09, No. 03, Loma Linda University School of Dentistry
Dentalgram - Vol. 09, No. 04, Loma Linda University School of Dentistry
Dentalgram - Vol. 09, No. 05, Loma Linda University School of Dentistry
Dentalgram - Vol. 09, No. 06, Loma Linda University School of Dentistry
Dentalgram - Vol. 09, No. 07, Loma Linda University School of Dentistry
Dentalgram - Vol. 09, No. 08, Loma Linda University School of Dentistry
Dentalgram - Vol. 09, No. 09, Loma Linda University School of Dentistry
Dentalgram - Vol. 09, No. 10, Loma Linda University School of Dentistry
Dentalgram - Vol. 09, No. 11, Loma Linda University School of Dentistry
Dentalgram - Vol. 09, No. 12, Loma Linda University School of Dentistry
Dentalgram - Vol. 10, No. 01, Loma Linda University School of Dentistry
Dentalgram - Vol. 10, No. 02, Loma Linda University School of Dentistry
Dentalgram - Vol. 10, No. 03, Loma Linda University School of Dentistry
Dentalgram - Vol. 10, No. 04, Loma Linda University School of Dentistry
Dentalgram - Vol. 10, No. 05, Loma Linda University School of Dentistry
Dentalgram - Vol. 10, No. 06, Loma Linda University School of Dentistry
Dentalgram - Vol. 10, No. 07, Loma Linda University School of Dentistry
Dentalgram - Vol. 10, No. 08, Loma Linda University School of Dentistry
Dentalgram - Vol. 10, No. 09, Loma Linda University School of Dentistry
Dentalgram - Vol. 10, No. 10, Loma Linda University School of Dentistry
Dentalgram - Vol. 10, No. 11, Loma Linda University School of Dentistry
Dentalgram - Vol. 10, No. 12, Loma Linda University School of Dentistry
Dentalgram - Vol. 11, No. 01, Loma Linda University School of Dentistry
Dentalgram - Vol. 11, No. 02, Loma Linda University School of Dentistry
Dentalgram - Vol. 11, No. 04, Loma Linda University School of Dentistry
Dentalgram - Vol. 11, No. 05, Loma Linda University School of Dentistry
Dentalgram - Vol. 11, No. 06, Loma Linda University School of Dentistry
Dentalgram - Vol. 11, No. 07, Loma Linda University School of Dentistry
Dentalgram - Vol. 11, No. 08, Loma Linda University School of Dentistry
Dentalgram - Vol. 11, No. 10, Loma Linda University School of Dentistry
Dentalgram - Vol. 11, No. 11, Loma Linda University School of Dentistry
Dentalgram - Vol. 11, No. 11-B, Loma Linda University School of Dentistry
Dentalgram - Vol. 11, No. 12, Loma Linda University School of Dentistry
Dentalgram - Vol. 12, No. 01, Loma Linda University School of Dentistry
Dentalgram - Vol. 12, No. 02, Loma Linda University School of Dentistry
Dentalgram - Vol. 12, No. 03, Loma Linda University School of Dentistry
Dentalgram - Vol. 12, No. 04, Loma Linda University School of Dentistry
Dentalgram - Vol. 12, No. 05, Loma Linda University School of Dentistry
Dentalgram - Vol. 12, No. 06, Loma Linda University School of Dentistry
Dentalgram - Vol. 12, No. 07, Loma Linda University School of Dentistry
Dentalgram - Vol. 12, No. 08, Loma Linda University School of Dentistry
Dentalgram - Vol. 12, No. 09, Loma Linda University School of Dentistry
Dentalgram - Vol. 12, No. 10, Loma Linda University School of Dentistry
Dentalgram - Vol. 12, No. 11, Loma Linda University School of Dentistry
Dentalgram - Vol. 12, No. 12, Loma Linda University School of Dentistry
Dentalgram - Vol. 12, Special Issue 1, Loma Linda University School of Dentistry
Dentalgram - Vol. 13, No. 01, Loma Linda University School of Dentistry
Dentalgram - Vol. 13, No. 02, Loma Linda University School of Dentistry
Dentalgram - Vol. 13, No. 03, Loma Linda University School of Dentistry
Dentalgram - Vol. 13, No. 04, Loma Linda University School of Dentistry
Dentalgram - Vol. 13, No. 05, Loma Linda University School of Dentistry
Dentalgram - Vol. 13, No. 06, Loma Linda University School of Dentistry
Dentalgram - Vol. 13, No. 07, Loma Linda University School of Dentistry
Dentalgram - Vol. 13, No. 08, Loma Linda University School of Dentistry
Dentalgram - Vol. 13, No. 09, Loma Linda University School of Dentistry
Dentalgram - Vol. 13, No. 10, Loma Linda University School of Dentistry
Dentalgram - Vol. 13, No. 11, Loma Linda University School of Dentistry
Dentalgram - Vol. 13, No. 12, Loma Linda University School of Dentistry
Dentalgram - Vol. 13, Special Issue 1, Loma Linda University School of Dentistry
Dentalgram - Vol. 14, No. 01, Loma Linda University School of Dentistry
Dentalgram - Vol. 14, No. 02, Loma Linda University School of Dentistry
Dentalgram - Vol. 14, No. 03, Loma Linda University School of Dentistry
Dentalgram - Vol. 14, No. 04, Loma Linda University School of Dentistry
Dentalgram - Vol. 14, No. 05, Loma Linda University School of Dentistry
Dentalgram - Vol. 14, No. 06, Loma Linda University School of Dentistry
Dentalgram - Vol. 14, No. 07, Loma Linda University School of Dentistry
Dentalgram - Vol. 14, No. 08, Loma Linda University School of Dentistry
Dentalgram - Vol. 14, No. 09, Loma Linda University School of Dentistry
Dentalgram - Vol. 14, No. 10, Loma Linda University School of Dentistry
Dentalgram - Vol. 14, No. 11, Loma Linda University School of Dentistry
Dentalgram - Vol. 14, No. 12, Loma Linda University School of Dentistry
Dentalgram - Vol. 15, No. 01, Loma Linda University School of Dentistry
Dentalgram - Vol. 15, No. 02, Loma Linda University School of Dentistry
Dentalgram - Vol. 15, No. 03, Loma Linda University School of Dentistry
Dentalgram - Vol. 15, No. 04, Loma Linda University School of Dentistry
Dentalgram - Vol. 15, No. 05, Loma Linda University School of Dentistry
Dentalgram - Vol. 15, No. 06, Loma Linda University School of Dentistry
Dentalgram - Vol. 15, No. 07, Loma Linda University School of Dentistry
Dentalgram - Vol. 15, No. 08, Loma Linda University School of Dentistry
Dentalgram - Vol. 15, No. 09, Loma Linda University School of Dentistry
Dentalgram - Vol. 15, No. 10, Loma Linda University School of Dentistry
Dentalgram - Vol. 15, No. 11, Loma Linda University School of Dentistry
Dentalgram - Vol. 15, No. 12, Loma Linda University School of Dentistry
Dentalgram - Vol. 16, No. 01, Loma Linda University School of Dentistry
Dentalgram - Vol. 16, No. 02, Loma Linda University School of Dentistry
Dentalgram - Vol. 16, No. 03, Loma Linda University School of Dentistry
Dentalgram - Vol. 16, No. 04, Loma Linda University School of Dentistry
Dentalgram - Vol. 16, No. 05, Loma Linda University School of Dentistry
Dentalgram - Vol. 16, No. 06, Loma Linda University School of Dentistry
Dentalgram - Vol. 16, No. 07, Loma Linda University School of Dentistry
Dentalgram - Vol. 16, No. 08, Loma Linda University School of Dentistry
Dentalgram - Vol. 16, No. 09, Loma Linda University School of Dentistry
Dentalgram - Vol. 16, No. 10, Loma Linda University School of Dentistry
Dentalgram - Vol. 16, No. 11, Loma Linda University School of Dentistry
Dentalgram - Vol. 16, No. 12, Loma Linda University School of Dentistry
Dentalgram - Vol. 17, No. 01, Loma Linda University School of Dentistry
Dentalgram - Vol. 17, No. 02, Loma Linda University School of Dentistry
Dentalgram - Vol. 17, No. 03, Loma Linda University School of Dentistry
Dentalgram - Vol. 17, No. 04, Loma Linda University School of Dentistry
Dentalgram - Vol. 17, No. 05, Loma Linda University School of Dentistry
Dentalgram - Vol. 17, No. 06, Loma Linda University School of Dentistry
Dentalgram - Vol. 17, No. 07, Loma Linda University School of Dentistry
Dentalgram - Vol. 17, No. 08, Loma Linda University School of Dentistry
Dentalgram - Vol. 17, No. 09, Loma Linda University School of Dentistry
Dentalgram - Vol. 17, No. 10, Loma Linda University School of Dentistry
Dentalgram - Vol. 17, No. 11, Loma Linda University School of Dentistry
Dentalgram - Vol. 17, No. 12, Loma Linda University School of Dentistry
Dentalgram - Vol. 18, No. 01, Loma Linda University School of Dentistry
Dentalgram - Vol. 18, No. 02, Loma Linda University School of Dentistry
Dentalgram - Vol. 18, No. 03, Loma Linda University School of Dentistry
Dentalgram - Vol. 18, No. 04, Loma Linda University School of Dentistry
Dentalgram - Vol. 18, No. 05, Loma Linda University School of Dentistry
Dentalgram - Vol. 18, No. 06, Loma Linda University School of Dentistry
Dentalgram - Vol. 18, No. 07, Loma Linda University School of Dentistry
Dentalgram - Vol. 18, No. 08, Loma Linda University School of Dentistry
Dentalgram - Vol. 18, No. 09, Loma Linda University School of Dentistry
Dentalgram - Vol. 18, No. 10, Loma Linda University School of Dentistry
Dentalgram - Vol. 18, No. 11, Loma Linda University School of Dentistry
Dentalgram - Vol. 18, No. 12, Loma Linda University School of Dentistry
Dentalgram - Vol. 19, No. 01, Loma Linda University School of Dentistry
Dentalgram - Vol. 19, No. 02, Loma Linda University School of Dentistry
Dentalgram - Vol. 19, No. 03, Loma Linda University School of Dentistry
Dentalgram - Vol. 19, No. 04, Loma Linda University School of Dentistry
Dentalgram - Vol. 19, No. 05, Loma Linda University School of Dentistry
Dentalgram - Vol. 19, No. 06, Loma Linda University School of Dentistry
Dentalgram - Vol. 19, No. 07, Loma Linda University School of Dentistry
Dentalgram - Vol. 19, No. 08, Loma Linda University School of Dentistry
Dentalgram - Vol. 19, No. 09, Loma Linda University School of Dentistry
Dentalgram - Vol. 19, No. 10, Loma Linda University School of Dentistry
Dentalgram - Vol. 19, No. 11, Loma Linda University School of Dentistry
Dentalgram - Vol. 19, No. 12, Loma Linda University School of Dentistry
Dentalgram - Vol. 20, No. 01, Loma Linda University School of Dentistry
Dentalgram - Vol. 20, No. 02, Loma Linda University School of Dentistry
Dentalgram - Vol. 20, No. 03, Loma Linda University School of Dentistry
Dentalgram - Vol. 20, No. 04, Loma Linda University School of Dentistry
Dentalgram - Vol. 20, No. 05, Loma Linda University School of Dentistry
Dentalgram - Vol. 20, No. 06, Loma Linda University School of Dentistry
Dentalgram - Vol. 20, No. 07, Loma Linda University School of Dentistry
Dentalgram - Vol. 20, No. 08, Loma Linda University School of Dentistry
Dentalgram - Vol. 20, No. 09, Loma Linda University School of Dentistry
Dentalgram - Vol. 20, No. 10, Loma Linda University School of Dentistry
Dentalgram - Vol. 20, No. 11, Loma Linda University School of Dentistry
Dentalgram - Vol. 20, No. 12, Loma Linda University School of Dentistry
Dentalgram - Vol. 21, No. 01, Loma Linda University School of Dentistry
Dentalgram - Vol. 21, No. 02, Loma Linda University School of Dentistry
Dentalgram - Vol. 21, No. 03, Loma Linda University School of Dentistry
Dentalgram - Vol. 21, No. 04, Loma Linda University School of Dentistry
Dentalgram - Vol. 21, No. 05, Loma Linda University School of Dentistry
Dentalgram - Vol. 21, No. 06, Loma Linda University School of Dentistry
Dentalgram - Vol. 21, No. 07, Loma Linda University School of Dentistry
Dentalgram - Vol. 21, No. 09, Loma Linda University School of Dentistry
Dentalgram - Vol. 21, No. 10, Loma Linda University School of Dentistry
Dentalgram - Vol. 21, No. 11, Loma Linda University School of Dentistry
Dentalgram - Vol. 21, No. 12, Loma Linda University School of Dentistry
Dentalgram - Vol. 22, No. 01, Loma Linda University School of Dentistry
Dentalgram - Vol. 22, No. 02, Loma Linda University School of Dentistry
Dentalgram - Vol. 22, No. 03, Loma Linda University School of Dentistry
Dentalgram - Vol. 22, No. 04, Loma Linda University School of Dentistry
Dentalgram - Vol. 22, No. 05, Loma Linda University School of Dentistry
Dentalgram - Vol. 22, No. 06, Loma Linda University School of Dentistry
Dentalgram - Vol. 22, No. 07, Loma Linda University School of Dentistry
Dentalgram - Vol. 22, No. 08, Loma Linda University School of Dentistry
Dentalgram - Vol. 22, No. 09, Loma Linda University School of Dentistry
Dentalgram - Vol. 23, No. 05, Loma Linda University School of Dentistry
Descriptive Enlargement of Intracranial Aneurysms to a Critical Thickness for Rupture, G. Austin, X. Gong, and Z. Suo
Detection of Bacteria to Dental Tissue by Low-Light Imaging, G-Hong Robert Hsu
Detection of Simulated Apical Root Resorption Using Three Cone Beam CT Machines, Marcus Paulson
Determinants of Nursing Activities of Graduate Nurses, Grace D. Scheresky
Determination of Antibody Levels in Periapical Lesions Against Sixteen Oral Microorganisms by the ELISA Technique, Sammee Lee Jones
Determination of Lead Content in Apical Tissue Following Root Canal Obturation with Sargenti's Formula, G. Merle Hickok
Detoxification of Lipopolysaccharide by Endodontic Sealers, Dominic Côté
Developing a Periodontal Screening Examination, Jeffrey R. Morgulis
Development of a Model for Infective Endocarditis via Intravenous Injection and Tooth Infection of Rats Using Pathogenic Bacteria, Shahrokh Shabahang
Development of a Positioning Device for use in Conjunction with Panoral Radiography, Ray M. Hymer
Development of Periapical Lesions in Immunosuppressed Rats, Phillip A. Waterman Jr.
Diagnosis and Treatment of Swallowing Dysfunctions : sEMG Cognitive Training as an Adjunct to Conventional Therapy, Vicky T. Nguyen
Diagnostic Abdominal Aspiration in Acute Abdominal Conditions, George Quan Lee
Diet and Colon Cancer Risk in the Population of Thailand, Nithat Sirichotiratana
Dietary and Hormonal Evaluation of Men at Risk for Prostate Cancer, Donald J. Pusateri
Diffuse Head Cooling as a Method for Producing a Gradient of Brain Hypothermia and Decreased Blood Volume, Arthur Cushman, Niall Horn, Stanley Rouhe, George Austin, and Conrad Ciesel
Digital Computer Model of an Intracranial Aneurysm, G. Austin and R. Gaskell
Dimensional Changes Induced by Forced Separation of the Midpalatal Suture of the Macaca Mulatta Monkey, Roland Dick Walters
Disinfection of Dentin by Intracanal Laser Irradiation: An In Vitro Model, Silvia Cristina Mafra Cecchini
Distraction Osteogenesis in Edentulous Alveolar Bone with rhBMP-2 Enhancement, Liviu F. Eftimie
Documentation of Tooth Movement Utilizing Panoral Radiography, Robert M. Hauck
Dr. George M. Austin, 1916-2002
Dynamic Determinants of Incisal Display, Shawn Paul Pesh
E6 Inhibtion-Mediated Combinatorial Therapy for HPV+ HNSCC, Sonia Whang
Early Detection and Follow-up Measurement of rCBF in Vasospasm and Occlusive Disease by I.V. Radioisotope Method, George Austin, Niall Horn, Stan Rouhe, and Wm. Hayward
Effect of 3-Electrode Electrical Stimulation on Current Delivery and Healing in Chronic Wounds, HyeJin Suh
Effect of Anti-TGFß1 and Pycnogenol® on Scar Formation in Rats, Pilseong Kim
Effect of Auxiliary Preparation Elements on Resistance Form of Complete Crowns, Manuel H. Guevara
Effect of Disulfiram on the Urinary Excretion of 5-Hydroxytryptophol and 5-Hydroxyindoleacetic Acid in Subjects Consuming Serotonin Rich Foods, Amy G. Tordecilla
Effect of Disulfiram on the Urinary Excretion of the Serotonin Metabolites 5-hydroxytryptophol and 5-hydroxyindoleacetic Acid in Problem Drinkers, Mark D. Harding
Effect of Glucose Administration on Hamster Liver S9-mediated Mutagenesis, Metabolism and DNA-binding of Benzo[a]pyrene and Aflatoxin B1, Daniel C. Rubano
Effect of Gutta Percha on the Retention of a Post Using Different Cements, Saeda H. Basta
Effect of Home Exercise Program on Visual Reliance for Balance in Older Adults, Madeha Jaber
Effect of Polishing Brushes on Dental Composite Resins, Robert Shun-I Wang
Effect of Post-Operative Use of Chlorhexidine on Regeneration of Bifurcation Defects in Dogs, Gary Bogle
Effect of Short Exposure of NaOCI/EDTA on E. faecalis in Extracted Human Teeth, Rylan N. Gustafson
Effect of Tooth Cleaning Procedures on Gingival Sulcus, Klaus D. Wolfram
Effect on Quality Nursing Care When Nurses Assume Selected Unique Nursing Functions, Gail True, Chieko Honda, Lynn Gates Keegan, Ann Marsa, Ila J. Mobley, Esther Oldham, Betty Robertson, Annette M. Ross, and Beverly Steele
Effects of Acculturation on HIV/AIDS Sexual Risk Behaviors among Asian and Pacific Islander (API) Women, Margaret Cabotage Salud
Effects of Alternate Hot-and-Cold Treatment Following Hysterectomy, Teresa Eileen Holland
Effects of a Modified Version of Otago Exercise Program on Middle-Aged Adult’s Balance and Sleep, Rana Almarzouki
Effects of a Series of Nurse-Patient Interactions on Multiple Sclerosis Patients, Lynne Campbell
Effects of a Structured Pretransfer Teaching Protocol on the Reduction of Transfer Stress in Clients with Myocardial Infarction, Maureen R. Brennan Westphal
Effects of Cariogenic and Noncariogenic Diets on the Concentration of the Parotid Hormone Releasing Factor in Rat Hypothalami, Melva Joan Brown
Effects of Corticosteroids and of Cyclosporin A on TRYPANOSOMA MUSCULI in Mice and in Culture, Philip Stephen Schuyler
Effects of Diabetes Mellitus on the Healing of the Dental Pulp, Stuart Evan Garber
Effects of Dietary Factors and Morphine Administration on Voluntary Alcohol Consumption and Dopamine Metabolism in Rats, Claudia Smithson
Effects of Electrotherapy on Pain and Mobility, Pablo Mleziva
Effects of Feeding Regular Eggs, N-3 Fatty Acid Enriched Eggs, and Walnuts, on Blood Lipids, Membrane Incorporation of Fatty Acids, and Serum Lutein, in Free-Living Lacto-Ovo Vegetarians, Bonny Burns-Whitmore
Effects of Heat Treatment on the Mechanical Properties of Chromium-Cobalt Alloy Wire, Robert L. Nations
Effects of Loading Various Wire Configurations Under Simulated Cuspid Retraction Conditions, Carl James Heinrich
Effects of MTAD on Some Physical Properties of Enamel and Dentin, Tanya Kristina Machnick
Effects of Music Therapy and Personal Interaction on the Preoperative Patient, Phyllis Jean Nix
Effects of Oral Hygiene Measures on Clinical and Microbiological Parameters of Periodontal Disease, Bruno Loos
Effects of Various Hemostatic Agents on Bone, David Daryl Roland
Effects of Vasospasm on Cerebral Blood Flow Measured by an Intravenous Isotope Technique, G. Austin, S. Rouhe, L. Dayes, D. Laffin, and W. Hayward
Eldon Foltz Lecture Flyer, Loma Linda University, Section of Neurosurgery
Electromagnetic Differences in the Brain during Memory Retrieval, Warren Scott Merrifield
Electromagnetic Field Variations in the Activation of Bone Cell Synthesis, Gary Ketcherside
Electromyographic Analysis of the Temporal and Masseter Muscles during the Para-Retentional Period in Orthodontic Patients, Thomas L. Thompson
Emergency Department Staff Adherence to Bad News Delivery Recommendations, Kristen R. Myers
Endodontic Sealing Properties of Cavit, Chloro-Rosin Gutta Percha, N2, and Silver Cones Using Radioisotopes, Frank H. Beal
Enhancement of Intratumor Antibody Distribution with a Bifunctional Antibody Delivery System and with Hyperthermia, Karen Lynn King
Equipment and Space Utilization in Hospital Food Service Systems, Robert E. Jacaban
Establishing Norms for a Mexican Group Using Ricketts, Steiner and Arnett Analyses, Mauricio Gonzalez Balut
Ethnic Identity and Body Ideal in Adolescent Girls, Erin E. Ramirez
Evaluating Pit and Fissure Sealant Materials When Used as Bonding Agents in Preventive Resin Restorations, Paul Shields Gerber
Evaluating the Effect of Family Stroke Education on the Anxiety Levels of Families of Stroke Patients, Keri Lynne Kuniyoshi
Evaluation of a Precision Filing Test for Predicting Dental Technic Performance, Douglass Roberts
Evaluation of Headgear Safety : A Comparative Study, William J. Pritchard
Evaluation of Nitric Oxide in Respiratory Distress Syndrome, Kimberly S. Myruski
Evaluation of Program Outcomes: Assessment in Children, Cheryl M. Romano
Evaluation of Stress Management Program Participant Outcomes, Kanya Boondharm Sitanggang
Evaluation of the Effects of Heat Treatment using Orthotherm on Thermally Activated Archwires, Brent J. Hurst
Evaluation of Three Bonding Agents in the Repair of Fractured Veneered Stainless Steel Crowns, Jennifer Liane Hoffer
Evaluation of Trismus Associated with Mandibular Fractures as it Relates to the Need for Direct Laryngoscopy and Intubation : A Prospective Study, Stephen T. Goei
Everyday Living Needs of the Non-Acute Medical Patient That Can Be Met by Public Health Nursing, F. Yvonne Miller
Examination of Knowledge and Attitudes about Human Sexuality as Predictors of Adolescent Sexual Behavior, Diane Waymire
Experimental Peri-Implant Tissue Breakdown in Rhesus Monkeys, Oliver Hanisch
Exploration of the Incidence of Identified Emotional Disorders in Selected General Hospitals of Nebraska, Arlene M. Van Horn
Exploring the Physician’s Processes: Diagnosing Autism, Gwennyth Li Sze Palafox
Extended Curriculum Seminar Series, Student Association of the School of Medicine, Loma Linda University
Facial Type Analysis Comparison between MRI, CBCT, and Lateral Cephalometrics, Matthew A. Sanders
Facial Typing Methods : A Comparative Study, James A. Grabow
Factors Altering Aneurysm Wall Strain, George M. Austin
Factors Associated with Healthy Eating: Attitudes, Cultural Adherence, and Snacking Behavior among Korean-American Adolescents, Kyoung Eun Oh
Factors in Clinical Instruction which Influence Effective Student Performance, Lynette Kapualani Hong
Factors that Affect Performance on Executive Functioning after Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting, Sapna Mahesh Patel
Factors that Influence the Blood Flow Response of Skin to Electrical Stimulation, Abdul-Majeed Raja Al-Malty
Factors That Inhibit or Enhance Maternal Coping with Stillbirth in Chhattisgarh, India, Lisa R. Roberts
Factors Which Deterred Twenty-Three Selected Patients from Utilizing Public Health Nursing Services, Lora Wood Welch
Failure Mode of an Orthodontic Resin Alone and with Bonded Brackets, Marc Cody Dunn
Falls Sustained by Patients in a Selected Nursing Home, Katty Joy Fenton
Family Court Rulings Linked to Parent-Child Relationships, Ruth Ann Nichols
Family Variables as Predictors of Adolescent Substance Abuse Treatment Outcome, Gina R. Sillo
Fatigue Properties of Orthodontic Wire, Kirkland B. Reuer
Feasibility of an Extraoral Method for Predicting Manibular Incisor Relapse, Mark J. Saylor
Female Patients’ Perspectives on the Stages of Eating Disorder Recovery, Cherish C. Knoll
Fetal Cocaine Exposure Causes Epigenetic Changes in the Rat Heart, Kurt D. Meyer
Fetal Programming by Nicotine Increases Cardiac Susceptibility to Ischemic Injury, Jennifer Charlotte Alexie Lawrence
Fetal Whole-Body Fluid, Cardiovascular and Endocrine Dynamics : Computer Analysis of Regulatory Mechanisms, Peter Stuart Gold
Flow Dynamics in Model Aneurysms Associated with Simulated Vasospasm, Takuo Hashimoto and George M. Austin
Forced Separation and Consequent Stability of the Midpalatal Suture of the Macaca Mulatta Monkey, Frederick L. Hoffer Jr.
Force Loss in Retraction Springs at 37°C as Affected By Time, Roger Edward Clawson
Force Relaxation in Matched Light Titanium and Stainless Steel Wires, Granville Gene Wilson
Fracture Properties of Different Orthodontic Bonding Materials, Daryl Lynden Proctor
Gene Expression in the Mouse Placenta: Developmental and Stress Responses, Ciprian P. Gheorghe
Genetic Transformation in SALMONELLA TYPHIMURIUM, Siao Ping Tasi
George M. Austin Autobiography, George M. Austin
[George M. Austin Autobiography Drafts], George M. Austin and Society of Neurological Surgeons Historian
Gingival Condition in Areas of Minimal and Appreciable Widths of Keratinized Gingiva, Myles C. Miyasato
Glucocorticoid Regulation of Insulin Like Growth Factor Binding Protein-5 Gene Transcription in Human Osteoblasts, Xiaoying Wang
Growth Augmentation with Activators, John R. Sibley
Guide to the George M. Austin Research Collection, Department of Archives and Special Collections, Loma Linda University
Hard Tissue Forming Potential of MTA Compared to Common Root-end Filling Materials, Nooshin Noghreian
Hard Tissue Healing Adjacent to Fresh or Set MTA as Root-End Filling Material, Erol S. Apaydin
Healing Following Placement of a Subperiosteal Orthodontic Anchoring Device, Oliver Hoffmann
Healing Following Two Different Surgical Approaches to Treating Deep Periodontal Intraosseous Defects, A. Durwin H. Chamberlain
Healing Potential of Osteotomies of the Nasal Sinus in the Dog, Roderick W. Tataryn
Health Status of Emergency Department Patients, Marjean J. Horning
Heat Treatment of Chrome Cobalt Alloy Orthodontic Wire, Galen M. Fillmore
Histological Comparison of Human Pulpal Tissue Reactions After Vital Partial Pulpectomies using N-2, Dycal and ZOE Paste, David P. Clark
Histological Comparison of White and Gray MTA in Repair of Furcation Perforations, Miguel Elias Mego
Histologic Comparison of Apical Tissue Response to Endodontic Overfills with Gutta Percha and Grossman's Sealer vs. Sargenti Method (N₂), Donald L. Brewer
Histologic Host Response to Polyoxymethylene Prosthesis as a Temporomandibular Joint Condylar Replacement, Frederick R. Mathews
Histology of Apical Tissue : A Comparative Study of Sargenti Formula, Short vs. Overfill, James G. Schulze
Histomorphometric Analysis of Primate Periodontal Tissues Following Corticotomy in Orthodontics, Wuiteng Koh
Histopathological Variations of Periapical Granulomas and Radicular Cysts, Thanapen Kanchanasut
Hospital Resources Used as Guides in Unfamiliar Nursing Procedures, Marie Ethel Greene
Hospital Situations In Which Male Patients Prefer a Male Nurse, Norma Groome White
Host and Prophage Modifications of Ultraviolet Induction in SALMONELLA POTSDAM, Bela B. Toth
Human Placental Alkaline Phosphatase and Steroid Metabolism by Rat Adrenals, Allen G. Meier
Hyperosmotic Modification of Brain Extracellular Space and Blood-brain Barrier in the Rat as Observed by Electron Microscopy, Susan A. Meacham
Identification of Emotional Needs of Patients with Infectious Hepatitis, Elizabeth Tidmore Shafqat
Identification of Hard Tissue Using Dentin Sialoprotein (DSP) as a Marker, Wallis E. Andeline
Identification of Risk Factors Associated with Pulpal Disease, Shelley R. Aronson
Identification of Variables Influencing Women's Breast Cancer Detection, Sherri Duckworth Kemp
IL-10 and Alveolar Bone Loss, Abdulaziz Saud Al-Rasheed
Immediate Implant Placement in Extraction Sites with Periapical Lesions: A Retrospective Study, Yuan-Lung Hung
Immediate Loading of Unsplinted Implants in the Anterior Mandible for Overdentures, Phillip Roe
Immediate Provionalization of Single Threaded Oxidized Implants on Maxillary Premolars Healed Sites: One-Year Study, Kiyotaka Umezu
Immediate Provisionalization of Single 3.0 mm Diameter Implant in Maxillary and Mandibular Anterior Region, Kotaro Oyama
Immediate Tooth Replacement with Subepithelial Connective Tissue Graft Using Platform Switching Implants, Seunghwan Chung
Immunologic Mechanisms Involved with Human Endodontic Lesions, Sunita V. Prabhu
Immunosuppressive Activity Derived from the UC729-6 Lymphoblastoid and M21-HPB Melanoma Cell Lines, Charlene J. Repique
Impact of an Online Support System on Health Related Quality of Life Among Men Diagnosed with Prostate Cancer, Daniel K. Osei
Implant Success in Distracted Bone Versus Autogenous Bone-Grafted Sites, Jeffrey Allan Elo
Increased Brain Aneurysm Wall Strain: A Further Hazard for Rupture, George M. Austin, Wouter Schievink, Delbert Dickson, Stephanie Richardson, and Emily Hanford
Infant Feeding Decisions Among Pregnant Black WIC Participants and the Role of Peer Support, Astrid D. Mickens
Infectivity and Development of TRICHINELLA SPIRALIS in Germ-free, Monocontaminated and Conventional Mice, Daulat Sitanggang
Influence of Acculturation on Neuropsychological Assessment in Middle Easterners, Eunice E. Kwon
Influence of Hospital Communication on Health Supervision of High-Risk Infants, Alda L. Forte
Influence of Keratinized Mucosa, Bone Dimensions on Mucosal Recession and Bone Loss, Jeanette Keng Ling Chua
Influence of Stainless Steel Orthodontic Brackets on Magnetic Resonance Imaging, Christian James Hoybjerg
Inherited Disorders, George Austin
Integrating the Development of Children and Gestalt Therapy, Jennifer J. Thompson
Intensive Care Medical Procedure : PTSD Symptoms in Children, Ludmila Zaytsev
Interactions of IGF-II and Cathepsin D in MCF-7 Breast Cancer Cells, Jesika S. Faridi
Interleukin 1-Beta in Symptomatic and Asymptomatic Human Periradicular Lesions, Gerald C. Lim
Intracranial Aneurysm: A Dangerous Brain Lesion, G. Austin, W. Schievink, R. Gaskell, S. Richardson, and E. Hanford
Intracranial Aneurysm-Early Diagnosis and Prevention of Rupture, George M. Austin
Intracranial Aneurysm-Early Diagnosis & Management, George M. Austin
Intracranial Aneurysm, Why Do They Rupture?, George M. Austin
In Vitro Antimicrobial Efficacy of Calcium Hydroxides in Root Dentin, Josef W. Lubisich
In Vitro Plaque Formation on Orthodontic Resin Sealants, Leland W. Pack
Is Electrical Stimulation a Predictive Tool for Autonomic Dysfunction in Males with Diabetes?, Susan Dorothy Rand
Isolation and Chemico-Physiologic Characterization of a Parotid Hormone Activity from Porcine Glands, Jean-Marc Tieche
Job Termination Study, Violet G. Miller
Kinesiology of Knee Flexion Deformity using Electromyography, Paul J. Roby
Knowledge Pediatric Nurses Have on the Medications they are Giving, Opaljean Whiteaker
Labor Time Analysis by Work Function Activity in Production of Vegetarian Entrees, Maynard W. LeBrun
Language Sampling Analyses: Bridging the Gap between Assessment and Therapy, Maria C. Wood
Laser and LED Effects on the Proliferation Rate of Periodontal Ligament Fibroblasts, Allen J. Job
Lecture notes for "Outstanding Cultural Contributions by Physicians", George M. Austin
Levels of Intravenous Enterococcus faecalis That Cause Heart Colonization, Louis Zane Stromberg
Linder-Aronson s Analysis Using Rhinomanometry and Newtom, Noel Moser
LLU Dentistry - Volume 33, Number 1, Loma Linda University School of Dentistry
Load Deformation Test of Mini Twin Metal Brackets : A Comparative Study, Karl D. Peach
Localization and Expression of the Aer Receptor in Escherichia coli, Daniel Salcedo
Localization of Sodium, Potassium-Adenosine Triphosphatase in the Cerebral Cortex of Developing Rats, Maki Ujiie
Locus of Control, Coping, and Anticipatory Nausea in Women with Breast Cancer, Melinda L. Nielsen
Locus of Control, Coping, and Anticipatory Nausea in Women with Breast Cancer, Melinda L. Nielsen
Long Chain Fatty Acids and PC12 Cell Death, Joel E. Ulloth
Low Birth Weight, Very Low Birth Weight and Infant Mortality in San Bernardino County : A Secondary Analysis of Maternal Factors, Rebecca D. Nanyonjo
Magnetic Resonance Imaging of Oromandibular Limb Hypogenesis Syndrome (OLHS) : Type 1A Congenital Hypoglossia with Micrognathia, Edmond H. Henken
Magnification in Images Produced by Five Popular Digital Lateral Cephalometric Machines, Gretchen Marie Schnepper
Management of Chronic Otitis Media, Bruce A. Sanderson
Mandibular and Alveolar Growth in Dog following Infusion of 5-Fluorouricil, Richard D. Pfeiffer
Mandibular Asymmetry in Unilateral Class II Malocclusion : A Cephalometric Study, Raed Z. Moussa
Mandibular Nerve Regeneration Through Solid and Canalized Bone and Plaster Grafts, Lawrence D. Day
Mandibular Repositioning with Frankel Appliance Therapy, Clark E. Schneekluth
Marrow Isografts in the Oral Cavity of Mice, Robert L. Merin
Masseter and Temporal Muscle Adaptability to Interproximal Contact Disruption : An Electromyographic Study, Robert E. French
Masseter Muscle Position Relative to Skeletal Open Bite and Skeletal Closed Bite, Alonzo David Proctor
Maternal Smoking, Weight Status and Preecalmpsia and Eclampsia Risk Among Women Living in San Bernardino County, Fiona Bedelia Lewis
Mathematical Model of Placental Oxygen and Carbon Dioxide Exchange, Ester P. Hill
Maturational Changes in Cerebrovascular Thick- and Thin-Filament Regulation, Renan Joel Sandoval
Maximum Opening and Closing Forces Exerted by Diverse Skeletal Types, Erkut Yildirim
Mayo Dental Morphology, Val K. Artress
Measured Effects of Rapid Palatal Expansion on Nasal Cavity Volume Utilizing CBCT, Jon Neal Robinson
Measurement of Aneurysm Blood Flow, George Austin and R. Vasudevan
Measuring the Effectiveness of Patient Teaching in Postpartum Patients, Nancy Racine
Mechanisms of Autoantigen Cleavage during Cell Death, Xiwei Wu
Mechanisms of DHA Neuroprotection from PA Induced Lipotoxieity, Frankis G. Almaguel
Mechanisms of HBO-Induced Neuroprotection in a Neonatal Hypoxia-Ischemia Model, John Winter Calvert
Mechanisms of T Helper Cell Modulation in a Simulated Space Radiation Environment, Asma Rizvi
Mentalgram - Vol. 01, No. 01, Loma Linda University School of Dentistry
Mentalgram - Vol. 13, No. 04-A, Loma Linda University School of Dentistry and Christy K. Robinson
Methodology in Measurement of Load Loss or Gain in Orthodontic Wires : A Pilot Study, Merton S. Lacy
MicroCT Study of Critical-Sized Defects Restored with a New rhBMP-2 Carrier, Joanne S. Kim
Microleakage of Various Restorative Materials Used for Preventive Resin Restorations, Jenny Chung Lee
Microscopic Evaluation of Topically Applied Chlorhexidine Gluconate on Gingival Wound Healing in Dogs, Robert C. Hirst
Microsurgical Anastomosis for Brain Ischemia, G. Austin, D. Laffin, J. Thompson, S. Brauer, and W. Hayward
Middle Cerebral Artery Aneurysm: A Computer Model, G. Austin and R. Gaskell
Militarywide Survey of Whole-Grain Food Products and Total Dietary Fiber Analysis of the Military Ration, John Paul Warber
Mineralized Bone Allograft in Maxillary Sinuses Histology and Histomorphometry, Sammy Stefan Noumbissi
Modifications, Adaptations, and Clinical Observations on the Buccal Arch Positioner, Bill J. Miller
Molar and Incisor Changes with Wilson "Rapid Molar Distalization", D. Dween Muse
Molecular Weight Determinations of some SALMONELLA POTSDAM bacteriophage DNA's, Winston H. Richards
Monitoring of Cortical Mitochondrial Respiration During Microanastomosis, George Austin, Britton Chance, William Hill, and Clyde Barlow
Morbidity, Growth and Development of Prematurely-Born Twins in Early Childhood, Lynelle King
Muscle Catabolism During a Protein Sparing Modified Fast as Measured by Urinary 3-Methylhistidine, Judith D. Nielsen
Mutagenecity of Formocresol, Glutaraldehyde, Ferric Sulfate and Aluminum Chloride : Materials Used in Therapeutic Pulpotomies, Adolfo Barrera
Natural History of THELAZIA CALIFORNIENSIS Price, 1930 (Nematoda: Thelaziidae), A Mammalian Eye Worm, Warren E. Parmelee
Negotiating the Healthy Self: A Theory of Health Behavior in Older Adults, Barbara Schwitz White
Neurodevelopmental Outcome & MR Spectroscopy of Therapeutic Hypothermia After Pediatric Drowning, Sharon Mieras Perugini
Neurological Complications Following Open Heart Surgery, Lavaun Ward Sutton
Neurological Problems of Older Retired People, Lecture 9, George M. Austin
Neuronal and Metabolic Increases in Pedunculopontine Nucleus of Parkinson's Rats, Jonathan Dennis Carlson
Neuronal Connections from the Cervix to the Spinal Cord before Parturition, Mary Medina Groves
Neurophysiologic Bases for Abnormal Muscle Coactivation Patterns in Hemiparetic Stroke, Julius P.A. Dewald
New In Vivo and In Vitro Techniques for Quantification of Lateral Force Levels That Cause Implants to Fail : A Progress Report on Monkey Research, V. Leroy Leggitt
Nocturnal Flights of TRIATOMA PROTRACTA (Uhler) as Indicated by Collections at Black Light Traps : (Hemiptera: Reduviidae: Triatominae), Robert D. Sjogren
Novel Binding Domains Mediate Binding of HPV 16 E6 to FADD and Procaspase 8, Sandy S. Tungteakkhun
Nurse Attendance Versus Use of Analgesic Medication in the First Stage of Labor, Jo Ann Soulé Henriksen
Nurse-Patient Interpretations of the Nurse's Touch, Judith Ann Trowbridge
Nursing Care Given to Hemiplegic Patients, Margaret Eugenia Messer
Nursing Needs of Selected Patients on Home Care, Margie Sue Temples
Observation of Bone Formation in the Mandibular Symphysis Following Surgical Separation and Slow Mechanical Expansion in a Baboon, Robert J. Homer
Observer Reliability of Cephalometric Landmark Identification on 3-D MR Images, Michael S. Pollack
Occlusal Patterns and Tooth Morphology in the Navajo Indians of Monument Valley, Utah, LeRoy C. Trnavsky
Optimum Bonding Time of Four Different Curing Lights, Nathan Don Cotten
Oral Bandage Tissue Reaction in Dogs, John Rozema
Oral Lichen Planus : A Clinical Study of the Association with Diabetes Mellitus and Vascular Hypertension, Gordon M. Rick
Ornithine Decarboxylase and Polyamines in Perinatal Hypoxia, Satyaseelan Packianathan
Orthodontic Information Systems : A Developmental Study, Gary D. Sheldon
Orthodontic Mini-Implant Failure: Assessing the Relationship to Bone Quality Using QCBCT, Joshua Schneider
Orthognathic Surgery in the Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritic Patient, David H. Gilbert
Orthognathic Surgical Expansion Procedure of the Mandible of Female Baboon PAPIO sp?, Willis L. Schlenker
Outstanding Cultural Contributions by Physicians [Flyer], Student Association of the Loma Linda University School of Medicine
Oxidative Stress-Mediated Anticancer Activity of Novel AhR Modulators AF & 5F203, Lancelot S. McLean
Pain Experienced by Patients during Periodontal Examination, Mohammed A. Al-Ajmi
Pain Experienced by Patients Using Thinner vs. Thicker Probes During Probing, Mohamed A. Hassan
Pan Pacific Surgery Association presentation draft and notes, George M. Austin
Parental Perception of the Neonate, Liza Ann Webb
Parent-Mediated Contingency Management in the Normal Child, Lena Lantry
Patient/Physician Communication in Type 2 Diabetes-Related Health Behavior Change, Barbara Marie Thomas
Patient Satisfaction and Effectiveness of a New Resin Used to Bumper Orthodontic Brackets, Timothy B. Elison
Patient Satisfaction with Nursing Care During Labor and Delivery, Afton G. Pratt
Patients' Reactions to Witnessing Cardio-Pulmonary Resuscitation, Lynn Andree Finch
Perceived Parent-Child Relationship and High-Risk Behaviors Among Christian College Students, Karla G. Lavin Williams
Periodontal Pocket Reduction Following Gingival Curettage, Robert B. Tandy
Periodontal Repair in Dogs : Effect of Recombinant Human Transforming Growth Factor Beta-1 on Guided Tissue Regeneration, Saghi Shayan Razi
Periodontal Repair in Dogs : Evaluation of rhBMP-2 Carriers, Lauralee Nygaard
Periosteal Circulation and its Contribution to the Nutrition of Compact Bone, Jean Elaine Tassell
Periradicular Response of Immunodeficient Rats to Mechanical Pulpal Exposure, James E. Stich
Pharmacological Studies of Antidiabetic Chinese Herbs, Mun Fa Lee
Physicians: Scientists, Poets, and Musicians [Eclipse File]
Plastic Deformation of a Polycarbonate Bracket : Utilizing A New Testing Apparatus, Terri L. Alfred
Plasticity in Selective Phonotaxis and Neuronal Responses of Acheta Domesticus, Benjamin Alejandro Navia
Plasticity of the GnRH Neuronal System During Sexual Maturation of the Male Djungarian Hamster, Kevin L. Buchanan
Play Preparation for the Adeno-Tonsillectomy Patient, Carol Brown and Harriet Hecker
PNES: Neuropsychological Impairments & Psychological Symptomatology, Adriana Macias
Positions Held During the First Year Following Graduation by Graduates from College Programs in Nursing, Geneva Bowman
Post-Abortion Counseling and Anxiety Levels of Unmarried Adolescents Having Therapeutic Abortions, Linda Levisen
Post-Treatment Evaluation of Isometric Function of the Elevator Muscles, Margaret Barbara Kowalczyk
Predicting Long-Term Memory in Adult Brain Injury Patients Using MR Spectroscopy, Herminia De La Rosa-Trujillo
Predicting Milk and Soft Drink Consumption Among Female Adolescents Using the Theory of Planned Behavior, Nada Osman Kassem
Predicting Systemic Confidence, Stephanie Inez Falke
Prediction of Fetal Sheep Brain Metabolic Rate During Hypoxia and Cord Occlusion, Adam D. Hickerson
Predictions of the Effects of Nonsurgical Periodontial Therapy : Prospective and Retrospective Identification of Deteriorating Sites, Rik Achille Vanooteghem
Predictive Measures of Cognitive Outcome in Adults Sustaining Brain Injury, Herminia De La Rosa-Trujillo
Predictive Value of Radiographic Analysis of Menton, Hyoid Bone, and the Third Cervical Vertebra Angle, Kalfred G.S. Chun
Predictors of Aggression among Adolescent Girls, Sarah Joy Park
Predictors of Emotional Reactions in Women Treated for Breast Cancer, Erin E. Ramirez
Predictors of Emotional Reactions in Women Treated for Breast Cancer, Erin E. Ramirez
Predictors of Female Sexual Dysfunction, Julie M. Merrell
Pregnant Adolescents' Knowledge of Infant Development, Lynn A. Standley
Prenatal Instruction of Breast Feeding Mothers, Anita Berry
Pre-Orthodontic Radiography of the Temporomandibular Joint, Stephen G. Tracey
Prevalence of Degenerative Joint Disease in a Pre-Orthodontic Adolescent Sample, Marie Mansour
Prevalence of Fatty Liver in Japanese Children Ages 4 to 12 Years Old : Relationship to Obesity : An Epidemiological Ultrasonographic Survey, Kunihiko Tominaga
Prevalence of various Upper Extremity Disorders in Patients with Carpal Tunnel Syndrome versus Patients without Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, Daniel C. Buda
Prevention and Treatment of Stroke by EC-IC Bypass, George M. Austin
Preventive Care Utilization Among Black Women : Perceived Beliefs, Benefits and Barriers to Mammography Screening, RoWandalla Y. Dunbar
Production of Convulsions in Rats by High Frequency Electrical Currents (Radar), George M. Austin and Steven M. Horvath
Profiles of Drug Endangered Children: Investigation in a Clinical Sample, Imanie Samanmali Wijayaratne
[Project proposal] Microscopic Analysis of Intracranial Aneurysm Wall and its Parent Arteries, George Austin and Steve Fisher
Properties of Experimentally Modified Orthodontic Adhesives: A Pilot Study, Adam Gary Lautt
Properties of Salmonella Phage P3 after Subjection to Host-controlled Modification by Passage Through E. COLI K-12, Benjamin J. Siapco
Psychological Factors Associated with Anticipatory Nausea and Vomiting, Melinda L. Nielsen
Psychosocial Factors Associated with Nicotine Dependence Among College Students : Are There Differences between Social and Regular Smokers?, Devan Rae Romero
Publications by George M. Austin and Others [A Bibliography], George M. Austin, W. Hayward, W. Schievink, D. Dickson, D. Laffin, S. Richardson, R. Gaskell, R. Vasudevan, S. Rouhe, W. Schuler, M. Sato, M. Yonekura, M. Kaminigo, D. Zinke, G. Haugen, N. Horn, R. Jutzy, E. Lichter, J. Thompson, H. Yai, S. Fisher, W. Hill, H. Koga, N. Poll, J. Willey, D. Anderson, C. Barlow, B. Blackbourne, D. Brown, Britton Chance, F. C. Grant, E. Hanford, S. Harris, J. C. LaManna, Y. Taguchi, S. Brauer, J. Chrispens, C. Ciesel, L. A. Dayes, R. Doane, H. Donahue, F. J. Frans, X. Gong, K. Grewe, A. N. Hasso, H. Hayashi, David B. Hinshaw, S. M. Horvath, H. Jasper, W. D. Leech, C. N. Liu, C. Y. Liu, Lonquet-Higgins, J. Maruhashi, G. P. McCouch, L. McMahon, J. Minckler, J. Moret, I Neilsen, D. I. Peterson, G. Ponto, M. Rafiullah, M. Rice-Edwards, K. Rootenberg, G. Schemm, C. R. Simmons, L. Smith, W. Stahl, Z Suo, H. Takuo, M. Titford, H. Wheal, R. Williams, and D. Zimmerman
Quality Assurance in Hospital Food Service, Carol Henry, Kathleen Zolber, David Abbey, Lydia Sonnenberg, and Bertram Connell
Quantification of Bone Deposition in Onlay Bone Grafting, Gregory Alan Kammeyer
Quantitative Evaluation of Streptococcal Antibodies by a Serum Inhibition Fluorescent Antibody Tube Method, Charles Glenn Nichols
Quick Ceph™, A Computer Program for Cephalometric Analysis and Treatment Planning, Günther Blaseio
Radiation Effects on Dopamine-Mediated Prepulse Inhibition in the C57BL/6 Mouse, Cara Nicole Zuccarelli Miller
Radiation-Induced Glutamate Transport Alterations in Neuron-Astrocyte Coupling, Martha Celia Sanchez
Radiation-Induced Increases in pKC Modulate Integrin Expression and Contribute to Fibrotic Changes, Pinal Rushikesh Pandya
Reasons for Choice of a First Position By Graduates of Diploma School of Nursing, Carol Adele Craig
Reference Serum Chemistry and Hematological Values for Spinal Cord Injured Patients, Michael S. Laymon and Antone L. Davis II
Regeneration In Periodontal Defects with rhBMP-2 : A Dosage Study, Paola Guglielmoni
Regulation of Connexin43 by Phosphorylation, Maithili M. Shah
Regulation of Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor Synthesis by Retinoic Acid and Dexamethasone, Kerby C. Oberg
Regulation of PIM1 Under Hypoxia in Prostate Cancer, Eva Sahakian
Regulation of Synthesis and Actions of Bone Growth Factors, Rashmi Malpe
Relationship between Dietary Intake and Reproductive Hormones in Premenopausal Vegetarian and Nonvegetarian Seventh-day Adventist Women, Joan M. Spuehler
Relationship Between Sleep Deprivation and Postpartum Depression, Janet Wagner
Relationship Between Some Demographic Characteristics and Adverse Reactions Experienced by Women Undergoing a Therapeutic Abortion While Awake, Karen K. House
Relationship of Vitamin D Levels to Blood Pressure in a Biethnic Cohort, Rosario O. Sakamoto
Relative Validity of a Food Frequency Questionnaire used to Assess Food and Nutrient Intake in a Dietary Intervention Study, Gina Segovia Siapco
Repeatability of Serial Carotid Intima Media Thickness Scanning on Individual Subjects, Judi Nightingale
Reproducibility of Periodontal Probing, Su-Fang Wang
Reproducibility of Two Non-Consecutive Scans Using a NewTom 3G; in Vitro Model, Hyoung Jin Park
Research Notebook, G. Austin
Resonance Frequency Analysis as a Determinant of Implant Initial Stability, Negar Tabandeh
Resorbable Barrier Effect in Sinus Graft Using Anorganic Bone, Kyung-soo Choi
Retrofilling Materials : The Effects of Two Setting Times on the Degree of Dye Leakage of Retrograde Filling Materials, Robert K. Higa
Ricketts and Steiner Analysis Using NewTom 3G™ Scout Images, James I. Gibson III
Risk Factors Associated with Infant Mortality Among Very Low Birthweight Infants of Teenage Mothers in San Bernardino County, C. Letitia Henry
Roentgenographic Evaluation of Nasion-Menton and Sella-Gonion Measurements and their Relationship to the Mandibular Plane Angle, David I. Asatani
Role of NO in the Regulation of Cortisol Synthesis in Long-term Hypoxic Sheep Fetal Adrenal, Tshepo Rothi Monau
Root Exposure and its Effect on the Fluid Movement within the Tooth, William J. Busch
Rotational Forces Generated by Traditional and Loop-Design Clear Aligners, Grant Essink
Second Generation Korean-American Parents: Social Context Influence on Parenting, Lana H. Kim
Selected Factors Related to Ability to Regain Bladder Function Following Indwelling Catheterization, Jongkolnee Padmasiri
Selected Physiological Responses to a Back Rub, Norma (Ewing) Anderson
Sensory Stimulation to Produce Micturition in the Cerebral Vascular Accident Patient, Mary Alice Pearce
Sero-epidemiology of Q Fever with Special Reference to Complications in a Hospital Population of Southern California, Ajit Singh Randhawa
Seventy Years of Commitment to Dental Progress, Loma Linda University School of Dentistry
Sex Determination by Cephalometry and Odontometry, Clair R. Hopkins Jr.
Short and Long Term Effects of Proton Microbeam Irradiation : In the Lateral Geniculate Nucleus of FELIS DOMESTICUS, Chad Sherwood Reder
Short-term Clinical Evaluation of NobelReplace® Tapered Groovy Implant, Manouchehr Pouresmail
Signal Transduction in Bacterial Chemotaxis, Edward Heath Rowsell
Signs and Symptoms of Infection in Newborn Infants with and without Sibling Visits, Marilyn Thunquest
Smoking Behavior Among Alabama Student Nurses : The Role of Behavioral Beliefs and Normative Referencing, Judith Rausch
Soft Tissue Changes of the Upper Lip Following Isolated Le Fort I Osteotomies, Kendall E. James
Some Descriptive Concepts of Conscious Man, George Austin and William Hayward
Some Phage Associated Properties in SALMONELLA POTSDAM, Thomas B. Seifert
Species recognition in wild-caught PEROMYSCUS CALIFORNICUS and PEROMYSCUS BOYLII (rodentia cricetidae), Sue M. Abraham
Spine Mobilization vs Manipulation: Effects on Neck Pain, Alfredo Loreto
Sprague-Dawley Rats Fed Milk or Beef Protein : Differences in Response to 1,2-dimethylhydrazine Carcinogenesis, Stanley W. L. Ng
Stability in Mechanical Expansion of the Maxilla with Surgical/Mechanical Expansion of the Mandible in an Adult Baboon, Robert D. Mitchell
Stability of the Miniscrew-Bone Interface: Reverse Torque Values in Rabbits, Daniel John Drye
Stereotaxic Surgery with Computer Tomography for Diagnosis and Treatment of Brain Lesions, George M. Austin
Stress Analysis of Post and Crown Restorations of Endodontically Treated Teeth, Ronald C. Hansen
Stronger Together, Loma Linda University Health
Student's Awareness of Covert Needs of Patients in a General Hospital, Elizabeth Liston Hedrick
Studies on the Purification and Role of IGFBP-5 Protease in Bone, H. Garrett Rush Thompson
Studies on the Regulation of Cell Growth and Contact Inhibition using Concanavalin A and Dibutyryl Adenosine Cyclic Monophosphate, Robert W. Teel
Study of Executive Functioning Training in Adolescents Diagnosed with Autism, Jessica Postil
Study of the Four Factor Theory of Women’s Sexual Function, Julie M. Merrell
Successful Aging and Creativity : An Investigation on Functional Status and Psychological Wellbeing in Older Adults, Mirie E. Levy
Support Systems of Mexican-American Women and Their Attitudes Regarding Infant Feeding, Susan Marie Krantz
Survey of the Student Load at the Paradise Valley School of Nursing, Dorothy M. James
Synopsis of “Background and Indications for Extracranial-Intracranial (EC-IC) Bypass Surgery", George M. Austin
Synovial Fluid Hydrostatic Pressure in the TMJ after Mandibular Advancement in Sus scrofa, Samuel A. Demirdji
Technical Consideration Regarding Direction and Perfusion of Blood Flow in Patients Undergoing STA-MCA Anastomosis, G. Austin, J. Thompson, D. Laffin, and W. Hayward
Tensile Properties of Stainless Steel Orthodontic Wire, Elbert E. Jackson
The Accuracy of Computer Video Imaging Prediction : Just Prior to Surgical Mandibular Advancement/Genioplasty Orthognathic Cases, Jason T. Chiakowsky
The Accuracy of Sonographic Imaging (DolphinTM Digigraph) and Standard Lateral Cephalometric Radiographs : A Comparative Study, Michael D. Teichman
The Advantages of a Condyle-Gnathion Reference Line in Roentgenographic Cephalometry, Ernest N. Chan
The Affect of Activities in the Intensive Care Unit on Patients, Dorothy Millholland Mottweiler
The Anti-proliferation Effects of Lycopene on Breast Cancer Cells, Tixieanna Dissmore
The Association between Lifestyle Factors and Inflammatory Markers, Kerry Ann Stonebrook
The Association of Acute Stress and Single Leg Balance, Theodore W. Gehrig III
The Association of Blood Type on the Five Factors of Personality in Chinese Adolescents, Kunher Wu
The Association of Maternal Intention to Breastfeed, Early Skin-to-skin Mother/Infant Contact, and exclusive Breastfeeding during the Maternity Hospital Stay, Leslie Mary Bramson
The Cardiac Correlates of Attention In the Denervated Heart: A Study of Infant Heart Transplant Recipients, Stephanie Dianne Griffone
The Cardiovascular Effects of Human Contact with Coronary Artery Disease Patients in the Coronary Care Unit, Margaret A. Palmour
The Changes of Cortical Blood Flow and Cortical Oxygen Tension in Focal Ischemia, K. Kaminoga, Y. Taguchi, and G. Austin
The Clinical Efficacy of Cavit, Eric J. Herbranson
The Comparative Radiopacity between Primary and Permanent Teeth, Robert C. Lee
The Concentration of Prostaglandin E2 in Periradicular Lesions, Steve N. McNicholas
The Coronary Distribution Zone : Mathematical Modelling of the Left Ventricular Epicardial Surface for Area Calculation, Three-dimensional Rotaton and Display, S. Matts E. Sjölander
The Degree and Time-course of Stress in the Patient Undergoing Cardiac Surgery, Hulda Esther Serra and Patricia Jo Yvonne Tygret
The Determination of Antibody Levels in Endodontic Patients Against Eleven Microorganisms Using IFA and ELISA Techniques, William C. Payne
The Developmental Fine Structure of Pacinian Corpuscles, Pedro B. Nava
The Development of a Means of Applying Extraoral Pressure to the Buccal Arch Positioner, David C. Hobson
The Development of an Advanced Filial Therapy Model, Amy Cathleen Wickstrom
The Development of a New Appliance for the Third Stage of Begg Treatment, Ronald C. Parker
The Development of an Instrument for Three Dimensional Analysis of Micron Quantities of Tooth Movement, M. Clark Lamberton
The diagnosis, treatment, and prognosis of tumors affecting the spinal cord in children., G. M. Austin and F. C. Grant
The Differential Impact of Sexism in Latino Men and Women’s Psychiatric Symptoms, Astrid Magalij Reina-Patton
The Duration of the Effect of Different Carbohydrates on Neutrophilic Phagocytosis, Judy L. Reeser
The Effectiveness of Minimal Pair Therapy for S-cluster Reduction, Julie Anne McDow
The Effectiveness of Treatment in an Inpatient and Outpatient Psychiatric Facility, Timothy Quan Tran
The Effect of a Death, Dying and Grieving Seminar on NICU Nurses' Levels of Anxiety, Depression and Hostility, Bonnie Kugel
The Effect of a Patient-Counseling Film and Hygienist on the Oral Hygiene of Junior High School Students, Leonard L. Espinda
The Effect of a Repressive-Inspirational Discussion Group on the Self-Esteem of Selected Elderly Individuals, Rebecca Hollesca Gucilatar
The Effect of a Training Program on Job Satisfaction Among Hospital Dietary Supportive Personnel, Alice E. Calkins
The Effect of Auxiliary Preparation Elements on the Resistance Form of Complete Metal Crowns, Mostafa Nazari
The Effect of Calcium Hydroxide Pastes on Root Dentin Fracture Resistance, Kurt W. Sturz
The Effect of Chlorhexidine or Oxytetracycline Irrigation on the Subgingival Microbiota, George M. Whitehead
The Effect of Chronic Hypoxia on Cardiac Function in the Fetal Ovine Heart, Rodney David Rodrigo
The Effect of Early Postpartum Teaching of Infant Feeding on Maternal Concern, Linda M. Richter and K. Judy Toews
The Effect of Electrical Stimulation on Blood Flow in Chronic Wounds in Patients with and without Diabetes, Daryl J. Lawson
The Effect of Elevated Glucose on Neutrophilic Phagocytosis in Genetically Diabetic Mice, Larry B. Thompson
The Effect of Endodontic Therapy on the Incidence of Radiation Caries in Dogs, James A. Abbott
The Effect of EtOH and Caffeine on Brain 5-HT and 5-HIAA, Neva Jeanne Hall
The Effect of Fetal Age on Skin Permeability in Guinea Pigs, Benita Stiles Whitted
The Effect of Folic Acid Supplementation on Gingival Healing After Oral Hygiene Therapy, Marilyn J. Wankier
The Effect of Guidor™ and hOP-1 On Hard Tissue Healing : Following Periradicular Surgery in Cats, Hugh Maguire
The Effect of Insulin, Fluoride and Methyl Xanthines on the Hypothalamic-Parotid Gland Endocrine Axis, Reagan Ondler
The Effect of MTAD on Eight Strains of E. faecalis in Contaminated Root Canals, Bradley M. Newberry
The Effect of NaOCl, Ca(OH)2, MTA and MTAD on Root Dentin Fracture Resistance, Sunil Ilapogu
The Effect of Natural Measures to Aid in Sleep as Compared with the Use of Flurazepam 30 Milligrams as Seen in the Hospitalized Male Patient, Myra Ladd Thompson
The Effect of Nursing Discharge Counseling Sessions on the Pre-Discharge Anxiety Level of the Neurotically-Depressed Female in a Community Hospital Setting, Deborah Snyder Galasso
The Effect of Periapical Inflammation on Cellular Cementum : A Scanning Electron Microscope Study, Gary S. Yonemoto
The Effect of Post-hospital Nursing Intervention on Success in Breastfeeding, Melinda Hoskins
The Effect of Post-Operative Use of Chlorhexidine on Periodontal Regeneration in Monkeys with Chronic Bifurcation Defects, J. Pat Bishop
The Effect of Pre-Admission Crisis Nursing Intervention on the Anxiety Level of Elderly Persons on Admission to a Nursing Home, Doreen C. K. Lee
The Effect of Preweanling Administration of Carbohydrates used in Infant Formulas on Subsequent Dental Caries in White Rats, Erlinda Amor Romulo
The Effect of Primary Nursing on Nurse Job Satisfaction and Patient Satisfaction with Nursing Care, Karen Garrison
The Effect of Removing the Crevicular Epithelium Upon Canine Tooth Replantation, Leon A. Leonard
The Effect of Root End Demineralization On Cementogenesis : A Long Term Investigation, Hamid R. Abedi
The Effect of SCHISTOSOMA MANSONI on Free Amino Acid Levels in Mice, Richard D. Tkachuck
The Effect of Systemic Doxycycline on Alveolar Bone Loss Following Periradicular Surgery, G. Reed Cummings
The Effect of the Shave on Infection in Maternity Patients, Doris Christine Bethea
The Effect of the Warm Water Bath on Axillary Temperature in Normal Newborns, Ann J. Morton
The Effect of Topical Fluorides on the Microleakage of Sealants, N. Jared Nation
The Effect of Ultrasonics on Fibroblast Cells, Sheila A. Harris
The Effect of Warmed Humidified Oxygen on the Temperature of Depressed Newborns, Earlene Scharping
The Effects of a Teen Mother Program on the Growth and Development of the Child, Barbara McCarthy
The Effects of Communication on Adolescent Sexual Behavior in Eastern Europe, Sharon Mieras Perugini
The Effects of Fear on Biomechanics in Healthy and Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstructed Individuals, Robert I. Dudley
The Effects of Freezing and Heat Treatments on the IgA and Bacteria Count in Human Milk, Madeleine Sigman, Kenneth Burke, U. D. Register, O. Ward Swarner, Patricia Johnston, and Gerald Shavlik
The Effects of Inducing Functional Class III Malocclusion on Actively Growing Rat Mandibles, Aarin Chu
The Effects of Nonnutritive Sucking on the Behavior of Premature Infants, Jean Newbold
The Effects of Orally Administered Charcoal on Intestinal Gas, Herbert J. Thompson
The Effects of Orthodontic Repositioning into a Surgically Expanded Site on Bone Formation and Tooth Mobility in a Baboon, Anthony B. Lier
The Effects of Palatal Expansion Therapy on the Periodontal Supporting Tissues, Kenneth R. Greenbaum, Bjorn U. Zachrisson, John K. Pearson, Roland D. Walters, Jan Egelberg, James R. Wise, and Grenith Zimmerman
The Effects of Rapid Palatal Expansion Therapy on the Periodontal Tissues of the Central Incisors, Richard Gutierrez
The Effects of Second Molar Extractions in Conjunction with Bionator Treatment, Mohammed Toufic Jeiroudi
The Effects of Temperature and pH on the Differentiation of TRYPANOSOMA LEWISI (Kent, 1880) Laveran & Mesnil, 1901, In a Defined Medium, Carolann R. Rosario
The Effects of the Introduction of an Electronic Medical Record (EMR) on Self-Reported Treatment Effects in a Psychological Service in a Family Medicine Clinic, Michael D. Herman
The Efficacy of a Limited Clinical Undergraduate Orthodontic Program, Benjamin H. Robson
The Efficacy of an Audio Program and Discussion Guide in Promoting Exclusive Breastfeeding in Cameroon, Africa, Kathryn R. Reinsma
The Efficacy of Melodic Based Communication Therapy for Eliciting Speech in Nonverbal Children with Autism, Givona A. Sandiford
The Expression and Regulation of the hsdK Genes of Escherichia coli K-12, Ainu Parkash
The Fecal Shedding of LISTERIA MONOCYTOGENES by Conventional and "Germ Free" Mice, Margaret Joyce Ramsay
The Fracture Strength of Ceramic Brackets : An Update and Comparison, Christian P. Manley
The Germfree Culture of Three Species of Triatominae: TRIATOMA PROTRACTA (Uhler), TRIATOMA RUBIDA (Uhler), and RHODNIUS PROLIXUS Stål, Stephen A. Nyirady
The Histological Effects of Mandibular Distraction Osteogenesis On Rabbit Condyles, Eunice Jungmin Hong
The Immunology of Parturition, Ari Mayer Mackler
The Impact of a Primary Health Care Training Program on Morbidity in Kiyeyi, Rural Uganda, 1986-1991 : An Evaluation of the Uganda-Finland Health Care Program, Marja-Leena Salin
The Impact of Clinical Education and Other Factors on the SLP’s Productivity in Medical Settings, Jennifer St. Clair
The Impact of the CHIP Program on Depression and Well-Being: A Pilot Study, Carmen Diehl Thieszen
The Impact of Variations in Buccolingual Thickness of Maxillary Anterior Dentition on First Order Arch form Adjustments, Craig A. Andreiko
The Incidence and Magnitude of Tooth-Size Discrepancies in Caucasians, Blacks and Hispanics, Dana R. Shaltry
The Incidence and Types of Medication Errors Occurring Among a Selected Group of Elderly Patients, Harriet Dinsmore
The Influence of Prepregnancy Weight and Maternal Weight Gain : On Birth Weight Among Black WIC Participants in San Bernardino County, Marta Lukas Sovyanhadi
The Influence of Work of Fracture on Six Orthodontic Bonding Systems, Tyler S. Pritchard
The Inhibition of Bone Formation Occurring Under Weightlessness : The Effect of Skeletal Unloading on Serum Levels of a Bone-derived Growth Factor, Jean D. Sibonga
The Intestinal Flora of Triatoma Protracta Protracta (Uhler) (Hemiptera: Reduviidae) Including New Bacterial Isolation Techniques, Stephen A. Nyirady
The Lasting Antimicrobial Qualities of Three Root Canal Sealing Materials : Grossman's Sealer, Rickert's Sealer, and N2 Permanent, Lee R. Ingersoll
The Latino Caregiver Experience Among Dementia and Non-Dementia Caregivers : Can Community Based Care Management Improve Caregiver Health?, Catherine Oliveros
The Long Term Stability of the Dental Arches Following Rapid Palatal Expansion, Robert C. Stockdale
The Modified Index of Severity Scale, Marion Gamundoy
The Nature and Incidence of Vascular Lesions of the Brain in 10,000 Consecutive Autopsies, David Hartson
The Nature of Salmonella Phage P3 Modification and Restriction by Growth in ESCHERICHIA COLI, Clark A. Pearson
The Neural Organization of the Lamina Ganglionaris in the Crab HEMIGRAPSUS NUDUS a Light and Electron Microscope Study, Hsu-Cheng Huang
The Nursing Process and its Relationship to the Quality of Nursing Care, Arlene H. Johnson
Theory and Measurement of Intracranial Aneurysm Blood Flow, George Austin and R. Vasudevan
The Outcome of MTA as a Root End Filling Material: A Long Term Evaluation, Christopher M. Sechrist
The Pathogenesis of Periodontal Disease and Treatment Implications, Richard C. Oliver
The Periodontal Intraosseous Defect Following Root Conditioning with Citric Acid and Wound Closure Including a PTFE Membrane : An Experimental Study, Betty Glaser Kersten
The Post-Basic Preparation Received by Administrative, Supervisory and Head Nurses in Six Hospitals, Margaret Josephine Patry
The Prediction of Circumferential Tooth Measurements as an Aid in Orthodontic Banding, Roland D. W. Neufeld
The Prenatal Development of the "Synaptic" Structures in the Guinea Pig Pineal Gland, Zhongrong Luo
The Preparation of Nursing Care Guides from a Study of Nursing Problems in African Rural Hospitals, Edith L. Gillham
The Prevalence and Determinants of Health Risk Behaviors Among High School Students in Mexico, Nellie León
The Psychological Characteristics of Obese Children, Thomas Taylor Mitchell
The Psychological Needs of Hospital Dietary Supportive Personnel, Ralph Morales Jr.
The Psychophysiology of Information Processing Differences in Eating Disorders, Kathryn Grace Truitt
The Radiopacity of 29 Resin Restorative Materials Compared to Enamel, Peter Lubisich IV
The Rate of the Healing Process in Venous Thrombi Produced by a Sclerosing Agent with Special Attention to Endothelial Lining, Kiyoshi Tanaka
The Reaction of Hospitalized Children to Food, Lois Masat Magnussen
The Relationship between the Lingual Surface of the Maxillary Central Incisor and the Eminence of the Mandibular Fossae, Robert A. Huffer
The Relationship of Abdominal Breathing and Relaxation During Labor, LoAnn Mac Dougall and Judith Miller
The Relationship of Alcohol Consumption in Rats to Morphine and Codeine intake and the Metabolism of Dopamine, Hsiu Fen Liu
The Relationship of Central Venous Pressure to Hemorrhage in Open Heart Surgery, Mable Reynolds
The Relationship of Instructions During Labor and Relaxation, Frances Josephine Hume Lopez
The Relationship of the Bucco-Lingual Position of the Mandibular First Molar to Occlusion and Arch Stability, Lothar M. Guttschuss
The Relationship of the Incisive Canal to Maxillary Median Diastema, Jeffery S. Corbett
The Relationship of Tooth Size and Arch Form to Arch Depth, Harold C. Avila
The Relationship of Vitamins B-6 and B-12 to Plasma Homocysteine Levels in Men at Low- and High-risk for Coronary Heart Disease, Marlene E. Swift
The Response of Gingival Tissues to Alterations in pH, Robert C. Jann
The Role of BRN-3.2 in Retinal Ganglion Cell Differentiation, Jerin Marie Wright
The Role of Diet and Physical Activity for Ovarian Cancer Results from the Adventist Health Study, Fatemeh Kiani
The Role of Exercise and Nutrition in the Rehabilitation of the Geriatric, Robert R. Ladd
The Role of T Cells in the Pathogenesis of Periapical Lesions, John B. Wallstrom
The Role of the Articular Eminence in Mandibular Protrusion, Norman E. Corbett
The Role of the Filifactor alocis Hypothetical Protein FA519 in Oxidative Stress Resistance, Ezinne Rebecca Aja
The Role of the Salivary Glands in Uptake of Fluoride in Teeth and Bone, Robin E. Vance
The Rotations of Maxillary Molars, Mandibular Molars, and Maxillary First Premolars in Acceptable Occlusions, G. Kristian Hansen
The Stability of Expanded Mandibular Canines, Premolars, and Molars Concomitant with Rapid Midpalatal Expansion, Ralph S. Kurti
The Theoretical Distribution of Forces in the Rigid Component of the Buccal Arch Positioner, Dennis H. Teruya
The Transfer of Hydrogen in the Reduction of Progesterone, William H. Kersey
The Ultraviolet Induction Properties of Artificially Lysogenized Strains of Salmonella Potsdam, Roy E. Olson
The Use of Corrected Occlusal X-Ray for Determination of ALD : A Comparative Study, Merlin D. Ekvall
The Use of Dura Mater as a Meniscus Replacement in TMJ Surgery, Kim J. DiPasquale
The Zinc Status of Pregnant Vegetarian Women, Michelle J. Abu-Assal
Third Molar Eruption Prediction, Michael L. Jacobsen
Third Molar Eruption Prediction: A Simplified Method, Lawrence E. McEwen
Thymic Peptide Modulates Glutathione Redox Cycle and Antioxidant Enzymes in Macrophages, Choon Sil Park
Topographic Development of the Corticocollicular Projection in the Neonatal Rat, F. Allen Richburg II
Toward a Seventh-day Adventist Theology of Health, Hedrick J. Edwards
Toxicity of Root Canal Filling Materials on Hela Cells and Fibroblasts, Eldon P. Carman
Training Program to Improve Estimation of Patients' Periodontal Pain Experience, Yoon Jeong Kim
Transforming Growth Factor-Beta 1 Expression in Developing Ovine Teeth as Visualized by In Situ Hybridization, Søren Jepsen
Treatment Effects of the Edgewise Bioprogressive Herbst Appliance, Bernard C. Chang
Treatment of Periodontal Furcation Defects, Michael Martin and Bernard Gantes
Treatment of Persistent Open-Bite Malocclusions with Interarch Elastic Fixation, Kent L. Phillips
Treatment Outcome of Root Perforations Repaired with Mineral Trioxide Aggregate, Stephen H. Paik
Ultrasonic Removal of Bacteria from Plated Cells, Cecilia Chi-Pei Kao
Ultrasonic Versus Hand Filing of the Human Root Canal System, Howard W. Scholz Jr.
Ultrastructural Study of Wound Healing on a Root Planed and Citric Acid Treated Root Surface, Craig Martin Ririe
Using a Computer Model to Study the Force Distribution on the Root of the Maxillary Central Incisor, E. Jan Davidian
Using a Participating Relationship to Improve Teen-Age Unwed Mother's Self-Esteem, Linda Gail Reeves
Using Cone Beam Computed Tomography to Identify a Prediction Model for Obstructive Sleep Apnea, Jodi Parker
Using The Theory of Planned Behavior to Understand Student Compliance to Tobacco-Free Policies in California Universities, Harit Agroia
Validation of a Serotonin Checklist in a Parkinson’s Disease Population, Kelly Diane Darby-Holder
Validation of a Serotonin Depletion Checklist in Parkinson’s Disease, Kelly Diane Darby Holder
Variability in Selecting Lateral Cephalometric Landmarks in Two CBCT Image Modes, Dana Nguyen
Various Presentation Styles for Informing Parents about Pediatric Dental Procedures, Tracy Dean Walker
Veneer Failure on Preveneered Primary Posterior Stainless Steel Crowns, Matthew H. Gustafsson
Verrucous Carcinoma of the Oral Cavity, Lane C. Thomsen
Viability of Dentin in Rats Incisors : Fluid Movement in Pulpless, Endodontically Treated, and Normal Teeth in Rats, Maria Luisa Canales
Vital Pulp Therapy with Mineral Trioxide Aggregate: An Outcomes Study, Heather H. Lauer
Volume 30, Number 06, College of Medical Evangelists
"We Are The Remnant": A Historical, Biblical, and Theological Analysis of Seventh-day Adventist Ecclesiological Self-Understanding, Stephan Paul Mitchell
Work of Fracture in Ceramic Bracket Bonding Systems, Tye A. Roylance
Xeroradiography & Conventional Radiography : Comparative Imaging of the Temporomandibular Joint, Nelson R. Gatov